Oh - I love giving this a try!
Handcoding is somehow faster, indeed. Assumed you’d set a background color, such as …
.not-sure-how-to-name-this-class-yet {
background-color: #bada55
this is certainly quicker typed as seeking for color-wheel somewhere in the interface.
But why do apps like PG exist?
One thing I recently stumbled upon is, that there is a huge difference between production-code and prototyping. While the first is to be seen in terms of quality, the latter doesn’t mind much about class-names or the like. This reminded me on the outstanding advantages of Pinegrow simply creating atoms, molecules, organisms whatever - even in “inline-styles” turning them in robust code later. This saves me even apps especially created for this - I’m creating code, visually supported code to be pedant.
An actual use case of Pinegrow is getting a head around CSS Grid. I’d win any bet being faster in PG than in any other dev surrounding - promised.
Although I mentioned it earlier in some threads that Pinegrow makes Prototyping apps (XD or Sketch or the like) nearby redundant - this idea is certainly not coming from me. The entire article is by Jeremy Keith (this guy is awesome btw.) and can be found here:
Perhaps he’s doing us the favour once being in the house.