Nutrition Facts about Almonds

10 Nutty Facts About Almonds

There’s so many diet trends out there that it can be hard to know which way to look. What do we do? We blow your mind with stunning facts, that’s what… Here’s some fantastic nutrition facts about almonds!

1. Almonds grow under very specific conditions.

Almonds are only grown when it’s hot in the summer…and cold in the winter.

2. Without bees, we’d have no almonds.

They can only become pollinated with the help of bees.

In fact, they’re so reliant on them that growers can end up paying to rent swarms of bees. This will typically be the largest overhead almond farmers have to pay for.

3. The bee-almond connection is a precarious relationship.

The problem with this is that bees only work when it’s hot in the middle of the day.
And if there’s a drop of rain or a touch of frost overnight, they’ll always phone in sick…

a small bowl of almonds

4. Ever seen a green almond?

Green almonds can be picked early and pickled.

Just because it might not be to your taste doesn’t mean it’s not a delicacy in other parts of the world!

5. Some almonds are like gold dust.

Nonpareil almonds are the most expensive and sought after variety.

6. Almonds are thought to have plenty of health benefits.

Studies have linked almonds to improved heart health and diabetes management.

7. And that’s not all.

They’re also thought to contain a unique blend of healthy fats that can promote weight loss.

8. They’re great for low-carb diets.

Eating almonds can slow the absorption of sugars and carbs.

9. But why might that be important?

This can smooth out the energy highs and lows you get from drinking fizzy drinks and eating sugary snacks.

close up photo of almonds

10. Here’s when you should be eating almonds.

The ideal time to eat almonds to regulate your blood sugar is mid-morning.

FAQs about Almonds

Should you ever eat raw almonds?

Ideally not, as raw almonds can carry trace levels of cyanide - eat them roasted and ready to consume!

Does eating almonds every day improve your health?

Eating almonds regularly could help to promote good heart health, weight loss, and potentially even stave off Alzheimer’s Disease.

Is there anyone who should avoid almonds?

Generally, people who should avoid almonds include the very young or the elderly - they are considered a choking risk.

Do you know any interesting facts about almond nutrition?  Share them in the comments below!

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This page was last modified on August 4, 2024. Suggest an edit