
Pocket Broomball

The world's first Broomball video game with 100+ real world teams!
Újdonságok a(z) 6.0.0. verzióban
- New team in Ontario League: Mildmay Moose
- Power and speed can now be modified
The coolest winter sport has finally come to your phone!

Win the Championship and unlock all the 100+ real-world teams of the following leagues:
- North American Broomball League
- Maritime Broomball Association
- Penrith Broombal competition
- Ontario League
- Italian Broomball League
- Swiss Broomball Association A + B
- International Women League
- International League

If you want to add your team to the game, send me a mail at info@simondalvai.org

🧹 100+ real-world teams
🌈 20+ different styled balls to collect
📡 Offline game
📺 No ads
💸 No In-App purchases
🕵️‍♀️ No user tracking
🛑 No permissions needed
📖 Open Source on https://github.com/dulvui/pocket-broomall
👨‍💻 Created with Godot Engine 3

AntiFeature: Not all assets of this game are free
The team logos were sent to me directly by the teams themselves, granting me authorization to use them. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that no explicit license has been issued for these logos, and at the time of creating the game, I was unaware of the implications of not inquiring about their licensing status. As a result, all rights to the logos belong to the respective teams.
If you want to use these logos, please contact me or the teams directly.

Made with love by Simon Dalvai

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