Bahraini dinar in Ghanian Cedi (Conversion Calculator)
The Bahraini dinar is currently stronger than the Ghanian Cedi. It's exchange rate is about 39.34 GHS for today, January 13, 2025 (39.344867239246 if to be more precise).
BHD | GHS | |
1 Bahraini dinar | = | GH₵39.34 |
100 Bahraini dinar | = | GH₵3,934.49 |
1000 Bahraini dinar | = | GH₵39,344.87 |
Use our handy online currency calculator to figure out the equivalent in Ghanian Cedi of the amount in Bahraini dinar that you wish to exchange.
Currency converter
Website Ex-Rate rounds to the integer, that's why you won't see the impossible results like a long number of kopecks. The rate is updated automatically several times per 24 hours.
BHD/GHS Historical Data for 3 Months
Time Frame: Weekly
Week | High | Low | Change |
10/14/2024 - 10/20/2024 | 42.642643598579 | 42.310034088045 | 0.44% |
10/21/2024 - 10/27/2024 | 42.743869520789 | 42.499633905643 | 0.57% |
10/28/2024 - 11/03/2024 | 43.379400184657 | 42.743869520789 | 1.13% |
11/04/2024 - 11/10/2024 | 43.519347733786 | 43.228442201435 | 0.64% |
11/11/2024 - 11/17/2024 | 43.504723151088 | 42.561700454758 | -2.17% |
11/18/2024 - 11/24/2024 | 42.557865613068 | 41.920476440708 | -1.50% |
11/25/2024 - 12/01/2024 | 42.153847796151 | 40.718187423262 | -3.41% |
12/02/2024 - 12/08/2024 | 40.717657356527 | 39.399141437323 | -3.08% |
12/09/2024 - 12/15/2024 | 39.380759508444 | 38.956576219261 | -1.06% |
12/16/2024 - 12/22/2024 | 39.444034087894 | 38.872738315625 | 0.01% |
12/23/2024 - 12/29/2024 | 39.025941620085 | 38.905784672645 | 0.17% |
12/30/2024 - 01/05/2025 | 39.219137710128 | 38.955240994715 | 0.00% |
01/06/2025 - 01/12/2025 | 39.344867239246 | 38.987735383538 | 0.90% |