
22 Pins
Is Bamboo Sustainable? All you Need to Know About Bamboo
"All About Bamboo and Sustainability"- As far as renewable, sustainable resources go, bamboo is an industry favorite. Perhaps what makes it special is its speedy growth. A species of this wonder plant in the United Kingdom holds the Guinness world record for the fastest growing plant. Bamboo sustainability is not without question, regardless of... #trvst #inspiration #bamboo #sustainable #sustainability #ecofriendly #renewable #eco #bamboo #plant #sustainableliving #ecobamboo #greenliving
Bamboo Trees
Bamboo trees can absorb as much as 12 tonnes of carbon dioxide per hectare per year. Another reason why trees are so important for our planet! Learn more about the importance of planting trees.
How to Make $80,000 a Year With a Bamboo Nursery – Profitable Plants
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Bamboo Farming Business | Bamboo Cultivation | Baas Ki Kheti Jankari
Above is just a few of the countless advantages of using bamboo over other hard woods. Some bamboo can grow as much as 4 feet per day!