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[ House of the Sun ] Ancient Egyptian Amulets: The Ankh
[ House of the Sun ] Ancient Egyptian Amulets: The Ankh - Tap to see the complete Amulet Series!
[ House of the Sun ] Ancient Egyptian Amulets: The Two Fingers
TAP TO READ THE POST - [ House of the Sun ] Ancient Egyptian Amulets: The Two Fingers
🪕’The Musician Trio’🪕 The Theban Tomb TT52, serves as the burial place of Nakht, an ancient Egyptian scribe and astronomer of Amun who lived during the Eighteenth Dynasty. Among many beautifully drawn paintings in this tomb, many of which are very well known, one stands out as the most famous depiction of ancient Egyptians. It shows the Beautiful Festival of the Valley, and the most iconic elements are the three musician girls, consisting of a harpist, a lute player, and a flutist. Swipe...
Milky Rozen (@milkyrozen) • Instagram photos and videos
💛 Meaning of Yellow in Ancient Egyptian Art 💛
[ House of the Sun ] Anubis and the meaning of Yellow in ancient Egyptian art by Milky Rozen
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