Repurpose Old JeansVestiti In JeansDiy TiktokClothes MakeoverDiy VetementDenim CraftsJeans DiyOld JeansDiy Sewing ClothesRepurpose Old JeansTurning jeans into a skirt. I love upcycling9.1k
Diy Tank TopShirt MakeoverDiy Cut ShirtsCut Up ShirtsDiy TankTshirt MakeoverDiy Clothes RefashionAfrikaanse ModeDiy VetementDiy Tank TopT-shirt refashion- Sew side seams then cut holes on "shirt side" & thread ribbon.7.7k
Custom Diy ClothesEmo Embroidery IdeasDiy Goth PantsGrunge Sewing ProjectsDiy Punk Clothes IdeasPunk Sewing ProjectsDiy Punk PantsGoth Sewing IdeasAlt Pants DiyCustom Diy Clothes6.3k
Repurposing ClothingTshirt Tote BagT Shirt Foldingخريطة ذهنيةMake A TieUpcycling ClothesUpcycle Clothes DiyDiy ToteSummer Tote BagsEasy Sew T-shirt Tote Bag - 100 DirectionsYou can make a tote bag in literal minutes with just your sewing machine and a t-shirt. This Easy Sew T-shirt Tote bag is one of our favorite quick crafts. You can use any t-shirt,17.1k
Clothes ModificationPunk Outfits DiyClothing ModificationsPunk Clothing DiyGhostly FashionDiy Alt Clothing IdeasSubversive Fashion DiyHomemade FashionDiy Fairycore ClothesClothes Modification31.5k
Cool Diy Clothing IdeasDiy Clothes Design MenSewing On Clothes IdeasDiy Fashion MenIdeas For Designing ClothesGoth T Shirt DiyMens Diy ClothesHow To Wear PinsPunk T Shirt DiySafety Pin WingsSafety Pin Wings: This is the design that my friends like the most out of my safety pin jackets, and a few people have told me they'd like an instructable on how to make them. So here we go! A more general set of instructions for a safety pin jacket is available here.16.6k
Diy Goth ClothesCut Tshirt DiyCut Up T ShirtCut Shirt DesignsDiy SkullsShirt MakeoverDiy Cut ShirtsCutout ShirtsCut Up ShirtsEasy Halloween Skull Shirt-Costume-id#363597- by Budget101.comTake a Black marker and make "dots" to create a skull face, you'll need to make 2 eyesockets, a nose (2 sockets) and teeth. Once you've dotted the design3k
Buttons On Clothes IdeasHomemade Graphic TeesAdding Buttons To ClothesButton Diy ClothesEmo Sewing PatternsPatch Inspo PunkReworking Old ClothesClothing Modification DiyUpcycled Clothes IdeasButtons On Clothes Ideas21.6k
Embroidery On LeggingsSpiderweb Embroidery StitchEmbroidery On HolesHand Embroidery Jeans DiyEmbroidery Spider WebSpider Embroidery DesignSpiderweb JeansEmbroidery UpcycleSpider Web Embroidery DesignHow to mend a hole - 20+ creative inspiration & tutorials - Swoodson SaysCheck out this curated list of creative ways to mend a hole! Lots of visible mending ideas for saving clothes from the landfill.11.8k
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