
72 Pins
I Ran 5 Miles A Day For A Month. Here's What Happened
Is it a good idea to run 5 miles a day? Or will it leave you chronically injured doing nothing for your weight loss or fitness? Find out more...
Run 2 Miles A Day For A Month
Running 2 miles a day transformation - find out what running 2 miles a day does to your health and fitness.
How To Run 5k In 18 Minutes (+ 6 Week Training Plan)
In this post, coach Cathal Logue shares his 4 main training tips for running a sub 18-minute 5k, and a 6 week training plan to achieve it! Therefore, if the goal is to break 18 minutes for the 5k, then you need to run quicker than 5.46/mile and 3.36/km.
How Running Changes You
If you're thinking about taking up running and want to know how running changes your body shape - read on. Most of it's good and you'll feel terrific.
How to Run Without Getting Tired
Whether you're a beginner runner or are trying to increase your distance, getting tired or out of breath is the number one thing that can mess with your progress - so how do you stop it? We asked the experts and found out how to fight all the different types of fatigue that runners can experience - from getting out of puff to falling out of love with running. Click to read it now, or save it to your running tips board for your next rest day
Long Runs for a 3:50 Marathon
Achieve a 3:50 marathon finish with effective long runs as part of your training! Use our detailed marathon pace chart and structured marathon training schedule to plan your long-distance workouts. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced runner, our marathon training plan offers essential tips and motivation to help you complete your long runs and reach your 3:50 marathon goal.
Running 5 Miles A Day: Here Are The Benefits And How To Get Started
Find out what happened when I ran 5 miles a day for a month. Get running tips and find out how to build to running 5 miles a day if you're running for beginners. Running everyday doesn't suit everyone - learn about the benefits and pitfalls of this running plan for beginners.
How Much Should I Run According To BMI?
How much should I run according to BMI? Get the answers to your questions: How does running help with weight loss? How much weight can you lose running? How far should you run every day?