
Japanese Temple Mathematics - Sangakus form an ancient link between art and mathematics. Geometrical images, abundantly decorated on wooden tablets, representing a mathematical theorem or relationship.
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The sangaku above was hung in 1800 in the Mizuho Shrine in the town of Shimotakaigum. The third problem from the right in translation and modern notation reads as follows [Sacred Mathematics, p. 146]: A trapezoid has lower side b, upper side a, and height h. Divide the area of the trapezoid into n small trapezoids of equal area. Call the lowest side of the smallest trapezoid k. Find n in terms of a, b and k.
Mathematical Treasure: Japanese Temple Mathematics
Hojiroya Shōeman hung this sangaku at the Sugrawara Tenman shrine of Ueno City in 1854.
Sangaku from Io shrine, Osaka prefecture, year 1846, size 182x60cm
Sangaku at Katayamahiko Shrine
最新ニュース - 岐阜県養老町の歴史文化資源
Sangakus, las matemáticas sagradas de los samuráis
Sangakus, las matemáticas sagradas de los samuráis - Historias de la Historia
Bridging the Gap Between Math and Art [Slide Show]
"Klein Sangaku," by Jean Constant. (Sangaku were geometry problem offerings at Japanese shrines.) "In a square PQRS, there are 2 circles touching SP & the incircle of the square, where 1 touches PQ and the other touches RS. Let A be the point of tangency of QR and the incircle & let the tangents of the 2 small circles through A intersect the segment SP at B & C. Given the inradius of the square, find the inradius of the circle in the triangle ABC." Solution at link