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Jokes Joe Jokes-01spanish are jokes in English, French, Spanish, German and Slovak languages.
Jokes Joe Jokes-01spanish offer the instruction and entertainment.

Blagues JoeJokes-01spanish sont blagues en langues anglais, francais, allemande, espanol et slovaque. Blagues JoeJokes-01spanish offrent reisegnement et amusement.

Bromes JoeJokes-01spanish son bromas en lenguas inglés, francés, español, alemán y eslovaco. Bromas JoeJokes-01spanish ofrecen una instrucción y una diversión.

Witze JoeJokes-01spanish sind Witze in englische-, französische-, spanische-, deutsche- und slowakische Sprachen. Witze JoeJokes-01spanish bieten eine Belehrung und eine Unterhaltung.

Vtipy JoeJokes-01spanish sú vtipy v anglickom, francúzskom, španielskom, nemeckom a slovenskom jazyku. Vtipy JoeJokes-01spanish ponúkajú poučenie a zábavu.

This part consists of:

Chapter 1 - I.Business
Chapter 2 - II.School
Chapter 3 - III.Religion
Chapter 4 -IV.Doctors
Chapter 5 - V.Marriage
Chapter 6 - VI.Lords
Chapter 7 - VII.Teachers
Chapter 8 - VIII.Trafic
Chapter 9 - IX.Sport
Chapter 10 - X.Art
EditorialJoseph KOVACH
Fecha de lanzamiento6 jul 2011

Joseph Kovach

As a teacher I have taught pupils in Bratislava and in Judenburg. I have taught English, German and French. I was on business in England and in Scotland, that is in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow, Luton, Lowestoft. There I knew people from Africa, Asia. I was working with people from Nigeria, South Africa, Iran, Malawi, Pakistan, India. Then I was on business in Austria and Germany. As a tourist guide I was in Paris, Roma and Vienna. By these journeys through Europe I have found that world languages have a common base and they can be learned easy. I have thought up easy method how to learn languages by help of jokes. I wish you pleasant time by studying foreign languages and I hope that JoeJokes will be your good helper by it.

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    JoeJokes-01spanish - Joseph Kovach

    Joseph Kovach


    Joe Jokes – 01spanish


    English - French – Spanish – German – Slovak Jokes

    Author: Joseph Kovach

    Copyright: JoeConsulting 2001 - 2014

    ISBN 978 - 80 – 970 - 416 - 0 - 1

    Date of issue: April 2014

    Correction: Aspena & JoeConsulting

    License Notes:

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be

    re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with

    another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it

    with. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased

    for your use only, then please return it to vendor and purchase your own

    copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    Jokes play an important role in a life of man. They help especially with a learning of foreign languages. Their task is to teach, instruct and entertain.

    The man who has a sense of humor is more successful, and can communicate better with other people. Humor is connected with a smile and the smile with a happiness. One says, not in vain, that each smile of a man prolongs his life by an half an hour.

    I wish the readers of these jokes they would prolong their life as much as possible.

    The recommended method:

    Student reads and understands joke in language which he knows and he says it by heart. Then he reads and understands the joke in language which he wants to know and he says it by heart. Then he repeats this method five times. With this method the student can learn any language.



    Chapter 1 - I.Business

    Chapter 2 - II.School

    Chapter 3 - III.Religion

    Chapter 4 - IV.Doctors 

    Chapter 5 - V.Marriage

    Chapter 6 - VI.Lords

    Chapter 7 - VII.Teachers

    Chapter 8 - VIII.Trafic

    Chapter 9 - IX.Sport

    Chapter 10 - X.Art



    A bank clerk:

     Why do  Slovaks prefer to drink money away, instead of giving them into a bank?


    Because in the bank they receive only ten percent interest and in the pub forty percent strong gin!


    Un officier de la banque:

     « Pourquoi les Slovaques aiment boire leur argent, au lieu de le placer à la banque? »


    « Perce qu'à la banque, ils ne gagnaient que dix pour cent de taux et à la pub quarante pour cent du genièvre! »


    Un empleado del banco:

    ¿Por qué los eslovacos se beben mejor el dinero que depositarlo  en el banco?


    ¡Porque en el banco  reciben sólo el diez por ciento de interés y en el bar el cuarenta por ciento de la ginebra!


    Ein Bankier:

    Warum vertrinken Slowaken lieber das Geld, statt es in die Bank zu legen?


    „Weil sie in der Bank nur 10-prozentiger Zins und in der Kneipe 40-prozentige Wacholder bekommen!"



    Prečo Slováci radšej peniaze prepijú, namiesto toho, aby si ich uložili do banky?


     „Lebo v banke dostanú len desaťpercentný úrok a v krčme štyridsaťpercentnú borovičku!"



    01. Who is speaking with whom?

    02. What do Slovaks prefer?


    01. Qui parle avec qui?

    02. Que préférent les Slovaques?


    01. ¿Quién conversa con quién?

    02. ¿A qué dan preferencia los eslovacos?


    01. Wer spricht mit wem?

    02. Was bevorzugen Slowaken?


    01. Kto sa rozpráva s kým?

    02. Čo uprednostňujú Slováci?


    Tell me, what field of business are you in?

    I do business in the field of an active unemployment.

    What does it that mean?

    Every week I regularly go for all available social benefits.


    « Dites-moi, dans quel domaine entrepreneuse agirez vous? »

    « Je fais commerce dans le domaine du chômage actif. »

    « Qu'est-ce que cela signifie concrètement? »

    « Chaque mois, je vais pour toutes aides sociales accessibles. »


    Revéleme, ¿en cuál esfera empresarial usted opera?

    Hago el negocio en la esfera del desempleo activo.

    ¿Qué significa eso concretamente ?

    Cada mes voy regularmente para todos los beneficios sociales accesibles.


    Verraten Sie mir, in welchem unternehmerischen Bereich Sie wirken?

    Ich unternehme im Bereich der aktiven Arbeitslosigkeit.

    Was heißt das konkret?       

    Monatlich gehe ich regelmäßig für alle zugänglichen Sozialhilfen.


    Prezraďte mi, v akej podnikateľskej sfére pôsobíte?

    Podnikám v oblasti aktívnej nezamestnanosti.

    Čo to konkrétne znamená?

    Každý mesiac si pravidelne chodím pre všetky dostupné sociálne dávky.



    01. Which field is the businessman in?

    02. What does the businessman do?


    01. Dans quel domaine l’enterpreneur fait commerce?

    02. Qu’est-ce que l’enterpreneur fait?


    01. ¿En cuál esfera el empresario hace negocios?

    02. ¿Qué hace el empresario?


    01. In welchem Bereich unternimmt der Geschäftsmann?

    02. Was macht der Geschäftsmann?


    01. V akej oblasti podniká podnikateľ?

    02. Čo podnikateľ robí?


    A boss of the firm calls a cashier: 

    Ten thousand dollars is missing from the safe from which only you and I have the key.

    The cashier:

    Boss, let's make a fair deal. Each of us will put five thousand in the safe and won't speak any more about it.


    Un chef de la firme appele un caissier:

    « Il manque dix mille dollars dans le trésor, dont vous et moi sommes les seuls à avoir la clé. »

    Le caissier:

    « Chef, mettons nous d'accord. Chaque de nous met cinq mille dollars dans le trésor et n’en parlons pas plus. »


    Un jefe de la empresa llama a un cajero:

    Faltan diez mil dólares de la caja de caudales de la que tenemos la llave solo usted e yo.

    El cajero:

    Jefe, hablemos como amigos. Cada uno  de nosotros deposita cinco mil en la caja de caudales y no se hable más del asunto.


    Ein Firmenchef ruft den Kassierer:

    „Vom Tresor, vom nur Sie und ich den Schlüssel haben, fehlen zehntausend Dollar."

    Der Kassierer:

    „Boss, reden wir gütlich ab. Jeder gibt fünftausend in den Tresor und wir sprechen nicht mehr darüber."


    Šéf firmy si zavolá pokladníka:

    „Z trezoru, od ktorého máme kľúče len vy a ja, chýba desaťtisíc dolárov."


    „Šéfe, dohovoríme sa po dobrom. Každý dá do trezoru po päťtisíc a viac o tom už nehovorme."



    01. Who does the boss of the firm call?

    02. Why is 10 000 USD missing from the safe?


    01. Qui le chef de la firme appelle-t-il?

    02. Pourquoi manque-t-il 10 000 USD dans le trésor?


    01. ¿A quién llama el jefe de la empresa?

    02. ¿Por qué faltan 10 000 USD en la caja de caudales?


    01. Wen ruft der Firmenchef?

    02. Warum fehlen 10 000 USD im Tresor?


    01. Koho si zavolá šéf firmy?

    02. Prečo chýba 10 000 USD z trezoru?


    A boss rebukes his subordinate:

     How come that you didn't come to the work yesterday?

    You are wrong, I came here but nobody was here yet!


    Un chef

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