12 results sorted by ID
Possible spell-corrected query: tpm
Cryptanalysis of Two New Instances of TTM Cryptosystem
Xuyun Nie, Xin Jiang, Lei Hu, Jintai Ding
Public-key cryptography
In 2006, Nie et al proposed an attack to break an instance of TTM
cryptosystems. However, the inventor of TTM disputed this attack and
he proposed two new instances of TTM to support his viewpoint. At
this time, he did not give the detail of key construction
--- the construction of the lock polynomials in these instances
which would be used in decryption. The two instances are claimed to
achieve a security of $2^{109}$ against Nie et al attack. In this
paper, we show that these instances are...
Two New Examples of TTM
T. Moh
Public-key cryptography
We will review the past history of the attacks and defenses of TTM. The main tool of the past attacks is
linear algebra, while the defenses rely on algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. It is hard for
attackers to completely succeed against the formidable castle of modern mathematics. It is out of the common
sense that problems of algebraic geometry can always be solved by linear algebra. It repeatly happens that the
attackers find some points which could be exploited by linear...
The Recent Attack of Nie et al On TTM is Faulty
T. Moh
Recently there is a paper entitled "{\it Breaking a New Instance of TTM Cryptosystem}" by Xuyun Nie, Lei
Hu, Jianyu Li, Crystal Updegrove and Jintai Ding [1] claiming a successive attack on the scheme
of TTM presented in [3]. In the present article, we will show that their claim is a
{\bf misunderstanding}.
Building Instances of TTM Immune to the Goubin-Courtois Attack and the Ding-Schmidt Attack
T. Moh, J. M. Chen, Boyin Yang
We think that there are two main attacks on TTM cryptosystem; the
Goubin-Courtois attack ([6]) and the Ding-Schmidt attack
([5]). The paper of Goubin-Courtois is not clearly written.
Their arguments (with many gaps) depend on an parameter $r$ which
is never defined. It is nature to take their parameter $r$ to
be the index $s$ used in our "lock polynomials" (see section 1).
Later on Courtois implies otherwise in his website. In their paper
([6]) or in his website, Courtois simply declares...
A More Secure and Efficacious TTS Signature Scheme
Jiun-Ming Chen, Bo-Yin Yang
Public-key cryptography
In 2002 the new genre of digital signature scheme TTS (Tame Transformation Signatures) is introduced along with a sample scheme TTS/2. TTS is from the family of multivariate cryptographic schemes to which the NESSIE primitive {SFLASH} also belongs. It is a realization of Moh's theory for digital signatures, based on Tame Transformations or Tame Maps. Properties of multivariate cryptosystems are determined mainly by their central maps. TTS uses Tame Maps as their central portion for even...
A defect of the implementation schemes of the TTM cryptosystem
Jintai Ding, Dieter Schmidt
Public-key cryptography
We show all the existing TTM implementation schemes have a defect that there exist linearization equations
\sum_{i=1,j=1}^{n,m} a_{ij}x_iy_j(x_1,\dots,x_{n})+ \sum_{i=1}^{n} b_ix_i+\sum_{j=1}^{m} c_jy_j(x_1,\dots,x_{n}) + d= 0,
which are satisfied by the components $y_i(x_1,\dots,x_n)$ of the ciphers of the TTM schemes. We further demonstrate that, for the case of the most recent two implementation schemes in two versions of the paper \cite{CM}, where the inventor of TTM used them to...
Cryptanalysis of an implementation scheme of the Tamed Transformation Method cryptosystem
Jintai Ding, Timonthy Hodges
Public-key cryptography
A Tamed Transformation Method (TTM) cryptosystem was proposed by T.T.Moh
in 1999. We describe how the first implementation scheme of the TTM system can be defeated. The computational complexity of our attack is $2^{33}$ computations on the finite field with $2^8$ elements.
Hidden Polynomial Cryptosystems
Ilia Toli
We propose public-key cryptosystems with public key a
system of polynomial equations, algebraic or differential, and
private key a single polynomial or a small-size ideal. We set up
probabilistic encryption, signature, and signcryption
On the Goubin-Courtois Attack on TTM
T. Moh, Jiun-Ming Chen
In the paper [1] published in ``Asiacrypt 2000", L. Goubin and N.T. Courtois
propose an attack on the TTM cryptosystem. In paper [1], they mispresent TTM
cryptosystem. Then they jump an attack from an example of TTM to the general
TTM cryptosystem. Finally they conclude:"There is very little hope that a secure
triangular system (Tame transformation system in our terminology) will ever be
proposed". This is serious challenge to many people working in the field.
In this paper, we will show...
Efficient Zero-knowledge Authentication Based on a Linear Algebra Problem MinRank
Nicolas T. Courtois
A Zero-knowledge protocol provides provably secure entity authentication based on a hard computational problem. Among many schemes proposed since 1984, the most practical rely on factoring and discrete log, but still they are practical schemes based on NP-hard problems.
Among them, the problem SD of decoding linear codes
is in spite of some 30 years of research effort, still exponential.
We study a more general problem called MinRank that generalizes SD and contains also other well known...
Public-key cryptography
We will show that the paper "Efficient Algorithm for solving over-
defined systems of multivariate polynomials equations" published
in Eurocrypt 2000 by N. Courtois, A. Shamir, J. Patarin and A.Klimov
ignors the intersection property at infinity of the system and the
program proposed by them can not achieve their desired results.
In fact, we produce very simple example to show that in some cases,
their program always fails.
Last updated: 2001-01-26
MinRank problem and Zero-knowledge authentication
Nicolas T. Courtois
Public-key cryptography
A zero-knowledge protocol provides provably secure authentication based on a computational problem.
Several such schemes have been proposed since 1984, and the most practical ones rely on
problems such as factoring that are unfortunately subexponential.
Still there are several other (practical) schemes based on NP-complete problems.
Among them, the problems of coding theory
are in spite of some 20 years of significant research effort, still exponential to solve.
The problem MinRank recently...
In 2006, Nie et al proposed an attack to break an instance of TTM cryptosystems. However, the inventor of TTM disputed this attack and he proposed two new instances of TTM to support his viewpoint. At this time, he did not give the detail of key construction --- the construction of the lock polynomials in these instances which would be used in decryption. The two instances are claimed to achieve a security of $2^{109}$ against Nie et al attack. In this paper, we show that these instances are...
We will review the past history of the attacks and defenses of TTM. The main tool of the past attacks is linear algebra, while the defenses rely on algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. It is hard for attackers to completely succeed against the formidable castle of modern mathematics. It is out of the common sense that problems of algebraic geometry can always be solved by linear algebra. It repeatly happens that the attackers find some points which could be exploited by linear...
Recently there is a paper entitled "{\it Breaking a New Instance of TTM Cryptosystem}" by Xuyun Nie, Lei Hu, Jianyu Li, Crystal Updegrove and Jintai Ding [1] claiming a successive attack on the scheme of TTM presented in [3]. In the present article, we will show that their claim is a {\bf misunderstanding}.
We think that there are two main attacks on TTM cryptosystem; the Goubin-Courtois attack ([6]) and the Ding-Schmidt attack ([5]). The paper of Goubin-Courtois is not clearly written. Their arguments (with many gaps) depend on an parameter $r$ which is never defined. It is nature to take their parameter $r$ to be the index $s$ used in our "lock polynomials" (see section 1). Later on Courtois implies otherwise in his website. In their paper ([6]) or in his website, Courtois simply declares...
In 2002 the new genre of digital signature scheme TTS (Tame Transformation Signatures) is introduced along with a sample scheme TTS/2. TTS is from the family of multivariate cryptographic schemes to which the NESSIE primitive {SFLASH} also belongs. It is a realization of Moh's theory for digital signatures, based on Tame Transformations or Tame Maps. Properties of multivariate cryptosystems are determined mainly by their central maps. TTS uses Tame Maps as their central portion for even...
We show all the existing TTM implementation schemes have a defect that there exist linearization equations $$ \sum_{i=1,j=1}^{n,m} a_{ij}x_iy_j(x_1,\dots,x_{n})+ \sum_{i=1}^{n} b_ix_i+\sum_{j=1}^{m} c_jy_j(x_1,\dots,x_{n}) + d= 0, $$ which are satisfied by the components $y_i(x_1,\dots,x_n)$ of the ciphers of the TTM schemes. We further demonstrate that, for the case of the most recent two implementation schemes in two versions of the paper \cite{CM}, where the inventor of TTM used them to...
A Tamed Transformation Method (TTM) cryptosystem was proposed by T.T.Moh in 1999. We describe how the first implementation scheme of the TTM system can be defeated. The computational complexity of our attack is $2^{33}$ computations on the finite field with $2^8$ elements.
We propose public-key cryptosystems with public key a system of polynomial equations, algebraic or differential, and private key a single polynomial or a small-size ideal. We set up probabilistic encryption, signature, and signcryption protocols.
In the paper [1] published in ``Asiacrypt 2000", L. Goubin and N.T. Courtois propose an attack on the TTM cryptosystem. In paper [1], they mispresent TTM cryptosystem. Then they jump an attack from an example of TTM to the general TTM cryptosystem. Finally they conclude:"There is very little hope that a secure triangular system (Tame transformation system in our terminology) will ever be proposed". This is serious challenge to many people working in the field. In this paper, we will show...
A Zero-knowledge protocol provides provably secure entity authentication based on a hard computational problem. Among many schemes proposed since 1984, the most practical rely on factoring and discrete log, but still they are practical schemes based on NP-hard problems. Among them, the problem SD of decoding linear codes is in spite of some 30 years of research effort, still exponential. We study a more general problem called MinRank that generalizes SD and contains also other well known...
We will show that the paper "Efficient Algorithm for solving over- defined systems of multivariate polynomials equations" published in Eurocrypt 2000 by N. Courtois, A. Shamir, J. Patarin and A.Klimov ignors the intersection property at infinity of the system and the program proposed by them can not achieve their desired results. In fact, we produce very simple example to show that in some cases, their program always fails.
A zero-knowledge protocol provides provably secure authentication based on a computational problem. Several such schemes have been proposed since 1984, and the most practical ones rely on problems such as factoring that are unfortunately subexponential. Still there are several other (practical) schemes based on NP-complete problems. Among them, the problems of coding theory are in spite of some 20 years of significant research effort, still exponential to solve. The problem MinRank recently...