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1700 results sorted by ID

2024/1569 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-05
The Supersingular Isogeny Path and Endomorphism Ring Problems: Unconditional Reductions
Maher Mamah

In this paper we study several computational problems related to current post-quantum cryptosystems based on isogenies between supersingular elliptic curves. In particular we prove that the supersingular isogeny path and endomorphism ring problems are unconditionally equivalent under polynomial time reductions. We show that access to a factoring oracle is sufficient to solve the Quaternion path problem of KLPT and prove that these problems are equivalent, where previous results either...

2024/1568 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-05
Oracle Separation Between Quantum Commitments and Quantum One-wayness
John Bostanci, Boyang Chen, Barak Nehoran

We show that there exists a unitary quantum oracle relative to which quantum commitments exist but no (efficiently verifiable) one-way state generators exist. Both have been widely considered candidates for replacing one-way functions as the minimal assumption for cryptography—the weakest cryptographic assumption implied by all of computational cryptography. Recent work has shown that commitments can be constructed from one-way state generators, but the other direction has remained open. Our...

2024/1567 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-04
A New World in the Depths of Microcrypt: Separating OWSGs and Quantum Money from QEFID
Amit Behera, Giulio Malavolta, Tomoyuki Morimae, Tamer Mour, Takashi Yamakawa

While in classical cryptography, one-way functions (OWFs) are widely regarded as the “minimal assumption,” the situation in quantum cryptography is less clear. Recent works have put forward two concurrent candidates for the minimal assumption in quantum cryptography: One-way state generators (OWSGs), postulating the existence of a hard search problem with an efficient verification algorithm, and EFI pairs, postulating the existence of a hard distinguishing problem. Two recent papers [Khurana...

2024/1564 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-04
A Simple Framework for Secure Key Leasing
Fuyuki Kitagawa, Tomoyuki Morimae, Takashi Yamakawa
Public-key cryptography

Secure key leasing (a.k.a. key-revocable cryptography) enables us to lease a cryptographic key as a quantum state in such a way that the key can be later revoked in a verifiable manner. We propose a simple framework for constructing cryptographic primitives with secure key leasing via the certified deletion property of BB84 states. Based on our framework, we obtain the following schemes. - A public key encryption scheme with secure key leasing that has classical revocation based on any...

2024/1563 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-04
Optimized One-Dimensional SQIsign Verification on Intel and Cortex-M4
Marius A. Aardal, Gora Adj, Arwa Alblooshi, Diego F. Aranha, Isaac A. Canales-Martínez, Jorge Chavez-Saab, Décio Luiz Gazzoni Filho, Krijn Reijnders, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez
Public-key cryptography

SQIsign is a well-known post-quantum signature scheme due to its small combined signature and public-key size. However, SQIsign suffers from notably long signing times, and verification times are not short either. To improve this, recent research has explored both one-dimensional and two-dimensional variants of SQIsign, each with distinct characteristics. In particular, SQIsign2D’s efficient signing and verification times have made it a focal point of recent research. However, the absence...

2024/1556 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-05
The module action for isogeny based cryptography
Damien Robert

We extend the usual ideal action on oriented elliptic curves to a (Hermitian) module action on oriented (polarised) abelian varieties. Oriented abelian varieties are naturally enriched in $R$-modules, and our module action comes from the canonical power object construction on categories enriched in a closed symmetric monoidal category. In particular our action is canonical and gives a fully fledged symmetric monoidal action. Furthermore, we give algorithms to compute this action in practice,...

2024/1550 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-03
MAYO Key Recovery by Fixing Vinegar Seeds
Sönke Jendral, Elena Dubrova
Attacks and cryptanalysis

As the industry prepares for the transition to post-quantum secure public key cryptographic algorithms, vulnerability analysis of their implementations is gaining importance. A theoretically secure cryptographic algorithm should also be able to withstand the challenges of physical attacks in real-world environments. MAYO is a candidate in the ongoing first round of the NIST post-quantum standardization process for selecting additional digital signature schemes. This paper demonstrates three...

2024/1539 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-02
Quantum Cryptography from Meta-Complexity
Taiga Hiroka, Tomoyuki Morimae

In classical cryptography, one-way functions (OWFs) are the minimal assumption, while recent active studies have demonstrated that OWFs are not necessarily the minimum assumption in quantum cryptography. Several new primitives have been introduced such as pseudorandom unitaries (PRUs), pseudorandom function-like state generators (PRFSGs), pseudorandom state generators (PRSGs), one-way state generators (OWSGs), one-way puzzles (OWPuzzs), and EFI pairs. They are believed to be weaker than...

2024/1536 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-01
Cryptographic Characterization of Quantum Advantage
Tomoyuki Morimae, Yuki Shirakawa, Takashi Yamakawa

Quantum computational advantage refers to an existence of computational tasks that are easy for quantum computing but hard for classical one. Unconditionally showing quantum advantage is beyond our current understanding of complexity theory, and therefore some computational assumptions are needed. Which complexity assumption is necessary and sufficient for quantum advantage? In this paper, we show that inefficient-verifier proofs of quantumness (IV-PoQ) exist if and only if...

2024/1522 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-27
Beware of Keccak: Practical Fault Attacks on SHA-3 to Compromise Kyber and Dilithium on ARM Cortex-M Devices
Yuxuan Wang, Jintong Yu, Shipei Qu, Xiaolin Zhang, Xiaowei Li, Chi Zhang, Dawu Gu
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Keccak acts as the hash algorithm and eXtendable-Output Function (XOF) specified in the NIST standard drafts for Kyber and Dilithium. The Keccak output is highly correlated with sensitive information. While in RSA and ECDSA, hash-like components are only used to process public information, such as the message. The importance and sensitivity of hash-like components like Keccak are much higher in Kyber and Dilithium than in traditional public-key cryptography. However, few works study Keccak...

2024/1519 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-27
Efficient theta-based algorithms for computing $(\ell, \ell)$-isogenies on Kummer surfaces for arbitrary odd $\ell$
Ryo Yoshizumi, Hiroshi Onuki, Ryo Ohashi, Momonari Kudo, Koji Nuida
Public-key cryptography

Isogeny-based cryptography is one of the candidates for post-quantum cryptography. Recently, many isogeny-based cryptosystems using isogenies between Kummer surfaces were proposed. Most of those cryptosystems use $(2,2)$-isogenies. However, to enhance the possibility of cryptosystems, higher degree isogenies, say $(\ell,\ell)$-isogenies for an odd $\ell$, is also crucial. For an odd $\ell$, the Lubicz-Robert gave a formula to compute $(\ell)^g$-isogenies in general dimension $g$. In this...

2024/1500 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-24
Hard Quantum Extrapolations in Quantum Cryptography
Luowen Qian, Justin Raizes, Mark Zhandry

Although one-way functions are well-established as the minimal primitive for classical cryptography, a minimal primitive for quantum cryptography is still unclear. Universal extrapolation, first considered by Impagliazzo and Levin (1990), is hard if and only if one-way functions exist. Towards better understanding minimal assumptions for quantum cryptography, we study the quantum analogues of the universal extrapolation task. Specifically, we put forth the classical$\rightarrow$quantum...

2024/1495 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-24
Lattice-Based Vulnerabilities in Lee Metric Post-Quantum Cryptosystems
Anna-Lena Horlemann, Karan Khathuria, Marc Newman, Amin Sakzad, Carlos Vela Cabello
Public-key cryptography

Post-quantum cryptography has gained attention due to the need for secure cryptographic systems in the face of quantum computing. Code-based and lattice-based cryptography are two promi- nent approaches, both heavily studied within the NIST standardization project. Code-based cryptography—most prominently exemplified by the McEliece cryptosystem—is based on the hardness of decoding random linear error-correcting codes. Despite the McEliece cryptosystem having been unbroken for several...

2024/1490 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-23
Founding Quantum Cryptography on Quantum Advantage, or, Towards Cryptography from $\#\mathsf{P}$-Hardness
Dakshita Khurana, Kabir Tomer

Recent oracle separations [Kretschmer, TQC'21, Kretschmer et. al., STOC'23] have raised the tantalizing possibility of building quantum cryptography from sources of hardness that persist even if the polynomial heirarchy collapses. We realize this possibility by building quantum bit commitments and secure computation from unrelativized, well-studied mathematical problems that are conjectured to be hard for $\mathsf{P}^{\#\mathsf{P}}$ -- such as approximating the permanents of complex gaussian...

2024/1487 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-24
The transition to post-quantum cryptography, metaphorically
Stefan-Lukas Gazdag, Sophia Grundner-Culemann
Cryptographic protocols

Are we there yet? Are we there yet? No, kids, the road to quantum-safety is long and sturdy. But let me tell you a story: Once upon a time, science discovered a great threat to Cryptography World: The scalable quantum computer! Nobody had ever seen one, but everyone understood it would break the mechanisms used to secure Internet communication since times of yore (or the late 20th century, anyway). The greatest minds from all corners of the land were gathered to invent, implement, and...

2024/1475 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-20
On the Spinor Genus and the Distinguishing Lattice Isomorphism Problem
Cong Ling, Jingbo Liu, Andrew Mendelsohn

This paper addresses the spinor genus, a previously unrecognized classification of quadratic forms in the context of cryptography, related to the lattice isomorphism problem (LIP). The spinor genus lies between the genus and equivalence class, thus refining the concept of genus. We present algorithms to determine whether two quadratic forms belong to the same spinor genus. If they do not, it provides a negative answer to the distinguishing variant of LIP. However, these algorithms have very...

2024/1472 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-20
Isogeny-Based Secure Voting Systems for Large-Scale Elections
Mohammed El Baraka, Siham Ezzouak

This article presents an in-depth study of isogeny-based cryptographic methods for the development of secure and scalable electronic voting systems. We address critical challenges such as voter privacy, vote integrity, and resistance to quantum attacks. Our work introduces novel cryptographic protocols leveraging isogenies, establishing a robust framework for post-quantum secure electronic voting. We provide detailed mathematical foundations, protocol designs, and security proofs,...

2024/1468 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-19
Dense and smooth lattices in any genus
Wessel van Woerden
Attacks and cryptanalysis

The Lattice Isomorphism Problem (LIP) was recently introduced as a new hardness assumption for post-quantum cryptography. The strongest known efficiently computable invariant for LIP is the genus of a lattice. To instantiate LIP-based schemes one often requires the existence of a lattice that (1) lies in some fixed genus, and (2) has some good geometric properties such as a high packing density or small smoothness parameter. In this work we show that such lattices exist. In particular,...

2024/1439 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-14
Scabbard: An Exploratory Study on Hardware Aware Design Choices of Learning with Rounding-based Key Encapsulation Mechanisms
Suparna Kundu, Quinten Norga, Angshuman Karmakar, Shreya Gangopadhyay, Jose Maria Bermudo Mera, Ingrid Verbauwhede

Recently, the construction of cryptographic schemes based on hard lattice problems has gained immense popularity. Apart from being quantum resistant, lattice-based cryptography allows a wide range of variations in the underlying hard problem. As cryptographic schemes can work in different environments under different operational constraints such as memory footprint, silicon area, efficiency, power requirement, etc., such variations in the underlying hard problem are very useful for designers...

2024/1422 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-11
ZKFault: Fault attack analysis on zero-knowledge based post-quantum digital signature schemes
Puja Mondal, Supriya Adhikary, Suparna Kundu, Angshuman Karmakar
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Computationally hard problems based on coding theory, such as the syndrome decoding problem, have been used for constructing secure cryptographic schemes for a long time. Schemes based on these problems are also assumed to be secure against quantum computers. However, these schemes are often considered impractical for real-world deployment due to large key sizes and inefficient computation time. In the recent call for standardization of additional post-quantum digital signatures by the...

2024/1413 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-10
The Black-Box Simulation Barrier Persists in a Fully Quantum World
Nai-Hui Chia, Kai-Min Chung, Xiao Liang, Jiahui Liu

Zero-Knowledge (ZK) protocols have been a subject of intensive study due to their fundamental importance and versatility in modern cryptography. However, the inherently different nature of quantum information significantly alters the landscape, necessitating a re-examination of ZK designs. A crucial aspect of ZK protocols is their round complexity, intricately linked to $\textit{simulation}$, which forms the foundation of their formal definition and security proofs. In the...

2024/1404 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-09
$\Pi$-signHD: A New Structure for the SQIsign Family with Flexible Applicability
Kaizhan Lin, Weize Wang, Chang-An Zhao, Yunlei Zhao

Digital signature is a fundamental cryptographic primitive and is widely used in the real world. Unfortunately, the current digital signature standards like EC-DSA and RSA are not quantum-resistant. Among post-quantum cryptography (PQC), isogeny-based signatures preserve some advantages of elliptic curve cryptosystems, particularly offering small signature sizes. Currently, SQIsign and its variants are the most promising isogeny-based digital signature schemes. In this paper, we propose a...

2024/1392 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-05
Key Policy Attribute-Based Encryption Leveraging Isogeny-Based Cryptography
Madické Diadji Mbodj, Anis Bkakria
Public-key cryptography

We present the first Key Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (KP-ABE) scheme employing isogeny-based cryptography through class group actions, specifically utilizing the Csi-FiSh instantiation and pairing groups. We introduce a new assumption, denoted Isog-DLin, which combines the isogeny and DLin assumptions. We propose the following constructions: a small universe KP-ABE and a large universe KP-ABE under the Isog-DBDH assumption, and a small universe KP-ABE under the Isog-DLin assumption. In...

2024/1374 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-02
Lifting approach against the SNOVA scheme
Shuhei Nakamura, Yusuke Tani, Hiroki Furue
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In 2022, Wang et al. proposed the multivariate signature scheme SNOVA as a UOV variant over the non-commutative ring of $\ell \times \ell $ matrices over $\mathbb{F}_q$. This scheme has small public key and signature size and is a first round candidate of NIST PQC additional digital signature project. Recently, Ikematsu and Akiyama, and Li and Ding show that the core matrices of SNOVA with $v$ vinegar-variables and $o$ oil-variables are regarded as the representation matrices of UOV with...

2024/1367 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-30
A Better Kyber Butterfly for FPGAs
Jonas Bertels, Quinten Norga, Ingrid Verbauwhede

Kyber was selected by NIST as a Post-Quantum Cryptography Key Encapsulation Mechanism standard. This means that the industry now needs to transition and adopt these new standards. One of the most demanding operations in Kyber is the modular arithmetic, making it a suitable target for optimization. This work offers a novel modular reduction design with the lowest area on Xilinx FPGA platforms. This novel design, through K-reduction and LUT-based reduction, utilizes 49 LUTs and 1 DSP...

2024/1365 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-30
High-Throughput GPU Implementation of Dilithium Post-Quantum Digital Signature
Shiyu Shen, Hao Yang, Wangchen Dai, Hong Zhang, Zhe Liu, Yunlei Zhao

Digital signatures are fundamental building blocks in various protocols to provide integrity and authenticity. The development of the quantum computing has raised concerns about the security guarantees afforded by classical signature schemes. CRYSTALS-Dilithium is an efficient post-quantum digital signature scheme based on lattice cryptography and has been selected as the primary algorithm for standardization by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. In this work, we present a...

2024/1360 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-25
CPA-secure KEMs are also sufficient for Post-Quantum TLS 1.3
Biming Zhou, Haodong Jiang, Yunlei Zhao
Cryptographic protocols

In the post-quantum migration of TLS 1.3, an ephemeral Diffie-Hellman must be replaced with a post-quantum key encapsulation mechanism (KEM). At EUROCRYPT 2022, Huguenin-Dumittan and Vaudenay [EC:HugVau22] demonstrated that KEMs with standard CPA security are sufficient for the security of the TLS1.3 handshake. However, their result is only proven in the random oracle model (ROM), and as the authors comment, their reduction is very much non-tight and not sufficient to guarantee security in...

2024/1345 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-30
SoK: The Engineer’s Guide to Post-Quantum Cryptography for Embedded Devices
Maximilian Pursche, Nikolai Puch, Sebastian N. Peters, Michael P. Heinl

Embedded systems are flexible and cost-effective and thus have found a use case in almost every part of our daily lives. Due to their widespread use, they have also become valuable targets for cyber attacks. However, translating cutting-edge cyber security from servers and desktops to the embedded realm can be challenging due to the limited computational power and memory of embedded devices. Although quantum computing is still in early research and development, it threatens to break...

2024/1343 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-27
Generalized one-way function and its application
Hua-Lei Yin
Cryptographic protocols

One-way functions are fundamental to classical cryptography and their existence remains a longstanding problem in computational complexity theory. Recently, a provable quantum one-way function has been identified, which maintains its one-wayness even with unlimited computational resources. Here, we extend the mathematical definition of functions to construct a generalized one-way function by virtually measuring the qubit of provable quantum one-way function and randomly assigning the...

2024/1342 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-27
Unconditionally secure key distribution without quantum channel
Hua-Lei Yin
Cryptographic protocols

Key distribution plays a fundamental role in cryptography. Currently, the quantum scheme stands as the only known method for achieving unconditionally secure key distribution. This method has been demonstrated over distances of 508 and 1002 kilometers in the measurement-device-independent and twin-field configurations, respectively. However, quantum key distribution faces transmission distance issues and numerous side channel attacks since the basic physical picture requires the use of...

2024/1306 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-21
Scloud+: a Lightweight LWE-based KEM without Ring/Module Structure
Anyu Wang, Zhongxiang Zheng, Chunhuan Zhao, Zhiyuan Qiu, Guang Zeng, Xiaoyun Wang
Public-key cryptography

We propose Scloud+, a lattice-based key encapsulation mechanism (KEM) scheme. The design of Scloud+ is informed by the following two aspects. Firstly, Scloud+ is based on the hardness of algebraic-structure-free lattice problems, which avoids potential attacks brought by the algebraic structures. Secondly, Scloud+ provides sets of light weight parameters, which greatly reduce the complexity of computation and communication complexity while maintaining the required level of security.

2024/1294 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-06
Don't Trust Setup! New Directions in Pre-Constrained Cryptography
Shweta Agrawal, Simran Kumari, Ryo Nishimaki
Public-key cryptography

The recent works of Ananth et al. (ITCS 2022) and Bartusek et al. (Eurocrypt 2023) initiated the study of pre-constrained cryptography which achieves meaningful security even against the system authority. In this work we significantly expand this area by defining several new primitives and providing constructions from simple, standard assumptions as follows. - Pre-Constrained Encryption. We define a weaker notion of pre-constrained encryption (PCE), as compared to the work of Ananth et...

2024/1289 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-30
Improved Lattice Blind Signatures from Recycled Entropy
Corentin Jeudy, Olivier Sanders
Public-key cryptography

Blind signatures represent a class of cryptographic primitives enabling privacy-preserving authentication with several applications such as e-cash or e-voting. It is still a very active area of research, in particular in the post-quantum setting where the history of blind signatures has been hectic. Although it started to shift very recently with the introduction of a few lattice-based constructions, all of the latter give up an important characteristic of blind signatures (size, efficiency,...

2024/1288 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-16
KpqClean Ver2: Comprehensive Benchmarking and Analysis of KpqC Algorithm Round 2 Submissions
Minjoo Sim, Siwoo Eum, Gyeongju Song, Minwoo Lee, Sangwon Kim, Minho Song, Hwajeong Seo

From 2022, Korean Post-Quantum Cryptography (KpqC) Competition has been held. Among the Round 1 algorithms of KpqC, eight algorithms were selected in December 2023. To evaluate the algorithms, the performance is critical factor. However, the performance of the algorithms submitted to KpqC was evaluated in different development environments. Consequently, it is difficult to compare the performance of each algorithm fairly, because the measurements were not conducted in the identical...

2024/1282 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-02
NTRU+PKE: Efficient Public-Key Encryption Schemes from the NTRU Problem
Jonghyun Kim, Jong Hwan Park
Public-key cryptography

We propose a new NTRU-based Public-Key Encryption (PKE) scheme called $\mathsf{NTRU+}\mathsf{PKE}$, which effectively incorporates the Fujisaki-Okamoto transformation for PKE (denoted as $\mathsf{FO}_{\mathsf{PKE}}$) to achieve chosen-ciphertext security in the Quantum Random Oracle Model (QROM). While $\mathsf{NTRUEncrypt}$, a first-round candidate in the NIST PQC standardization process, was proven to be chosen-ciphertext secure in the Random Oracle Model (ROM), it lacked corresponding...

2024/1262 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-09
Dilithium-Based Verifiable Timed Signature Scheme
Erkan Uslu, Oğuz Yayla
Cryptographic protocols

Verifiable Timed Signatures (VTS) are cryptographic constructs that enable obtaining a signature at a specific time in the future and provide evidence that the signature is legitimate. This framework particularly finds utility in applications such as payment channel networks, multiparty signing operations, or multiparty computation, especially within blockchain architectures. Currently, VTS schemes are based on signature algorithms such as BLS signature, Schnorr signature, and ECDSA. These...

2024/1234 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-06
EagleSignV3 : A new secure variant of EagleSign signature over lattices
Abiodoun Clement Hounkpevi, Sidoine Djimnaibeye, Michel Seck, Djiby Sow
Public-key cryptography

With the potential arrival of quantum computers, it is essential to build cryptosystems resistant to attackers with the computing power of a quantum computer. With Shor's algorithm, cryptosystems based on discrete logarithms and factorization become obsolete. Reason why NIST has launching two competitions in 2016 and 2023 to standardize post-quantum cryptosystems (such as KEM and signature ) based on problems supposed to resist attacks using quantum computers. EagleSign was prosed to NIT...

2024/1229 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-02
Benchmarking Attacks on Learning with Errors
Emily Wenger, Eshika Saxena, Mohamed Malhou, Ellie Thieu, Kristin Lauter
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Lattice cryptography schemes based on the learning with errors (LWE) hardness assumption have been standardized by NIST for use as post-quantum cryptosystems, and by for encrypted compute on sensitive data. Thus, understanding their concrete security is critical. Most work on LWE security focuses on theoretical estimates of attack performance, which is important but may overlook attack nuances arising in real-world implementations. The sole existing concrete...

2024/1223 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-03
A short-list of pairing-friendly curves resistant to the Special TNFS algorithm at the 192-bit security level
Diego F. Aranha, Georgios Fotiadis, Aurore Guillevic

For more than two decades, pairings have been a fundamental tool for designing elegant cryptosystems, varying from digital signature schemes to more complex privacy-preserving constructions. However, the advancement of quantum computing threatens to undermine public-key cryptography. Concretely, it is widely accepted that a future large-scale quantum computer would be capable to break any public-key cryptosystem used today, rendering today's public-key cryptography obsolete and mandating the...

2024/1222 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-31
Quantum Implementation and Analysis of ARIA
Yujin Oh, Kyungbae Jang, Yujin Yang, Hwajeong Seo

The progression of quantum computing is considered a potential threat to traditional cryptography system, highlighting the significance of post-quantum security in cryptographic systems. Regarding symmetric key encryption, the Grover algorithm can approximately halve the search complexity. Despite the absence of fully operational quantum computers at present, the necessity of assessing the security of symmetric key encryption against quantum computing continues to grow. In this paper, we...

2024/1221 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-31
Depth Optimized Quantum Circuits for HIGHT and LEA
Kyungbae Jang, Yujin Oh, Minwoo Lee, Dukyoung Kim, Hwajeong Seo

Quantum computers can model and solve several problems that have posed challenges for classical super computers, leveraging their natural quantum mechanical characteristics. A large-scale quantum computer is poised to significantly reduce security strength in cryptography. In this context, extensive research has been conducted on quantum cryptanalysis. In this paper, we present optimized quantum circuits for Korean block ciphers, HIGHT and LEA. Our quantum circuits for HIGHT and LEA...

2024/1217 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-30
A Compact and Parallel Swap-Based Shuffler based on butterfly Network and its complexity against Side Channel Analysis
Jong-Yeon Park, Wonil Lee, Bo Gyeong Kang, Il-jong Song, Jaekeun Oh, Kouichi Sakurai

A prominent countermeasure against side channel attacks, the hiding countermeasure, typically involves shuffling operations using a permutation algorithm. Especially in the era of Post-Quantum Cryptography, the importance of the hiding coun- termeasure is emphasized due to computational characteristics like those of lattice and code-based cryptography. In this context, swiftly and securely generating permutations has a critical impact on an algorithm’s security and efficiency. The widely...

2024/1206 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-26
Applying Post-Quantum Cryptography Algorithms to a DLT-Based CBDC Infrastructure: Comparative and Feasibility Analysis
Daniel de Haro Moraes, Joao Paulo Aragao Pereira, Bruno Estolano Grossi, Gustavo Mirapalheta, George Marcel Monteiro Arcuri Smetana, Wesley Rodrigues, Courtnay Nery Guimarães Jr., Bruno Domingues, Fábio Saito, Marcos Simplício

This article presents an innovative project for a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) infrastructure. Focusing on security and reliability, the proposed architecture: (1) employs post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithms for long-term security, even against attackers with access to cryptographically-relevant quantum computers; (2) can be integrated with a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) to safeguard the confidentiality of transaction contents as they are processed by third-parties; and...

2024/1198 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-25
ECO-CRYSTALS: Efficient Cryptography CRYSTALS on Standard RISC-V ISA
Xinyi Ji, Jiankuo Dong, Junhao Huang, Zhijian Yuan, Wangchen Dai, Fu Xiao, Jingqiang Lin

The field of post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is continuously evolving. Many researchers are exploring efficient PQC implementation on various platforms, including x86, ARM, FPGA, GPU, etc. In this paper, we present an Efficient CryptOgraphy CRYSTALS (ECO-CRYSTALS) implementation on standard 64-bit RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). The target schemes are two winners of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) PQC competition: CRYSTALS-Kyber and CRYSTALS-Dilithium,...

2024/1194 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-24
Hardware Implementation and Security Analysis of Local-Masked NTT for CRYSTALS-Kyber
Rafael Carrera Rodriguez, Emanuele Valea, Florent Bruguier, Pascal Benoit

The rapid evolution of post-quantum cryptography, spurred by standardization efforts such as those led by NIST, has highlighted the prominence of lattice-based cryptography, notably exemplified by CRYSTALS-Kyber. However, concerns persist regarding the security of cryptographic implementations, particularly in the face of Side-Channel Attacks (SCA). The usage of operations like the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) in CRYSTALS-Kyber introduces vulnerabilities to SCA, especially single-trace...

2024/1192 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-24
Towards ML-KEM & ML-DSA on OpenTitan
Amin Abdulrahman, Felix Oberhansl, Hoang Nguyen Hien Pham, Jade Philipoom, Peter Schwabe, Tobias Stelzer, Andreas Zankl

This paper presents extensions to the OpenTitan hardware root of trust that aim at enabling high-performance lattice-based cryptography. We start by carefully optimizing ML-KEM and ML-DSA - the two primary algorithms selected by NIST for standardization - in software targeting the OTBN accelerator. Based on profiling results of these implementations, we propose tightly integrated extensions to OTBN, specifically an interface from OTBN to OpenTitan's Keccak accelerator (KMAC core) and...

2024/1185 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-23
Erebor and Durian: Full Anonymous Ring Signatures from Quaternions and Isogenies
Giacomo Borin, Yi-Fu Lai, Antonin Leroux
Public-key cryptography

We construct two efficient post-quantum ring signatures with anonymity against full key exposure from isogenies, addressing limitations of existing isogeny-based ring signatures. First, we present an efficient concrete distinguisher for the SQIsign simulator when the signing key is provided using one transcript. This shows that turning SQIsign into an efficient full anonymous ring signature requires some new ideas. Second, we propose a variant of SQIsign that is resistant to the...

2024/1179 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-22
Inner Product Ring LWE Problem, Reduction, New Trapdoor Algorithm for Inner Product Ring LWE Problem and Ring SIS Problem
Zhuang Shan, Leyou Zhang, Qing Wu, Qiqi Lai

Lattice cryptography is currently a major research focus in public-key encryption, renowned for its ability to resist quantum attacks. The introduction of ideal lattices (ring lattices) has elevated the theoretical framework of lattice cryptography. Ideal lattice cryptography, compared to classical lattice cryptography, achieves more acceptable operational efficiency through fast Fourier transforms. However, to date, issues of impracticality or insecurity persist in ideal lattice problems....

2024/1178 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-21
Towards Quantum-Safe Blockchain: Exploration of PQC and Public-key Recovery on Embedded Systems
Dominik Marchsreiter

Blockchain technology ensures accountability, transparency, and redundancy in critical applications, includ- ing IoT with embedded systems. However, the reliance on public-key cryptography (PKC) makes blockchain vulnerable to quantum computing threats. This paper addresses the urgent need for quantum-safe blockchain solutions by integrating Post- Quantum Cryptography (PQC) into blockchain frameworks. Utilizing algorithms from the NIST PQC standardization pro- cess, we aim to fortify...

2024/1177 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-21
Cryptanalysis of two post-quantum authenticated key agreement protocols
Mehdi Abri, Hamid Mala
Attacks and cryptanalysis

As the use of the internet and digital devices has grown rapidly, keeping digital communications secure has become very important. Authenticated Key Agreement (AKA) protocols play a vital role in securing digital communications. These protocols enable the communicating parties to mutually authenticate and securely establish a shared secret key. The emergence of quantum computers makes many existing AKA protocols vulnerable to their immense computational power. Consequently, designing new...

2024/1174 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-20
Grafted Trees Bear Better Fruit: An Improved Multiple-Valued Plaintext-Checking Side-Channel Attack against Kyber
Jinnuo Li, Chi Cheng, Muyan Shen, Peng Chen, Qian Guo, Dongsheng Liu, Liji Wu, Jian Weng
Attacks and cryptanalysis

As a prominent category of side-channel attacks (SCAs), plaintext-checking (PC) oracle-based SCAs offer the advantages of generality and operational simplicity on a targeted device. At TCHES 2023, Rajendran et al. and Tanaka et al. independently proposed the multiple-valued (MV) PC oracle, significantly reducing the required number of queries (a.k.a., traces) in the PC oracle. However, in practice, when dealing with environmental noise or inaccuracies in the waveform classifier, they...

2024/1170 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-29
Rudraksh: A compact and lightweight post-quantum key-encapsulation mechanism
Suparna Kundu, Archisman Ghosh, Angshuman Karmakar, Shreyas Sen, Ingrid Verbauwhede
Public-key cryptography

Resource-constrained devices such as wireless sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) devices have become ubiquitous in our digital ecosystem. These devices generate and handle a major part of our digital data. In the face of the impending threat of quantum computers on our public-key infrastructure, it is impossible to imagine the security and privacy of our digital world without integrating post-quantum cryptography (PQC) into these devices. Usually, due to the resource constraints of these...

2024/1150 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-15
Finding Practical Parameters for Isogeny-based Cryptography
Maria Corte-Real Santos, Jonathan Komada Eriksen, Michael Meyer, Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez
Public-key cryptography

Isogeny-based schemes often come with special requirements on the field of definition of the involved elliptic curves. For instance, the efficiency of SQIsign, a promising candidate in the NIST signature standardisation process, requires a large power of two and a large smooth integer $T$ to divide $p^2-1$ for its prime parameter $p$. We present two new methods that combine previous techniques for finding suitable primes: sieve-and-boost and XGCD-and-boost. We use these methods to find...

2024/1145 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-14
A Practical and Scalable Implementation of the Vernam Cipher, under Shannon Conditions, using Quantum Noise
Adrian Neal
Secret-key cryptography

The one-time pad cipher is renowned for its theoretical perfect security, yet its practical deployment is primarily hindered by the key-size and distribution challenge. This paper introduces a novel approach to key distribution called q-stream, designed to make symmetric-key cryptography, and the one-time pad cipher in particular, a viable option for contemporary secure communications, and specifically, post-quantum cryptography, leveraging quantum noise and combinatorics to ensure secure...

2024/1140 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-13
Permutation Superposition Oracles for Quantum Query Lower Bounds
Christian Majenz, Giulio Malavolta, Michael Walter

We propose a generalization of Zhandry’s compressed oracle method to random permutations, where an algorithm can query both the permutation and its inverse. We show how to use the resulting oracle simulation to bound the success probability of an algorithm for any predicate on input-output pairs, a key feature of Zhandry’s technique that had hitherto resisted attempts at generalization to random permutations. One key technical ingredient is to use strictly monotone factorizations to...

2024/1137 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-12
Cryptanalysis of EagleSign
Ludo N. Pulles, Mehdi Tibouchi
Attacks and cryptanalysis

EagleSign is one of the 40 “Round 1 Additional Signatures” that is accepted for consideration in the supplementary round of the Post-Quantum Cryptography standardization process, organized by NIST. Its design is based on structured lattices, and it boasts greater simplicity and performance compared to the two lattice signatures already selected for standardization: Falcon and Dilithium. In this paper, we show that those claimed advantages come at the cost of security. More precisely, we...

2024/1134 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-12
Exploiting signature leakages: breaking Enhanced pqsigRM
Thomas Debris-Alazard, Pierre Loisel, Valentin Vasseur
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Enhanced pqsigRM is a code-based hash-and-sign scheme proposed to the second National Institute of Standards and Technology call for post-quantum signatures. The scheme is based on the $(U,U+V)$-construction and it enjoys remarkably small signature lengths, about $1$KBytes for a security level of $128$ bits. Unfortunately we show that signatures leak information about the underlying $(U,U+V)$-structure. It allows to retrieve the private-key with~$100, 000$ signatures.

2024/1122 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-09
Finding Bugs and Features Using Cryptographically-Informed Functional Testing
Giacomo Fenzi, Jan Gilcher, Fernando Virdia

In 2018, Mouha et al. (IEEE Trans. Reliability, 2018) performed a post-mortem investigation of the correctness of reference implementations submitted to the SHA3 competition run by NIST, finding previously unidentified bugs in a significant portion of them, including two of the five finalists. Their innovative approach allowed them to identify the presence of such bugs in a black-box manner, by searching for counterexamples to expected cryptographic properties of the implementations under...

2024/1116 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-09
A Simple Post-Quantum Oblivious Transfer Protocol from Mod-LWR
Shen Dong, Hongrui Cui, Kaiyi Zhang, Kang Yang, Yu Yu
Cryptographic protocols

Oblivious transfer (OT) is a fundamental cryptographic protocol that plays a crucial role in secure multi-party computation (MPC). Most practical OT protocols by, e.g., Naor and Pinkas (SODA'01) or Chou and Orlandi (Latincrypt'15), are based on Diffie-Hellman (DH)-like assumptions and not post-quantum secure. In contrast, many other components of MPC protocols, including garbled circuits and secret sharings, are post-quantum secure. The reliance on non-post-quantum OT protocols presents a...

2024/1106 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-07
Masked Vector Sampling for HQC
Maxime Spyropoulos, David Vigilant, Fabrice Perion, Renaud Pacalet, Laurent Sauvage

Anticipating the advent of large quantum computers, NIST started a worldwide competition in 2016 aiming to define the next cryptographic standards. HQC is one of these post-quantum schemes still in contention, with four others already in the process of being standardized. In 2022, Guo et al. introduced a timing attack that exploited an inconsistency in HQC rejection sampling function to recover its secret key in 866,000 calls to an oracle. The authors of HQC updated its specification by...

2024/1079 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-16
QuietOT: Lightweight Oblivious Transfer with a Public-Key Setup
Geoffroy Couteau, Lalita Devadas, Srinivas Devadas, Alexander Koch, Sacha Servan-Schreiber
Cryptographic protocols

Oblivious Transfer (OT) is at the heart of secure computation and is a foundation for many applications in cryptography. Over two decades of work have led to extremely efficient protocols for evaluating OT instances in the preprocessing model, through a paradigm called OT extension. A few OT instances generated in an offline phase can be used to perform many OTs in an online phase efficiently, i.e., with very low communication and computational overheads. Specifically, traditional OT...

2024/1070 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-01
Protecting cryptographic code against Spectre-RSB
Santiago Arranz Olmos, Gilles Barthe, Chitchanok Chuengsatiansup, Benjamin Grégoire, Vincent Laporte, Tiago Oliveira, Peter Schwabe, Yuval Yarom, Zhiyuan Zhang

It is fundamental that executing cryptographic software must not leak secrets through side-channels. For software-visible side-channels, it was long believed that "constant-time" programming would be sufficient as a systematic countermeasure. However, this belief was shattered in 2018 by attacks exploiting speculative execution—so called Spectre attacks. Recent work shows that language support suffices to protect cryptographic code with minimal overhead against one class of such attacks,...

2024/1043 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-30
Cryptography in the Common Haar State Model: Feasibility Results and Separations
Prabhanjan Ananth, Aditya Gulati, Yao-Ting Lin

Common random string model is a popular model in classical cryptography. We study a quantum analogue of this model called the common Haar state (CHS) model. In this model, every party participating in the cryptographic system receives many copies of one or more i.i.d Haar random states. We study feasibility and limitations of cryptographic primitives in this model and its variants: - We present a construction of pseudorandom function-like states with security against computationally...

2024/1034 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-26
A Practical Protocol for Quantum Oblivious Transfer from One-Way Functions
Eleni Diamanti, Alex B. Grilo, Adriano Innocenzi, Pascal Lefebvre, Verena Yacoub, Álvaro Yángüez
Cryptographic protocols

We present a new simulation-secure quantum oblivious transfer (QOT) protocol based on one-way functions in the plain model. With a focus on practical implementation, our protocol surpasses prior works in efficiency, promising feasible experimental realization. We address potential experimental errors and their correction, offering analytical expressions to facilitate the analysis of the required quantum resources. Technically, we achieve simulation security for QOT through an equivocal and...

2024/1030 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-26
GRASP: Accelerating Hash-based PQC Performance on GPU Parallel Architecture
Yijing Ning, Jiankuo Dong, Jingqiang Lin, Fangyu Zheng, Yu Fu, Zhenjiang Dong, Fu Xiao

$SPHINCS^+$, one of the Post-Quantum Cryptography Digital Signature Algorithms (PQC-DSA) selected by NIST in the third round, features very short public and private key lengths but faces significant performance challenges compared to other post-quantum cryptographic schemes, limiting its suitability for real-world applications. To address these challenges, we propose the GPU-based paRallel Accelerated $SPHINCS^+$ (GRASP), which leverages GPU technology to enhance the efficiency of...

2024/1012 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-25
Supersonic OT: Fast Unconditionally Secure Oblivious Transfer
Aydin Abadi, Yvo Desmedt
Cryptographic protocols

Oblivious Transfer (OT) is a fundamental cryptographic protocol with applications in secure Multi-Party Computation, Federated Learning, and Private Set Intersection. With the advent of quantum computing, it is crucial to develop unconditionally secure core primitives like OT to ensure their continued security in the post-quantum era. Despite over four decades since OT's introduction, the literature has predominantly relied on computational assumptions, except in cases using unconventional...

2024/965 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-15
Efficient and Secure Post-Quantum Certificateless Signcryption for Internet of Medical Things
Shiyuan Xu, Xue Chen, Yu Guo, Siu-Ming Yiu, Shang Gao, Bin Xiao
Public-key cryptography

Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) has gained significant research focus in both academic and medical institutions. Nevertheless, the sensitive data involved in IoMT raises concerns regarding user validation and data privacy. To address these concerns, certificateless signcryption (CLSC) has emerged as a promising solution, offering authenticity, confidentiality, and unforgeability. Unfortunately, most existing CLSC schemes are impractical for IoMT due to their heavy computational and storage...

2024/948 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-08-14
Return of the Kummer: a Toolbox for Genus-2 Cryptography
Maria Corte-Real Santos, Krijn Reijnders
Public-key cryptography

This work expands the machinery we have for isogeny-based cryptography in genus 2 by developing a toolbox of several essential algorithms for Kummer surfaces, the dimension-2 analogue of $x$-only arithmetic on elliptic curves. Kummer surfaces have been suggested in hyper-elliptic curve cryptography since at least the 1980s and recently these surfaces have reappeared to efficiently compute $(2,2)$-isogenies. We construct several essential analogues of techniques used in one-dimensional...

2024/927 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-12
Anjali C B

The current cryptographic frameworks like RSA, ECC, and AES are potentially under quantum threat. Quantum cryptographic and post-quantum cryptography are being extensively researched for securing future information. The quantum computer and quantum algorithms are still in the early developmental stage and thus lack scalability for practical application. As a result of these challenges, most researched PQC methods are lattice-based, code-based, ECC isogeny, hash-based, and multivariate...

2024/924 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-02
Climbing and descending tall volcanos
Steven Galbraith
Public-key cryptography

We revisit the question of relating the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP) between ordinary elliptic curves over finite fields with the same number of points. This problem was considered in 1999 by Galbraith and in 2005 by Jao, Miller, and Venkatesan. We apply recent results from isogeny cryptography and cryptanalysis, especially the Kani construction, to this problem. We improve the worst case bound in Galbraith's 1999 paper from $\tilde{O}( q^{1.5} )$ to (heuristically)...

2024/910 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-07
A Tight Security Proof for $\mathrm{SPHINCS^{+}}$, Formally Verified
Manuel Barbosa, François Dupressoir, Andreas Hülsing, Matthias Meijers, Pierre-Yves Strub
Public-key cryptography

$\mathrm{SPHINCS^{+}}$ is a post-quantum signature scheme that, at the time of writing, is being standardized as $\mathrm{SLH\text{-}DSA}$. It is the most conservative option for post-quantum signatures, but the original tight proofs of security were flawed—as reported by Kudinov, Kiktenko and Fedorov in 2020. In this work, we formally prove a tight security bound for $\mathrm{SPHINCS^{+}}$ using the EasyCrypt proof assistant, establishing greater confidence in the general security of the...

2024/905 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-20
On the Semidirect Discrete Logarithm Problem in Finite Groups
Christopher Battarbee, Giacomo Borin, Julian Brough, Ryann Cartor, Tobias Hemmert, Nadia Heninger, David Jao, Delaram Kahrobaei, Laura Maddison, Edoardo Persichetti, Angela Robinson, Daniel Smith-Tone, Rainer Steinwandt
Attacks and cryptanalysis

We present an efficient quantum algorithm for solving the semidirect discrete logarithm problem (SDLP) in any finite group. The believed hardness of the semidirect discrete logarithm problem underlies more than a decade of works constructing candidate post-quantum cryptographic algorithms from nonabelian groups. We use a series of reduction results to show that it suffices to consider SDLP in finite simple groups. We then apply the celebrated Classification of Finite Simple Groups to...

2024/904 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-06
On round elimination for special-sound multi-round identification and the generality of the hypercube for MPCitH
Andreas Hülsing, David Joseph, Christian Majenz, Anand Kumar Narayanan
Public-key cryptography

A popular way to build post-quantum signature schemes is by first constructing an identification scheme (IDS) and applying the Fiat-Shamir transform to it. In this work we tackle two open questions related to the general applicability of techniques around this approach that together allow for efficient post-quantum signatures with optimal security bounds in the QROM. First we consider a recent work by Aguilar-Melchor, Hülsing, Joseph, Majenz, Ronen, and Yue (Asiacrypt'23) that showed...

2024/884 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-03
Security of Fixed-Weight Repetitions of Special-Sound Multi-Round Proofs
Michele Battagliola, Riccardo Longo, Federico Pintore, Edoardo Signorini, Giovanni Tognolini

Interactive proofs are a cornerstone of modern cryptography and as such used in many areas, from digital signatures to multy-party computation. Often the knowledge error $\kappa$ of an interactive proof is not small enough, and thus needs to be reduced. This is usually achieved by repeating the interactive proof in parallel t times. Recently, it was shown that parallel repetition of any $(k_1, \ldots , k_\mu)$-special-sound multi-round public-coin interactive proof reduces the knowledge...

2024/878 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-02
Radical Vélu Isogeny Formulae
Thomas Decru
Public-key cryptography

We provide explicit radical $N$-isogeny formulae for all odd integers $N$. The formulae are compact closed-form expressions which require one $N$th root computation and $\mathcal{O}(N)$ basic field operations. The formulae are highly efficient to compute a long chain of $N$-isogenies, and have the potential to be extremely beneficial for speeding up certain cryptographic protocols such as CSIDH. Unfortunately, the formulae are conjectured, but we provide ample supporting evidence which...

2024/864 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-31
Collaborative, Segregated NIZK (CoSNIZK) and More Efficient Lattice-Based Direct Anonymous Attestation
Liqun Chen, Patrick Hough, Nada El Kassem
Cryptographic protocols

Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) allows a (host) device with a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) to prove that it has a certified configuration of hardware and software whilst preserving the privacy of the device. All deployed DAA schemes are based on classical security assumptions. Despite a long line of works proposing post-quantum designs, the vast majority give only theoretical schemes and where concrete parameters are computed, their efficiency is far from practical. Our first...

2024/861 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-31
A new multivariate primitive from CCZ equivalence
Marco Calderini, Alessio Caminata, Irene Villa
Public-key cryptography

Multivariate Cryptography is one of the main candidates for Post-quantum Cryptography. Multivariate schemes are usually constructed by applying two secret affine invertible transformations $\mathcal S,\mathcal T$ to a set of multivariate polynomials $\mathcal{F}$ (often quadratic). The secret polynomials $\mathcal{F}$ posses a trapdoor that allows the legitimate user to find a solution of the corresponding system, while the public polynomials $\mathcal G=\mathcal S\circ\mathcal...

2024/858 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-31
Ascon-Keccak AEAD Algorithm
Stephan Müller
Secret-key cryptography

The Ascon specification defines among others an encryption scheme offering authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) which is based on a duplex mode of a sponge. With that it is the first of such algorithm selected and about to be standardized by NIST. The sponge size is comparatively small, 320 bits, as expected for lightweight cryptography. With that, the strength of the defined AEAD algorithm is limited to 128 bits. Albeit, the definition of the Ascon AEAD algorithm integrates...

2024/838 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-28
Verifiable Secret Sharing from Symmetric Key Cryptography with Improved Optimistic Complexity
Ignacio Cascudo, Daniele Cozzo, Emanuele Giunta
Cryptographic protocols

In this paper we propose verifiable secret sharing (VSS) schemes secure for any honest majority in the synchronous model, and that only use symmetric-key cryptographic tools, therefore having plausibly post-quantum security. Compared to the state-of-the-art scheme with these features (Atapoor et al., Asiacrypt `23), our main improvement lies on the complexity of the ``optimistic'' scenario where the dealer and all but a small number of receivers behave honestly in the sharing phase: in this...

2024/836 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-28
The Round Complexity of Proofs in the Bounded Quantum Storage Model
Alex B. Grilo, Philippe Lamontagne

The round complexity of interactive proof systems is a key question of practical and theoretical relevance in complexity theory and cryptography. Moreover, results such as QIP = QIP(3) (STOC'00) show that quantum resources significantly help in such a task. In this work, we initiate the study of round compression of protocols in the bounded quantum storage model (BQSM). In this model, the malicious parties have a bounded quantum memory and they cannot store the all the qubits that are...

2024/831 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-28
Tight Characterizations for Preprocessing against Cryptographic Salting
Fangqi Dong, Qipeng Liu, Kewen Wu

Cryptography often considers the strongest yet plausible attacks in the real world. Preprocessing (a.k.a. non-uniform attack) plays an important role in both theory and practice: an efficient online attacker can take advantage of advice prepared by a time-consuming preprocessing stage. Salting is a heuristic strategy to counter preprocessing attacks by feeding a small amount of randomness to the cryptographic primitive. We present general and tight characterizations of preprocessing...

2024/830 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-28
How (not) to Build Quantum PKE in Minicrypt
Longcheng Li, Qian Li, Xingjian Li, Qipeng Liu

The seminal work by Impagliazzo and Rudich (STOC'89) demonstrated the impossibility of constructing classical public key encryption (PKE) from one-way functions (OWF) in a black-box manner. However, the question remains: can quantum PKE (QPKE) be constructed from quantumly secure OWF? A recent line of work has shown that it is indeed possible to build QPKE from OWF, but with one caveat --- they rely on quantum public keys, which cannot be authenticated and reused. In this work, we...

2024/828 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-24
Post-quantum XML and SAML Single Sign-On
Johannes Müller, Jan Oupický

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is one of the most popular serialization languages. Since many security protocols are built using XML, it also provides cryptographic functionality. A central framework in this area is the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). This standard is one of the most widely used options for implementing Single Sign-On (SSO), which allows users to authenticate to different service providers using the credentials from a single identity provider. Like all other...

2024/817 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-26
DVA: Dangerous Variations of ALTEQ
Arnaud Sipasseuth
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we present three types of variations of the ALTEQ cryptosystem, a recent submission to the NIST's additional call for signatures. We name these Dangerous Variations of ALTEQ (DVA), as there is always a certain danger in stepping out of usual constructions, although we attempt to maintain heuristic security. First, we present DVA-GG (Graph Generalization), that can be seen as a more abstract point-of-view on the operations done in ALTEQ and encourages more research on the...

2024/815 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-26
Faster verifications and smaller signatures: Trade-offs for ALTEQ using rejections
Arnaud Sipasseuth
Public-key cryptography

In this paper, we introduce a new probability function parameter in the instantiations of the Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson with Fiat-Shamir and unbalanced challenges used in ALTEQ, a recent NIST PQC candidate in the call for additional signatures. This probability set at 100% does not bring any changes in the scheme, but modifies the public challenge generation process when below 100%, by injecting potential rejections in otherwise completely valid inputs. From a theoretical point of view,...

2024/810 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-24
The Perils of Limited Key Reuse: Adaptive and Parallel Mismatch Attacks with Post-processing Against Kyber
Qian Guo, Erik Mårtensson, Adrian Åström
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In this paper, we study the robustness of Kyber, the Learning With Errors (LWE)-based Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) chosen for standardization by NIST, against key mismatch attacks. We demonstrate that Kyber's security levels can be compromised with a few mismatch queries by striking a balance between the parallelization level and the cost of lattice reduction for post-processing. This highlights the imperative need to strictly prohibit key reuse in CPA-secure Kyber. We further...

2024/797 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-25
Nonadaptive One-Way to Hiding Implies Adaptive Quantum Reprogramming
Joseph Jaeger

An important proof technique in the random oracle model involves reprogramming it on hard to predict inputs and arguing that an attacker cannot detect that this occurred. In the quantum setting, a particularly challenging version of this considers adaptive reprogramming wherein the points to be reprogrammed (or output values they should be programmed to) are dependent on choices made by the adversary. Frameworks for analyzing adaptive reprogramming were given by, e.g., by Unruh (CRYPTO...

2024/793 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-22
Hide-and-Seek and the Non-Resignability of the BUFF Transform
Jelle Don, Serge Fehr, Yu-Hsuan Huang, Jyun-Jie Liao, Patrick Struck
Public-key cryptography

The BUFF transform, due to Cremers et al. (S&P'21), is a generic transformation for digital signature scheme, with the purpose of obtaining additional security guarantees beyond unforgeability: exclusive ownership, message-bound signatures, and non-resignability. Non-resignability (which essentially challenges an adversary to re-sign an unknown message for which it only obtains the signature) turned out to be a delicate matter, as recently Don et al. (CRYPTO'24) showed that the initial...

2024/788 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-22
A Fault-Resistant NTT by Polynomial Evaluation and Interpolation
Sven Bauer, Fabrizio De Santis, Kristjane Koleci, Anita Aghaie

In computer arithmetic operations, the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) plays a significant role in the efficient implementation of cyclic and nega-cyclic convolutions with the application of multiplying large integers and large degree polynomials. Multiplying polynomials is a common operation in lattice-based cryptography. Hence, the NTT is a core component of several lattice-based cryptographic algorithms. Two well-known examples are the key encapsulation mechanism Kyber and the...

2024/783 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-24
Differential Cryptanalysis on Quantum Computers
Kyungbae Jang, Yujin Oh, Hwajeong Seo
Attacks and cryptanalysis

As quantum computing progresses, extensive research has been conducted to find quantum advantages in the field of cryptography. Combining quantum algorithms with classical cryptographic analysis methods, such as differential cryptanalysis and linear cryptanalysis, has the potential to reduce complexity. In this paper, we present a quantum differential finding circuit for differential cryptanalysis. In our quantum circuit, both plaintext and input difference are in a superposition state....

2024/778 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-09-26
Ideal-to-isogeny algorithm using 2-dimensional isogenies and its application to SQIsign
Hiroshi Onuki, Kohei Nakagawa
Public-key cryptography

The Deuring correspondence is a correspondence between supersingular elliptic curves and quaternion orders. Under this correspondence, an isogeny between elliptic curves corresponds to a quaternion ideal. This correspondence plays an important role in isogeny-based cryptography and several algorithms to compute an isogeny corresponding to a quaternion ideal (ideal-to-isogeny algorithms) have been proposed. In particular, SQIsign is a signature scheme based on the Deuring correspondence and...

2024/771 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-10-04
SQIsign2D-East: A New Signature Scheme Using 2-dimensional Isogenies
Kohei Nakagawa, Hiroshi Onuki
Public-key cryptography

Isogeny-based cryptography is cryptographic schemes whose security is based on the hardness of a mathematical problem called the isogeny problem, and is attracting attention as one of the candidates for post-quantum cryptography. A representative isogeny-based cryptography is the signature scheme called SQIsign, which was submitted to the NIST PQC standardization competition. SQIsign has attracted much attention because of its very short signature and key size among the candidates for the...

2024/763 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-19
On SIS-problem-based random Feistel ciphers and its statistical evaluation of resistance against differential cryptanalysis
Yu Morishima, Masahiro Kaminaga
Secret-key cryptography

Provable security based on a robust mathematical framework is the gold standard for security evaluation in cryptography. Several provable secure cryptosystems have been studied for public key cryptography. However, provably secure symmetric-key cryptography has received little attention. Although there are known provably secure symmetric-key cryptosystems based on the hardness of factorization and discrete logarithm problems, they are not only slower than conventional block ciphers but can...

2024/758 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-17
Admissible Parameters for the Crossbred Algorithm and Semi-regular Sequences over Finite Fields
John Baena, Daniel Cabarcas, Sharwan K. Tiwari, Javier Verbel, Luis Villota
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Multivariate public key cryptography (MPKC) is one of the most promising alternatives to build quantum-resistant signature schemes, as evidenced in NIST's call for additional post-quantum signature schemes. The main assumption in MPKC is the hardness of the Multivariate Quadratic (MQ) problem, which seeks for a common root to a system of quadratic polynomials over a finite field. Although the Crossbred algorithm is among the most efficient algorithm to solve MQ over small fields, its...

2024/751 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-16
Simultaneous Haar Indistinguishability with Applications to Unclonable Cryptography
Prabhanjan Ananth, Fatih Kaleoglu, Henry Yuen

Unclonable cryptography is concerned with leveraging the no-cloning principle to build cryptographic primitives that are otherwise impossible to achieve classically. Understanding the feasibility of unclonable encryption, one of the key unclonable primitives, satisfying indistinguishability security in the plain model has been a major open question in the area. So far, the existing constructions of unclonable encryption are either in the quantum random oracle model or are based on new...

2024/748 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-16
PERK: Compact Signature Scheme Based on a New Variant of the Permuted Kernel Problem
Slim Bettaieb, Loïc Bidoux, Victor Dyseryn, Andre Esser, Philippe Gaborit, Mukul Kulkarni, Marco Palumbi
Public-key cryptography

In this work we introduce PERK a compact digital signature scheme based on the hardness of a new variant of the Permuted Kernel Problem (PKP). PERK achieves the smallest signature sizes for any PKP-based scheme for NIST category I security with 6 kB, while obtaining competitive signing and verification timings. PERK also compares well with the general state-of-the-art. To substantiate those claims we provide an optimized constant-time AVX2 implementation, a detailed performance analysis and...

2024/720 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-13
Multivariate Blind Signatures Revisited
Ward Beullens
Attacks and cryptanalysis

In 2017, Petzoldt, Szepieniec, and Mohamed proposed a blind signature scheme, based on multivariate cryptography. This construction has been expanded on by several other works. This short paper shows that their construction is susceptible to an efficient polynomial-time attack. The problem is that the authors implicitly assumed that for a random multivariate quadratic map $\mathcal{R}:\mathbb{F}_q^m \rightarrow \mathbb{F}_q^m$ and a collision-resistant hash function $H: \{0,1\}^* \rightarrow...

2024/716 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-16
Unclonable Secret Sharing
Prabhanjan Ananth, Vipul Goyal, Jiahui Liu, Qipeng Liu

Unclonable cryptography utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics to addresses cryptographic tasks that are impossible classically. We introduce a novel unclonable primitive in the context of secret sharing, called unclonable secret sharing (USS). In a USS scheme, there are $n$ shareholders, each holding a share of a classical secret represented as a quantum state. They can recover the secret once all parties (or at least $t$ parties) come together with their shares. Importantly, it...

2024/715 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-09
A New Cryptographic Algorithm
Ali Mahdoum
Cryptographic protocols

The advent of quantum computing technology will compromise many of the current cryptographic algorithms, especially public-key cryptography, which is widely used to protect digital information. Most algorithms on which we depend are used worldwide in components of many different communications, processing, and storage systems. Once access to practical quantum computers becomes available, all public-key algorithms and associated protocols will be vulnerable to criminals, competitors, and...

2024/712 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-15
Quantum NV Sieve on Grover for Solving Shortest Vector Problem
Hyunji Kim, Kyungbae Jang, Hyunjun Kim, Anubhab Baksi, Sumanta Chakraborty, Hwajeong Seo
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Quantum computers can efficiently model and solve several challenging problems for classical computers, raising concerns about potential security reductions in cryptography. NIST is already considering potential quantum attacks in the development of post-quantum cryptography by estimating the quantum resources required for such quantum attacks. In this paper, we present quantum circuits for the NV sieve algorithm to solve the Shortest Vector Problem (SVP), which serves as the security...

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