6 results sorted by ID
Possible spell-corrected query: mutations
SoK: The apprentice guide to automated fault injection simulation for security evaluation
Asmita Adhikary, Giacomo Tommaso Petrucci, Philippe Tanguy, Vianney LapĂ´tre, Ileana Buhan
Identifying and mitigating vulnerable locations to fault injections requires significant expertise and expensive equipment. Fault injections can damage hardware, cause software crashes, and pose safety and security hazards. Simulating fault injections offers a safer alternative, and fault simulators have steadily developed, though they vary significantly in functionality, target applications, fault injection methods, supported fault models, and guarantees. We present a taxonomy categorizing...
Less Effort, More Success: Efficient Genetic Algorithm-Based Framework for Side-channel Collision Attacks
Jiawei Zhang, Jiangshan Long, Changhai Ou, Kexin Qiao, Fan Zhang, Shi Yan
Attacks and cryptanalysis
By introducing collision information, the existing side-channel Correlation-Enhanced Collision Attacks (CECAs) performed collision-chain detection, and reduced a given candidate space to a significantly smaller collision-chain space, leading to more efficient key recovery. However, they are still limited by low collision detection speed and low success rate of key recovery. To address these issues, we first give a Collision Detection framework with Genetic Algorithm (CDGA), which exploits ...
Mutable Batch Arguments and Applications
Rishab Goyal
We put forth a new concept of mutability for batch arguments (BARGs), called mutable batch arguments. Our goal is to re-envision how we think about and use BARGs. Traditionally, a BARG proof $\pi$ is an immutable encoding of $k$ $\mathbf{NP}$ witness $\omega_1, \ldots, \omega_{k}$. A mutable BARG system captures the notion of computations over BARGs, where each proof string $\pi$ is treated as a mutable encoding of original witnesses. We also study strong privacy notions for mutable BARGs,...
DY Fuzzing: Formal Dolev-Yao Models Meet Cryptographic Protocol Fuzz Testing
Max Ammann, Lucca Hirschi, Steve Kremer
Cryptographic protocols
Critical and widely used cryptographic protocols have repeatedly been found to contain flaws in their design and their implementation. A prominent class of such vulnerabilities is logical attacks, e.g. attacks that exploit flawed protocol logic. Automated formal verification methods, based on the Dolev-Yao (DY) attacker, formally define and excel at finding such flaws, but operate only on abstract specification models. Fully automated verification of existing protocol implementations is...
Efficient Framework for Genetic-Algorithm-Based Correlation Power Analysis
An Wang, Yuan Li, Yaoling Ding, Liehuang Zhu, Yongjuan Wang
Secret-key cryptography
Various Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques are combined with classic side-channel methods to improve the efficiency of attacks. Among them, Genetic Algorithms based Correlation Power Analysis (GA-CPA) is proposed to launch attacks on hardware cryptosystems to extract the secret key efficiently. However, the convergence rate is unsatisfactory due to two problems: individuals of the initial population generally have low fitnesses, and the mutation operation is hard to generate...
XLS is not a Strong Pseudorandom Permutation
Mridul Nandi
Secret-key cryptography
In FSE 2007, Ristenpart and Rogaway had described a generic
method XLS to construct a length-preserving strong pseudorandom per-
mutation (SPRP) over bit-strings of size at least n. It requires a length-preserving permutation E over all bits of size multiple of n and a blockcipher E with block size n. The SPRP security of XLS was proved from the SPRP assumptions of both E and E. In this paper we disprove the claim by demonstrating a SPRP distinguisher of XLS which makes only
three queries...
Identifying and mitigating vulnerable locations to fault injections requires significant expertise and expensive equipment. Fault injections can damage hardware, cause software crashes, and pose safety and security hazards. Simulating fault injections offers a safer alternative, and fault simulators have steadily developed, though they vary significantly in functionality, target applications, fault injection methods, supported fault models, and guarantees. We present a taxonomy categorizing...
By introducing collision information, the existing side-channel Correlation-Enhanced Collision Attacks (CECAs) performed collision-chain detection, and reduced a given candidate space to a significantly smaller collision-chain space, leading to more efficient key recovery. However, they are still limited by low collision detection speed and low success rate of key recovery. To address these issues, we first give a Collision Detection framework with Genetic Algorithm (CDGA), which exploits ...
We put forth a new concept of mutability for batch arguments (BARGs), called mutable batch arguments. Our goal is to re-envision how we think about and use BARGs. Traditionally, a BARG proof $\pi$ is an immutable encoding of $k$ $\mathbf{NP}$ witness $\omega_1, \ldots, \omega_{k}$. A mutable BARG system captures the notion of computations over BARGs, where each proof string $\pi$ is treated as a mutable encoding of original witnesses. We also study strong privacy notions for mutable BARGs,...
Critical and widely used cryptographic protocols have repeatedly been found to contain flaws in their design and their implementation. A prominent class of such vulnerabilities is logical attacks, e.g. attacks that exploit flawed protocol logic. Automated formal verification methods, based on the Dolev-Yao (DY) attacker, formally define and excel at finding such flaws, but operate only on abstract specification models. Fully automated verification of existing protocol implementations is...
Various Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques are combined with classic side-channel methods to improve the efficiency of attacks. Among them, Genetic Algorithms based Correlation Power Analysis (GA-CPA) is proposed to launch attacks on hardware cryptosystems to extract the secret key efficiently. However, the convergence rate is unsatisfactory due to two problems: individuals of the initial population generally have low fitnesses, and the mutation operation is hard to generate...
In FSE 2007, Ristenpart and Rogaway had described a generic method XLS to construct a length-preserving strong pseudorandom per- mutation (SPRP) over bit-strings of size at least n. It requires a length-preserving permutation E over all bits of size multiple of n and a blockcipher E with block size n. The SPRP security of XLS was proved from the SPRP assumptions of both E and E. In this paper we disprove the claim by demonstrating a SPRP distinguisher of XLS which makes only three queries...