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Possible spell-corrected query: sphincs
2024/1206 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-07-26
Applying Post-Quantum Cryptography Algorithms to a DLT-Based CBDC Infrastructure: Comparative and Feasibility Analysis
Daniel de Haro Moraes, Joao Paulo Aragao Pereira, Bruno Estolano Grossi, Gustavo Mirapalheta, George Marcel Monteiro Arcuri Smetana, Wesley Rodrigues, Courtnay Nery Guimarães Jr., Bruno Domingues, Fábio Saito, Marcos Simplício

This article presents an innovative project for a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) infrastructure. Focusing on security and reliability, the proposed architecture: (1) employs post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithms for long-term security, even against attackers with access to cryptographically-relevant quantum computers; (2) can be integrated with a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) to safeguard the confidentiality of transaction contents as they are processed by third-parties; and...

2024/1030 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-26
GRASP: Accelerating Hash-based PQC Performance on GPU Parallel Architecture
Yijing Ning, Jiankuo Dong, Jingqiang Lin, Fangyu Zheng, Yu Fu, Zhenjiang Dong, Fu Xiao

$SPHINCS^+$, one of the Post-Quantum Cryptography Digital Signature Algorithms (PQC-DSA) selected by NIST in the third round, features very short public and private key lengths but faces significant performance challenges compared to other post-quantum cryptographic schemes, limiting its suitability for real-world applications. To address these challenges, we propose the GPU-based paRallel Accelerated $SPHINCS^+$ (GRASP), which leverages GPU technology to enhance the efficiency of...

2024/868 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-01
Loquat: A SNARK-Friendly Post-Quantum Signature based on the Legendre PRF with Applications in Ring and Aggregate Signatures
Xinyu Zhang, Ron Steinfeld, Muhammed F. Esgin, Joseph K. Liu, Dongxi Liu, Sushmita Ruj
Cryptographic protocols

We design and implement a novel post-quantum signature scheme based on the Legendre PRF, named Loquat. Prior to this work, efficient approaches for constructing post-quantum signatures with comparable security assumptions mainly used the MPC-in-the-head paradigm or hash trees. Our method departs from these paradigms and, notably, is SNARK-friendly, a feature not commonly found in earlier designs. Loquat requires significantly fewer computational operations for verification than other...

2024/650 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-28
Hash-based Direct Anonymous Attestation
Liqun Chen, Changyu Dong, Nada El Kassem, Christopher J.P. Newton, Yalan Wang
Cryptographic protocols

Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) was designed for the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and versions using RSA and elliptic curve cryptography have been included in the TPM specifications and in ISO/IEC standards. These standardised DAA schemes have their security based on the factoring or discrete logarithm problems and are therefore insecure against quantum attackers. Research into quantum-resistant DAA has resulted in several lattice-based schemes. Now in this paper, we propose the first...

2024/649 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-28
Sphinx-in-the-Head: Group Signatures from Symmetric Primitives
Liqun Chen, Changyu Dong, Christopher J. P. Newton, Yalan Wang
Cryptographic protocols

Group signatures and their variants have been widely used in privacy-sensitive scenarios such as anonymous authentication and attestation. In this paper, we present a new post-quantum group signature scheme from symmetric primitives. Using only symmetric primitives makes the scheme less prone to unknown attacks than basing the design on newly proposed hard problems whose security is less well-understood. However, symmetric primitives do not have rich algebraic properties, and this makes it...

2024/500 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-03-28
Side Channel Resistant Sphincs+
Scott Fluhrer

Here is a potential way to create a SLH-DSA-like\cite{DraftFIPS205} key generation/signer that aspires to be resistant to DPA side channel attacks. We say that it is “SLH-DSA-like”, because it does not follow the FIPS 205 method of generating signatures (in particular, it does not have the same mapping from private key, messages, opt\_rand to signatures), however it does generate public keys and signatures that are compatible with the standard signature verification method, and with the...

2024/367 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-05-31
Accelerating SLH-DSA by Two Orders of Magnitude with a Single Hash Unit
Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen

We report on efficient and secure hardware implementation techniques for the FIPS 205 SLH-DSA Hash-Based Signature Standard. We demonstrate that very significant overall performance gains can be obtained from hardware that optimizes the padding formats and iterative hashing processes specific to SLH-DSA. A prototype implementation, SLotH, contains Keccak/SHAKE, SHA2-256, and SHA2-512 cores and supports all 12 parameter sets of SLH-DSA. SLotH also supports side-channel secure PRF computation...

2024/112 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-25
pqm4: Benchmarking NIST Additional Post-Quantum Signature Schemes on Microcontrollers
Matthias J. Kannwischer, Markus Krausz, Richard Petri, Shang-Yi Yang

In July 2022, the US National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) announced the first set of Post-Quantum Cryptography standards: Kyber, Dilithium, Falcon, and SPHINCS+. Shortly after, NIST published a call for proposals for additional post-quantum signature schemes to complement their initial portfolio. In 2023, 50 submissions were received, and 40 were accepted as round-1 candidates for future standardization. In this paper, we study the suitability and performance of said...

2024/018 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-12
Smaller Sphincs+
Scott Fluhrer, Quynh Dang
Public-key cryptography

NIST has released the draft specification of SLH-DSA (also known as Sphincs+). When NIST released its original call for proposals for the Postquantum Process, they specified that signature systems would need to be usable at full security for $2^{64}$ signatures per private key. Hence, the parameter sets specified in SLH-DSA is tuned to have full security after that many signatures. However, it has been noted that in many cases, we don't have need for that many signatures, and that...

2023/1767 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-04-04
The Impact of Hash Primitives and Communication Overhead for Hardware-Accelerated SPHINCS+
Patrick Karl, Jonas Schupp, Georg Sigl

SPHINCS+ is a signature scheme included in the first NIST post-quantum standard, that bases its security on the underlying hash primitive. As most of the runtime of SPHINCS+ is caused by the evaluation of several hash- and pseudo-random functions, instantiated via the hash primitive, offloading this computation to dedicated hardware accelerators is a natural step. In this work, we evaluate different architectures for hardware acceleration of such a hash primitive with respect to its...

2023/1754 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-06-05
That’s not my Signature! Fail-Stop Signatures for a Post-Quantum World
Cecilia Boschini, Hila Dahari, Moni Naor, Eyal Ronen
Public-key cryptography

The Snowden's revelations kick-started a community-wide effort to develop cryptographic tools against mass surveillance. In this work, we propose to add another primitive to that toolbox: Fail-Stop Signatures (FSS) [EC'89]. FSS are digital signatures enhanced with a forgery-detection mechanism that can protect a PPT signer from more powerful attackers. Despite the fascinating concept, research in this area stalled after the '90s. However, the ongoing transition to post-quantum...

2023/1572 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-10-11
Faulting Winternitz One-Time Signatures to forge LMS, XMSS, or SPHINCS+ signatures
Alexander Wagner, Vera Wesselkamp, Felix Oberhansl, Marc Schink, Emanuele Strieder
Attacks and cryptanalysis

Hash-based signature (HBS) schemes are an efficient method of guaranteeing the authenticity of data in a post-quantum world. The stateful schemes LMS and XMSS and the stateless scheme SPHINCS+ are already standardised or will be in the near future. The Winternitz one-time signature (WOTS) scheme is one of the fundamental building blocks used in all these HBS standardisation proposals. We present a new fault injection attack targeting WOTS that allows an adversary to forge signatures for...

2023/996 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-26
Publicly Verifiable Zero-Knowledge and Post-Quantum Signatures From VOLE-in-the-Head
Carsten Baum, Lennart Braun, Cyprien Delpech de Saint Guilhem, Michael Klooß, Emmanuela Orsini, Lawrence Roy, Peter Scholl
Cryptographic protocols

We present a new method for transforming zero-knowledge protocols in the designated verifier setting into public-coin protocols, which can be made non-interactive and publicly verifiable. Our transformation applies to a large class of ZK protocols based on oblivious transfer. In particular, we show that it can be applied to recent, fast protocols based on vector oblivious linear evaluation (VOLE), with a technique we call VOLE-in-the-head, upgrading these protocols to support public...

2023/850 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-06
Revisiting the Constant-sum Winternitz One-time Signature with Applications to SPHINCS+ and XMSS
Kaiyi Zhang, Hongrui Cui, Yu Yu
Public-key cryptography

Hash-based signatures offer a conservative alternative to post-quantum signatures with arguably better-understood security than other post-quantum candidates. As a core building block of hash-based signatures, the efficiency of one-time signature (OTS) largely dominates that of hash-based signatures. The WOTS$^{+}$ signature scheme (Africacrypt 2013) is the current state-of-the-art OTS adopted by the signature schemes standardized by NIST---XMSS, LMS and SPHINCS$^+$. A natural...

2023/636 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-04
Multi-Armed SPHINCS+
Gustavo Banegas, Florian Caullery

Hash-based signatures are a type of Digital Signature Algorithms that are positioned as one of the most solid quantum-resistant constructions. As an example SPHINCS+, has been selected as a standard during the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography competition. However, hash-based signatures suffer from two main drawbacks: signature size and slow signing process. In this work, we give a solution to the latter when it is used in a mobile device. We take advantage of the fact that hash-based...

2023/556 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-04-19
Quantum-access Security of Hash-based Signature Schemes
Quan Yuan, Mehdi Tibouchi, Masayuki Abe
Public-key cryptography

In post-quantum cryptography, hash-based signature schemes are attractive choices because of the weak assumptions. Most existing hash-based signature schemes are proven secure against post-quantum chosen message attacks (CMAs), where the adversaries are able to execute quantum computations and classically query to the signing oracle. In some cases, the signing oracle is also considered quantum-accessible, meaning that the adversaries are able to send queries with superpositions to the...

2023/377 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-29
FuLeeca: A Lee-based Signature Scheme
Stefan Ritterhoff, Georg Maringer, Sebastian Bitzer, Violetta Weger, Patrick Karl, Thomas Schamberger, Jonas Schupp, Antonia Wachter-Zeh
Public-key cryptography

In this work we introduce a new code-based signature scheme, called \textsf{FuLeeca}, based on the NP-hard problem of finding codewords of given Lee-weight. The scheme follows the Hash-and-Sign approach applied to quasi-cyclic codes. Similar approaches in the Hamming metric have suffered statistical attacks, which revealed the small support of the secret basis. Using the Lee metric, we are able to thwart such attacks. We use existing hardness results on the underlying problem and study...

2023/042 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-01-13
On Protecting SPHINCS+ Against Fault Attacks
Aymeric Genêt
Attacks and cryptanalysis

SPHINCS+ is a hash-based digital signature scheme that was selected by NIST in their post-quantum cryptography standardization process. The establishment of a universal forgery on the seminal scheme SPHINCS was shown to be feasible in practice by injecting a fault when the signing device constructs any non-top subtree. Ever since the attack has been made public, little effort was spent to protect the SPHINCS family against attacks by faults. This paper works in this direction in the context...

2022/1726 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-12-14
Optimization for SPHINCS+ using Intel Secure Hash Algorithm Extensions
Thomas Hanson, Qian Wang, Santosh Ghosh, Fernando Virdia, Anne Reinders, Manoj R. Sastry

SPHINCS+ was selected as a candidate digital signature scheme for standardization by the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Process. It offers security capabilities relying only on the security of cryptographic hash functions. However, it is less efficient than the lattice-based schemes. In this paper, we present an optimized software library for the SPHINCS+ signature scheme, which combines the Intel® Secure Hash Algorithm Extensions (SHA-NI) and AVX2 vector instructions. We...

2022/1725 (PDF) Last updated: 2024-01-09
A note on SPHINCS+ parameter sets
Stefan Kölbl, Jade Philipoom
Public-key cryptography

In this note, we explore parameter sets for SPHINCS+ which support a smaller number of signatures than $2^{64}$, but are otherwise compatible with the SLH-DSA specification. In practice, use cases for which a low number of signatures per key pair suffice are common, and as we will show this allows a significant reduction in signature size and verification speed for SPHINCS+. For this we carry out a larger search through the SPHINCS+ parameter space, comparing it with the current parameter...

2022/1474 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-13
Quantum security of subset cover problems
Samuel Bouaziz--Ermann, Alex B. Grilo, Damien Vergnaud

The subset cover problem for $k \geq 1$ hash functions, which can be seen as an extension of the collision problem, was introduced in 2002 by Reyzin and Reyzin to analyse the security of their hash-function based signature scheme HORS. The security of many hash-based signature schemes relies on this problem or a variant of this problem (e.g. HORS, SPHINCS, SPHINCS+, $\dots$). Recently, Yuan, Tibouchi and Abe (2022) introduced a variant to the subset cover problem, called...

2022/1407 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-05-26
Threshold Linear Secret Sharing to the Rescue of MPC-in-the-Head
Thibauld Feneuil, Matthieu Rivain
Cryptographic protocols

The MPC-in-the-Head paradigm is a popular framework to build zero-knowledge proof systems using techniques from secure multi-party computation (MPC). While this paradigm is not restricted to a particular secret sharing scheme, all the efficient instantiations for small circuits proposed so far rely on additive secret sharing. In this work, we show how applying a threshold linear secret sharing scheme (threshold LSSS) can be beneficial to the MPC-in-the-Head paradigm. For a general...

2022/1243 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-27
Hybrid scalar/vector implementations of Keccak and SPHINCS+ on AArch64
Hanno Becker, Matthias J. Kannwischer

This paper presents two new techniques for the fast implementation of the Keccak permutation on the A-profile of the Arm architecture: First, the elimination of explicit rotations in the Keccak permutation through Barrel shifting, applicable to scalar AArch64 implementations of Keccak-f1600. Second, the construction of hybrid implementations concurrently leveraging both the scalar and the Neon instruction sets of AArch64. The resulting performance improvements are demonstrated in the example...

2022/1198 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-10-07
To Be, or Not to Be Stateful: Post-Quantum Secure Boot using Hash-Based Signatures
Alexander Wagner, Felix Oberhansl, Marc Schink

While research in post-quantum cryptography (PQC) has gained significant momentum, it is only slowly adopted for real-world products. This is largely due to concerns about practicability and maturity. The secure boot process of embedded devices is one s- cenario where such restraints can result in fundamental security problems. In this work, we present a flexible hardware/software co-design for hash-based signature (HBS) schemes which enables the move to a post-quantum secure boot...

2022/1061 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-08-15
Breaking Category Five SPHINCS+ with SHA-256
Ray Perlner, John Kelsey, David Cooper
Attacks and cryptanalysis

SPHINCS$^+$ is a stateless hash-based signature scheme that has been selected for standardization as part of the NIST post-quantum cryptography (PQC) standardization process. Its security proof relies on the distinct-function multi-target second-preimage resistance (DM-SPR) of the underlying keyed hash function. The SPHINCS$^+$ submission offered several instantiations of this keyed hash function, including one based on SHA-256. A recent observation by Sydney Antonov on the PQC mailing list...

2022/778 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-09-14
SPHINCS+C: Compressing SPHINCS+ With (Almost) No Cost
Mikhail Kudinov, Andreas Hülsing, Eyal Ronen, Eylon Yogev
Public-key cryptography

SPHINCS+~[CCS '19] is one of the selected post-quantum digital signature schemes of NIST's post-quantum standardization process. The scheme is a hash-based signature and is considered one of the most secure and robust proposals. The proposal includes a fast (but large) variant and a small (but costly) variant for each security level. The main problem that might hinder its adoption is its large signature size. Although SPHINCS+ supports a trade-off between signature size and the computational...

2022/346 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-08-19
Recovering the tight security proof of $SPHINCS^{+}$
Andreas Hülsing, Mikhail Kudinov
Public-key cryptography

In 2020, Kudinov, Kiktenko, and Fedorov pointed out a flaw in the tight security proof of the $SPHINCS^{+}$ construction. This work gives a new tight security proof for $SPHINCS^{+}$. The flaw can be traced back to the security proof for the Winternitz one-time signature scheme (WOTS) used within $SPHINCS^{+}$. In this work, we give a standalone description of the WOTS variant used in SPHINCS+ that we call WOTS-TW. We provide a security proof for WOTS-TW and multi-instance WOTS-TW against...

2022/188 (PDF) Last updated: 2022-11-23
Syndrome Decoding in the Head: Shorter Signatures from Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Thibauld Feneuil, Antoine Joux, Matthieu Rivain
Public-key cryptography

Zero-knowledge proofs of knowledge are useful tools to design signature schemes. The ongoing effort to build a quantum computer urges the cryptography community to develop new secure cryptographic protocols based on quantum-hard cryptographic problems. One of the few directions is code-based cryptography for which the strongest problem is the syndrome decoding (SD) for random linear codes. This problem is known to be NP-hard and the cryptanalysis state of the art has been stable for many...

2022/059 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-06-08
SPHINCS-$\alpha$: A Compact Stateless Hash-Based Signature Scheme
Kaiyi Zhang, Hongrui Cui, Yu Yu
Public-key cryptography

Hash-based signatures offer a conservative alternative to post-quantum signatures with arguably better-understood security than other post-quantum candidates. Nevertheless, a major drawback that makes it less favorable to deploy in practice is the (relatively) large size of the signatures, and long signing and verification time. In this paper, we introduce SPHINCS-$\alpha$, a stateless hash-based signature scheme, which benefits from a twofold improvement. First, we provide an improved...

2021/1495 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-11-15
Mahmoud Yehia, Riham AlTawy, T. Aaron Gulliver
Public-key cryptography

SPHINCS+ is a stateless hash-based digital signature scheme and an alternate candidate in round 3 of the NIST Post- Quantum Cryptography standardization competition. Although not considered as a finalist because of its performance, SPHINCS+ may be considered for standardization by NIST after another round of evaluations. In this paper, we propose a Verfi able Obtained Random Subsets (v-ORS) generation mechanism which with one extra hash computation binds the message with the signing FORS...

2021/1484 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-11-08
On Forging SPHINCS+-Haraka Signatures on a Fault-tolerant Quantum Computer
Robin M. Berger, Marcel Tiepelt
Public-key cryptography

SPHINCS+ is a state-of-the-art hash based signature scheme, the security of which is either based on SHA-256, SHAKE-256 or on the Haraka hash function. In this work, we perform an in-depth analysis of how the hash functions are embedded into SPHINCS+ and how the quantum pre-image resistance impacts the security of the signature scheme. Subsequently, we evaluate the cost of implementing Grover’s quantum search algorithm to find a pre-image that admits a universal forgery. In particular, we...

2021/1447 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-10-27
Mixed Certificate Chains for the Transition to Post-Quantum Authentication in TLS 1.3
Sebastian Paul, Yulia Kuzovkova, Norman Lahr, Ruben Niederhagen

Large-scale quantum computers will be able to efficiently solve the underlying mathematical problems of widely deployed public key cryptosystems in the near future. This threat has sparked increased interest in the field of Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) and standardization bodies like NIST, IETF, and ETSI are in the process of standardizing PQC schemes as a new generation of cryptography. This raises the question of how to ensure a fast, reliable, and secure transition to upcoming PQC...

2021/1298 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-09-28
Post-Quantum Authentication with Lightweight Cryptographic Primitives
Henrique Faria, José Manuel Valença
Secret-key cryptography

We propose to adapt ”low-algebra” digital signature schemes SPHINCS+ and PICNIC, present in the NIST-PQC contest, to the limitations of resource-bounded low-end devices. For this, we replaced the cryptographic primitives (hash functions and symmetric ciphers) of these schemes with lightweight alternatives presented in the NIST-LWC contest. With these specifically conceived primitives, we improve the performance of the signature schemes and still preserve the NIST’s security levels. Regarding...

2021/1072 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-08-30
Streaming SPHINCS+ for Embedded Devices using the Example of TPMs
Ruben Niederhagen, Johannes Roth, Julian Wälde

We present an implementation of the hash-based post-quantum signature scheme SPHINCS+ that enables heavily memory-restricted devices to sign messages by streaming-out a signature during its computation and to verify messages by streaming-in a signature. We demonstrate our implementation in the context of Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) by proposing a SPHINCS+ integration and a streaming extension for the TPM specification. We evaluate the overhead of our signature-streaming approach for a...

2021/968 (PDF) Last updated: 2023-07-20
Quantum-Resistance Meets White-Box Cryptography: How to Implement Hash-Based Signatures against White-Box Attackers?
Kemal Bicakci, Kemal Ulker, Yusuf Uzunay, Halis Taha Şahin, Muhammed Said Gündoğan

White-box cryptography challenges the assumption that the endpoints are trusted and aims at providing protection against an adversary more powerful than the one in the traditional black-box cryptographic model. Motivating by the fact that most existing white-box implementations focus on symmetric encryption, we present implementations for hash-based signatures so that the security against white-box attackers (who has read-only access to data with a size bounded by a space-hardness parameter...

2021/662 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-05-25
Verifying Post-Quantum Signatures in 8 kB of RAM
Ruben Gonzalez, Andreas Hülsing, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Juliane Krämer, Tanja Lange, Marc Stöttinger, Elisabeth Waitz, Thom Wiggers, Bo-Yin Yang

In this paper, we study implementations of post-quantum signature schemes on resource-constrained devices. We focus on verification of signatures and cover NIST PQC round-3 candidates Dilithium, Falcon, Rainbow, GeMSS, and SPHINCS+. We assume an ARM CortexM3 with 8 kB of memory and 8 kB of flash for code; a practical and widely deployed setup in, for example, the automotive sector. This amount of memory is insufficient for most schemes. Rainbow and GeMSS public keys are too big; SPHINCS+...

2021/041 (PDF) Last updated: 2021-06-05
Post-Quantum LMS and SPHINCS+ Hash-Based Signatures for UEFI Secure Boot
Panos Kampanakis, Peter Panburana, Michael Curcio, Chirag Shroff, Md Mahbub Alam
Public-key cryptography

The potential development of large-scale quantum computers is raising concerns among IT and security research professionals due to their ability to solve (elliptic curve) discrete logarithm and integer factorization problems in polynomial time. This would jeopardize IT security as we know it. In this work, we investigate two quantum-safe, hash-based signature schemes published by the Internet Engineering Task Force and submitted to the National Institute of Standards and Technology for use...

2020/564 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-07-10
Hash-based Signatures Revisited: A Dynamic FORS with Adaptive Chosen Message Security
Mahmoud Yehia, Riham AlTawy, T. Aaron Gulliver

FORS is the underlying hash-based few-time signing scheme in SPHINCS+, one of the nine signature schemes which advanced to round 2 of the NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography standardization competition. In this paper, we analyze the security of FORS with respect to adaptive chosen message attacks. We show that in such a setting, the security of FORS decreases significantly with each signed message when compared to its security against non-adaptive chosen message attacks. We propose a chaining...

2020/308 (PDF) Last updated: 2020-03-23
Post-Quantum TLS on Embedded Systems
Kevin Bürstinghaus-Steinbach, Christoph Krauß, Ruben Niederhagen, Michael Schneider

We present our integration of post-quantum cryptography (PQC), more specifically of the post-quantum KEM scheme Kyber for key establishment and the post-quantum signature scheme SPHINCS$^+$, into the embedded TLS library mbed TLS. We measure the performance of these post-quantum primitives on four different embedded platforms with three different ARM processors and an Xtensa LX6 processor. Furthermore, we compare the performance of our experimental PQC cipher suite to a classical TLS variant...

2019/1086 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-09-25
The SPHINCS+ Signature Framework
Daniel J. Bernstein, Andreas Hülsing, Stefan Kölbl, Ruben Niederhagen, Joost Rijneveld, Peter Schwabe
Public-key cryptography

We introduce SPHINCS+, a stateless hash-based signature framework. SPHINCS+ has significant advantages over the state of the art in terms of speed, signature size, and security, and is among the nine remaining signature schemes in the second round of the NIST PQC standardization project. One of our main contributions in this context is a new few-time signature scheme that we call FORS. Our second main contribution is the introduction of tweakable hash functions and a demonstration how they...

2019/1060 (PDF) Last updated: 2019-09-19
Sharing the LUOV: Threshold Post-Quantum Signatures
Daniele Cozzo, Nigel P. smart
Cryptographic protocols

We examine all of the signature submissions to Round-2 of the NIST PQC ``competition'' in the context of whether one can transform them into threshold signature schemes in a relatively straight forward manner. We conclude that all schemes, except the ones in the MQ family, have significant issues when one wishes to convert them using relatively generic MPC techniques. The lattice based schemes are hampered by requiring a mix of operations which are suited to both linear secret shared schemes...

2018/674 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-10-15
Practical Fault Injection Attacks on SPHINCS
Aymeric Genêt, Matthias J. Kannwischer, Hervé Pelletier, Andrew McLauchlan
Public-key cryptography

The majority of currently deployed cryptographic public-key schemes are at risk of becoming insecure once large scale quantum computers become practical. Therefore, substitutes resistant to quantum attacks楊nown as post-quantum cryptography預re required. In particular, hash-based signature schemes appear to be the most conservative choice for post-quantum digital signatures. In this work, we mount the first practical fault attack against hash-based cryptography. The attack was originally...

2018/102 (PDF) Last updated: 2018-04-13
Grafting Trees: a Fault Attack against the SPHINCS framework
Laurent Castelnovi, Ange Martinelli, Thomas Prest

Because they require no assumption besides the preimage or collision resistance of hash functions, hash-based signatures are a unique and very attractive class of post-quantum primitives. Among them, the schemes of the SPHINCS family are arguably the most practical stateless schemes, and can be implemented on embedded devices such as FPGAs or smart cards. This naturally raises the question of their resistance to implementation attacks. In this paper, we propose the first fault attack...

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