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Paper 2020/152

Compressed $\Sigma$-Protocol Theory and Practical Application to Plug & Play Secure Algorithmics

Thomas Attema and Ronald Cramer


Sigma-Protocols provide a well-understood basis for secure algorithmics. Recently, Bulletproofs (Bootle et al., EUROCRYPT 2016, and Bünz et al., S&P 2018) have been proposed as a drop-in replacement in case of zero-knowledge (ZK) for arithmetic circuits, achieving logarithmic communication instead of linear. Its pivot is an ingenious, logarithmic-size proof of knowledge BP for certain quadratic relations. However, reducing ZK for general relations to it forces a somewhat cumbersome ``reinvention'' of cryptographic protocol theory. We take a rather different viewpoint and reconcile Bulletproofs with Sigma-Protocol Theory such that (a) simpler circuit ZK is developed within established theory, while (b) achieving exactly the same logarithmic communication. The natural key here is linearization. First, we repurpose BPs as a blackbox compression mechanism for standard Sigma-Protocols handling ZK proofs of general linear relations (on compactly committed secret vectors); our pivot. Second, we reduce the case of general nonlinear relations to blackbox applications of our pivot via a novel variation on arithmetic secret sharing based techniques for Sigma-Protocols (Cramer et al., ICITS 2012). Orthogonally, we enhance versatility by enabling scenarios not previously addressed, e.g., when a secret input is dispersed across several commitments. Standard implementation platforms leading to logarithmic communication follow from a Discrete-Log assumption or a generalized Strong-RSA assumption. Also, under a Knowledge-of-Exponent Assumption (KEA) communication drops to constant, as in ZK-SNARKS. All in all, our theory should more generally be useful for modular (``plug & play'') design of practical cryptographic protocols; this is further evidenced by our separate work (2020) on proofs of partial knowledge.

Note: This is the full version of the same title work accepted for publication at CRYPTO 2020. Change log w.r.t. previous version- June 23, 2020: (a) modified the extractor analysis of Appendix A to account for the fact that our previous derivations are only meaningful for a portion of the full parameter space, and (b) for the full range of parameters we rely on prior results and, for this reason, refrain from giving concrete knowledge errors in several theorems.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
A minor revision of an IACR publication in CRYPTO 2020
Sigma-protocolsBulletproofsZero-KnowledgePlug-and-PlaySecure AlgorithmicsZK-SNARKSVerifiable Computation.
Contact author(s)
thomas attema @ tno nl
ronald cramer @ cwi nl
2020-07-16: last of 3 revisions
2020-02-13: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Thomas Attema and Ronald Cramer},
      title = {Compressed $\Sigma$-Protocol Theory and Practical Application to Plug & Play Secure Algorithmics},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2020/152},
      year = {2020},
      url = {}
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