Antonym means ” a word that refers the opposite of another word. Here, you can find many examples or antonym words.
Detailed Antonym Word List
abandon | keep |
abbreviate | increase |
able | incapable |
abundant | insufficient |
active | idle |
adequate | insufficient |
adult | child |
after | before |
aggressive | passive |
always | never |
apparent | hidden |
arrive | depart |
artificial | real, authentic |
authentic | false, artificial |
awkward | graceful |
barren | fertile, productive |
before | after, behind |
believe | doubt, distrust |
beneficial | harmful, adverse |
birth | death, end |
brave | cowardly, timid |
brief | long |
busy | idle, inactive |
calm | excited |
care | neglect |
cease | continue |
charming | obnoxious |
chubby | thin, skinny |
close | open |
combine | separate |
complex | simple |
comprehend | confuse, misinterpret |
complex | simple |
concrete | abstract, flimsy |
condemn | approve |
confess | deny |
conflict | agree |
conform | dissent, dispute |
congested | empty |
conscientious | neglectful |
consecutive | interrupted |
considerate | thoughtless |
contaminate | purify |
continue | discontinue, stop |
convenient | inconvenient |
correct | wrong, incorrect |
courteous | rude |
cozy | uncomfortable |
crazy | sane |
cry | laugh |
dangerous | safe |
dark | light |
dead | alive |
deduct | add |
defy | obey, comply |
demolish | restore |
dense | sparse |
deposit | withdraw |
despise | love |
destroy | restore |
deter | encourage |
die | live |
difficult | easy |
diminish | increase |
disagree | agree |
diverse | same, similar |
docile | wild |
doubt | believe |
drastic | mild, moderate |
dry | wet |
dull | sharp, bright |
early | late |
eccentric | normal |
encourage | discourage |
enjoy | dislike |
enormous | tiny |
entirely | partly |
evident | doubtful, vague |
exceptional | ordinary, usual |
exhilarated | depressed |
exquisite | revolting |
extravagant | meager |
face | avoid |
fake | real, genuine |
fancy | simple, plain |
fast | slow |
feasible | impossible |
ferocious | tame, gentle |
few | many |
fill | empty |
fluid | solid |
follow | precede |
former | latter |
frank | evasive |
fresh | old |
frigid | warm, hot |
full | empty |
future | past |
gallant | ungentlemanly |
gaunt | overweight, plump |
gentle | rough, harsh |
give | take, receive |
gloomy | cheery, bright |
good | bad, awful |
gratitude | ungratefulness |
hard | soft, easy |
help | hinder, thwart |
hold | release, discharge |
hospitable | rude, unfriendly |
huge | small, tiny |
humiliate | honor, dignify |
idle | busy |
immature | mature, adult |
impartial | prejudiced |
imperative | unnecessary |
impetuous | restrained |
independent | dependent, unsure |
ingenious | unoriginal, dull |
insane | sane |
intelligent | ignorant, dense |
internal | external, outer |
irrelevant | relevant |
join | separate |
keep | discard |
large | small |
least | most |
listless | active |
long | short |
lure | repel |
magnify | reduce, minimize |
maximum | minimum, least |
mean | pleasant, nice |
migrant | stationary, immovable |
minor | major |
mobile | immobile |
momentous | unimportant |
mourn | rejoice |
naughty | good |
negligent | conscientious |
neutral | prejudiced |
nice | unpleasant |
numerous | few, scanty |
oblivious | mindful, aware |
observe | ignore, disregard |
obstinate | maneuverable, flexible |
offend | please, delight |
open | close |
optimistic | pessimistic |
ordinary | unusual |
outstanding | insignificant |
passive | forceful |
patience | impatience |
perfect | imperfect, faulty |
perpetual | short-lived |
plausible | unbelievable |
pliable | rigid |
poor | rich, wealthy |
possible | impossible, unachievable |
precious | cheap, worthless |
premature | late, delayed |
preserve | destroy, neglect |
prevalent | uncommon |
probable | improbable, doubtful |
profit | loss |
prominent | unknown |
prosperous | unsuccessful, fruitless |
push | pull |
question | answer |
quit | continue, remain |
radiant | dim |
ratify | veto, refuse |
ravage | restore |
recreation | work, labor |
refute | agree, concur |
regulate | decontrol |
relevant | irrelevant, insignificant |
reluctant | willing |
repulsive | pleasing |
resist | comply, conform |
ridiculous | sensible, believable |
rowdy | well-mannered, genteel |
sad | happy, glad |
savage | civilized, gentle, tame |
scarce | plentiful, abundant |
seize | release, free |
serene | disturbed, upset |
shrewd | unthinking, careless |
sick | well, healthy |
sluggish | quick, speedy |
smooth | rough |
sorrow | joy, ecstasy |
spontaneous | planned, rehearsed |
stationary | movable, portable |
stop | start, begin |
strict | lenient |
stupid | knowledgeable, smart |
successful | failing, unsuccessful |
superb | inferior, mediocre |
surplus | lack, deficit |
synthetic | natural |
tangible | vague, ambiguous |
tender | harsh, rough |
thaw | freeze |
thrive | fail, fade, shrivel |
trivial | important, crucial |
turmoil | quiet, tranquility |
upset | soothe, calm |
vacant | filled, occupied |
valiant | cowardly, fearful |
vicious | kind |
virtuous | sinful |
wealth | poverty |
wholehearted | insincere |
win | lose |
wonderful | ordinary, blah |
wrong | correct, right |
zenith | bottom, base |