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  Hula (for various kinds and references, see Haw.-Eng. entry and entries that follow it).
  Also: 'ōlapa, 'ulī'ulī, pa'i umauma, ku'i Moloka'i, hula noho, hula pahu, papa hehi, 'āla'apapa, hue, ki'elei, 'ōhele, kālā'au, pahua, kōlani. See dance, sitting hula. Americanized hula, hula hapa haole. Hula by many persons, huhula, huhuhula, hulahula. Hula dancer, hula, mea hula.
   ♦ Hula leader, 'alaka'i hula.
   ♦ Hula teacher, kumu hula.
   ♦ Hula troupe, pā hula.
   ♦ Assistant leader in a hula troupe, iwi 'ao'ao.
   ♦ Assistant to head student, paepae, iwi 'ao'ao.
   ♦ Head student, po'opua'a.
   ♦ Graduating exercises for hula, 'ūniki, hu'elepo.
   ♦ Hula steps: 'ai, 'ami, 'ami kūkū, 'ai 'ami, 'ai ha'a, ha'a, kāwele, 'ai kāwele, kāwelu, 'ami kāhela, 'uwehe, 'ō, kāholo, ki'i, wāwae ki'i, wāwae, lele, 'aui, kelamoku, 'ūlili, ka'apuni, hela, huki, kupe, ue, holo. Hula gestures, ki'i kuhi, ki'i hua. Hula altar, kuahu, ni'o.
   ♦ Hula goddess, Laka.
   ♦ Hula rattle, 'ulī'ulī.
   ♦ Feathered top of hula rattle, heke.
   ♦ To dance the hula, hula.
   ♦ To undulate the arms in a hula, imitating the flight of a bird, ho'ēheu. To move the stomach as in certain hula dances, papa'i. To twist and turn with rapid hip movements, hō'anapau. To sway the hips, ho'olewa. Dare to hula, leave shyness at home, 'a'a i ka hula, waiho i ka hilahila i ka hale.

English-Hawaiian dictionary. 2015.

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