Texcoco — may refer to: * Texcoco (altepetl), the pre Columbian Mesoamerican city state and founder of the Aztec Triple Alliance * Texcoco, México, the modern day Mexican municipality * Texcoco de Mora, city and main settlement of Texcoco municipality *… … Wikipedia
Texcoco — Texcoco, s. Tezcuco … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Texcoco — (spr. techkōko, Tetzcu[o]co), Stadt im mexikan. Staate Mexiko, am gleichnamigen, 240 qkm großen, 2275 m ü. M. gelegenen Salzsee und durch Bahn mit Mexiko verbunden, hat eine Glashütte, Trümmer alter Paläste sowie eines großartigen Aquädukts und… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Texcoco — Texcōco (spr. tech ), Salzsee im mexik. Staate Mexiko, 240 qkm; daran die Stadt T., (1900) 5930 E … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Texcoco — Para otros usos de este término, véase Texcoco (desambiguación). En este artículo sobre geografía se detectaron los siguientes problemas: Necesita ser wikificado conforme a las convenciones de estilo de Wikipedia. Carece de … Wikipedia Español
Texcoco — 19.529444444444 98.8966666666672250 Koordinaten: 19° 32′ N, 98° 54′ W … Deutsch Wikipedia
Texcoco — 19°30′20″N 98°52′55″O / 19.50556, 98.88194 Texcoco, Tezcuco ou Tezcoco, de son nom officiel Texcoco de Mora, est une ville … Wikipédia en Français
Texcoco — ▪ ancient city, Mexico city built in the present day Valley of Mexico by the Acolhuas, a pre Columbian people of the Nahuatl speaking group of tribes, which gained mastery of the valley after the collapse of the Toltec hegemony in the mid… … Universalium
Texcoco — Admin ASC 2 Code Orig. name Texcoco Country and Admin Code MX.15.099 MX … World countries Adminstrative division ASC I-II
Texcoco (altepetl) — Texcoco (Classical Nahuatl: Tetzco(h)co , IPA2|tetsˈkoʔko) was a major Acolhua city state in the central Mexican plateau region of Mesoamerica during the Late Postclassic period of pre Columbian Mesoamerican chronology. It was situated on the… … Wikipedia