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Etymology 1


Abbreviation of quadrangle; originally (17th century) referring to the quadrangles of Newgate Prison, London.



quod (countable and uncountable, plural quods)

  1. (countable) A quadrangle or court, as of a prison; a prison.
    • 1863, Punch, quoted in 1995, Seán McConville, English Local Prisons, 1860-1900: Next Only to Death, page 69,
      [] not the poorer classes merely, but the rich will be desirous to enjoy the mingled luxury and comfort of a gaol: and we shall hear of blasé Swells become burglars and garotters as a prelude to a prison, and, instead of taking tours for restoration of their health, recruiting it more cheaply by a residence in quod.
    • 1878, John Wrathall Bull, Early Experiences of Colonial Life in South Australia, page 264:
      [] and declined their escort, desiring to be conducted to “quod” by the gallant South Australian police, [] .
    • 2000, R.I.C. Publications, Workbook E: Society and Environment, page 48:
      From 1855-1903 a chapel was built, the boat shed and holding cell constructed, Government House was constructed as a summer residence for the Governor and the Quod (slang for prison) was constructed.
    • 2006, Pip Wilson, Faces in the Street: Louisa and Henry Lawson and the Castlereagh Street Push, page 202:
      Pity McNamara′s still doing his stretch in the quod, but he′ll be out soon.
  2. (uncountable, Australia, slang) Confinement in a prison.
Alternative forms



quod (third-person singular simple present quods, present participle quodding, simple past and past participle quodded)

  1. (slang, archaic) To confine in prison.

Etymology 2





  1. (obsolete) Quoth.
    • 1563, John Foxe, “Actes and Monuments”, in The Church Historians of England: Reformation Period, published 1868, Volume 8, Part 1, page 422:
      “Why,” quod her friend, “would ye not willingly have gone with your company, if God should so have suffered it?”
    • 1908, James Gairdner, Lollardy and the Reformation in England: An Historical Survey, Cambridge University Press, published 2010, page 416:
      “And therefore I have granted to their request,” quod the King; [] .

See also






Inflection of quī (who, which), corresponding to Proto-Indo-European *kʷod, whence also Old English hwæt (English what).






  1. neuter nominative/accusative singular of quī




  1. which
  2. because
  3. until
  4. what
    • Fui quod es, eris quod sum.
      I once was what you are; one day you shall be what I am.
  5. (Late Latin, Medieval Latin) that (in indirect speech)
    • 13th century, “Dies Irae
      Recordare, Jesu pie, quod sum causa tuae viae
      Remember, holy Jesus, that I am the reason for your journey.


  • Aromanian: , che
  • Dalmatian: co
  • Old Neapolitan: ko (Placiti Cassinesi)
  • Romanian:
  • Romansch: cu


  • quod”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • quod”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • quod in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition with additions by D. P. Carpenterius, Adelungius and others, edited by Léopold Favre, 1883–1887)
  • quod in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • (ambiguous) to fail to see what lies before one: quod ante pedes est or positum est, non videre
    • (ambiguous) the rest of one's life: quod reliquum est vitae
    • (ambiguous) it is most fortunate that..: peropportune accidit, quod
    • (ambiguous) you were right in...; you did right to..: recte, bene fecisti quod...
    • (ambiguous) a thing which is rather (very) dubious: quod aliquam (magnam) dubitationem habet (Leg. Agr. 1. 4. 11)
    • (ambiguous) as far as I know: quod sciam
    • (ambiguous) he attained his object: id quod voluit consecutus est
    • (ambiguous) he attained his object: ad id quod voluit pervenit
    • (ambiguous) a proof of this is that..: argumento huic rei est, quod
    • (ambiguous) the point at issue: id, de quo agitur or id quod cadit in controversiam
    • (ambiguous) a digression, episode: quod ornandi causa additum est
    • (ambiguous) I have nothing to write about: non habeo, non est quod scribam
    • (ambiguous) a theme, subject proposed for discussion: id quod (mihi) propositum est
    • (ambiguous) a theme, subject proposed for discussion: id quod quaerimus (quaeritur)
    • (ambiguous) a theme, subject proposed for discussion: institutum or id quod institui
    • (ambiguous) as the proverb says: ut or quod or quomodo aiunt, ut or quemadmodum dicitur
    • (ambiguous) I am pained, vexed, sorry: aegre, graviter, moleste fero aliquid (or with Acc. c. Inf. or quod)
    • (ambiguous) and may God grant success: quod deus bene vertat!
    • (ambiguous) and may heaven avert the omen! heaven preserve us from this: quod di immortales omen avertant! (Phil. 44. 11)
    • (ambiguous) God forbid: quod abominor! (procul absit!)
    • (ambiguous) may heaven's blessing rest on it: quod bonum, faustum, felix, fortunatumque sit! (Div. 1. 45. 102)
    • (ambiguous) I will give you my true opinion: dicam quod sentio
    • (ambiguous) without wishing to boast, yet..: quod vere praedicare possum
    • (ambiguous) which I can say without offence, arrogance: quod non arroganter dixerim
    • (ambiguous) to except the fact that..: praeterquam quod or nisi quod
    • (ambiguous) the main point: id quod maximum, gravissimum est
    • (ambiguous) the main point: quod caput est
    • (ambiguous) what is more important: quod maius est

Middle English





  1. Alternative form of quath (spoke, etc.)