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  1. (international standards) ISO 639-3 language code for Suki.





sui (plural suis)

  1. (Internet slang) Clipping of suicide.





From Proto-Central Pacific *sui, from Proto-Oceanic *ruʀi, from Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *duʀi, from Proto-Austronesian *duʀi. Cognate with Indonesian duri, Malagasy rui, Acehnese duroë (thorn), Kosraean sri.




  1. bone






  1. inflection of sukia:
    1. present active indicative connegative
    2. second-person singular present imperative
    3. second-person singular present active imperative connegative



From su +‎ -i.






  1. plural of sua






  1. contraction of su i; on the



Iu Mien




From Proto-Hmong-Mien *suj (sour). Cognate with Western Xiangxi Miao [Fenghuang] xob.




  1. sour






  1. Rōmaji transcription of すい

Khumi Chin







  1. gold


  • K. E. Herr (2011) The phonological interpretation of minor syllables, applied to Lemi Chin[1], Payap University, page 45





Etymology 1


From Proto-Indo-European *swé. Cognates include Ancient Greek (), Sanskrit स्वतह् (svataḥ), and perhaps Old English self (English self).




  1. the genitive of the reflexive pronoun meaning of himself, of herself, of itself, of themselves, one another, each other, etc.
    Oblitus suī.
    Forgetting himself.
    Ex nimia sui opinione.
    Having too good a conceit of himself.
  2. the inflected form of the possessive pronoun meaning his, her/hers, its, their.
    1. inflection of suus:
    2. genitive masculine/neuter singular
    3. nominative/vocative masculine plural
Number Singular Plural
Person First Second Reflexive third Third First Second Reflexive third Third
Case / Gender Masc./ Fem./Neut. Masc. Fem. Neut. Masc./ Fem./Neut. Masc. Fem. Neut.
Nominative egō̆ is ea id nōs vōs
eae ea
Genitive meī tuī suī eius nostrī
suī eōrum eārum eōrum
Dative mihī̆ tibī̆ sibi nōbīs vōbīs sibi eīs
eum eam id nōs vōs
eōs eās ea
nōbīs vōbīs
Vocative egō nōs vōs
Derived terms
See also

Etymology 2


From sūs.




  1. dative/ablative singular of sūs

Etymology 3


From suō.




  1. first-person singular perfect active indicative of suō


  • sui”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • sui”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • sui in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[2], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to burn a corpse: aliquem mortuum cremare (Sen. 23. 84)
    • to apply oneself very closely to literary, scientific work: in litteris elaborare (De Sen. 8. 26)
    • for a Roman he is decidedly well educated: sunt in illo, ut in homine Romano, multae litterae (De Sen. 4. 12)
    • to learn to play a stringed instrument: fidibus discere (De Sen. 8. 26)
    • a band, troupe of gladiators under the management of a lanista: familia gladiatoria (Sest. 64. 134)
    • to compose, compile a book: librum conficere, componere (De Sen. 1. 2)
    • to suffer affliction: in luctu esse (Sest. 14. 32)
    • to commit a crime against some one: scelus edere in aliquem (Sest. 26. 58)
    • to threaten war, carnage: denuntiare bellum, caedem (Sest. 20. 46)
    • to be a strict disciplinarian in one's household: severum imperium in suis exercere, tenere (De Sen. 11. 37)
    • to plant trees: arbores serere (De Sen. 7. 24)
    • for political reasons: rei publicae causa (Sest. 47. 101)
    • to be a friend of the aristocracy: nobilitati favere (Sest. 9. 21)
    • to swear obedience to a law: in legem iurare (Sest. 16. 37)
    • men of rank and dignity: viri clari et honorati (De Sen. 7. 22)
    • the senate inclines to the opinion, decides for..: senatus sententia inclīnat ad... (De Sen. 6. 16)
    • to take the vote (by division): discessionem facere (Sest. 34. 74)
    • to atone for something by..: luere aliquid aliqua re (De Sen. 20)
    • to possess great experience in military matters: magnum usum in re militari habere (Sest. 5. 12)
    • to collect the wreckage: naufragium colligere (Sest. 6. 15)
    • (ambiguous) to come to the surface: (se) ex aqua emergere
    • (ambiguous) the tide is coming in: aestus ex alto se incitat (B. G. 3.12)
    • (ambiguous) the wind is turning to the south-west: ventus se vertit in Africum
    • (ambiguous) the heat is abating: calor se frangit (opp. increscit)
    • (ambiguous) to set out on a journey: in viam se dare
    • (ambiguous) to set out on a journey: viae se committere
    • (ambiguous) not to stir from one's place: loco or vestigio se non movere
    • (ambiguous) to go to a place: se conferre in aliquem locum
    • (ambiguous) to throw oneself from the ramparts: se deicere de muro
    • (ambiguous) to rush out of the house: se proripere ex domo
    • (ambiguous) to overtake and pass some one: post se relinquere aliquem
    • (ambiguous) to require, give, take time for deliberation: tempus (spatium) deliberandi or ad deliberandum postulare, dare, sibi sumere
    • (ambiguous) circumstances demand: tempus (ita) fert (not secum)
    • (ambiguous) to draw every one's eyes upon one: omnium oculos (et ora) ad se convertere
    • (ambiguous) to attract universal attention: omnium animos or mentes in se convertere
    • (ambiguous) to show oneself to some one: se in conspectum dare alicui
    • (ambiguous) to throw oneself at some one's feet: ad pedes alicuius se proicere, se abicere, procumbere, se prosternere
    • (ambiguous) to have become independent, be no longer a minor: sui iuris factum esse
    • (ambiguous) to recruit oneself after a severe illness: e gravi morbo recreari or se colligere
    • (ambiguous) to lay oneself down to slee: somno or quieti se tradere
    • (ambiguous) to commit suicide: mortem sibi consciscere
    • (ambiguous) to take one's own life: se vita privare
    • (ambiguous) to lay hands on oneself: manus, vim sibi afferre
    • (ambiguous) to sacrifice oneself for one's country: se morti offerre pro salute patriae
    • (ambiguous) to poison oneself: veneno sibi mortem consciscere
    • (ambiguous) to feel superior to the affairs of life: res humanas infra se positas arbitrari
    • (ambiguous) the facts are these; the matter stands thus: res ita est, ita (sic) se habet
    • (ambiguous) to leave the question open; to refuse to commit oneself: integrum (causam integram) sibi reservare
    • (ambiguous) to trust to luck: fortunae se committere
    • (ambiguous) luck is changing, waning: fortuna commutatur, se inclinat
    • (ambiguous) to expose oneself to peril: periculis se offerre
    • (ambiguous) to recklessly hazard one's life: in periculum capitis, in discrimen vitae se inferre
    • (ambiguous) to take measures for one's safety; to look after one's own interests: suis rebus or sibi consulere
    • (ambiguous) to find favour with some one; to get into their good graces: benevolentiam, favorem, voluntatem alicuius sibi conciliare or colligere (ex aliqua re)
    • (ambiguous) to court a person's favour; to ingratiate oneself with..: gratiam alicuius sibi quaerere, sequi, more strongly aucupari
    • (ambiguous) to accomodate oneself to another's wishes: se conformare, se accommodare ad alicuius voluntatem
    • (ambiguous) to take one's directions from another; to obey him in everything: se convertere, converti ad alicuius nutum
    • (ambiguous) to be at the beck and call of another; to be his creature: totum se fingere et accommodare ad alicuius arbitrium et nutum
    • (ambiguous) to become estranged, alienated from some one: voluntatemor animum alicuius a se abalienare, aliquem a se abalienare or alienare
    • (ambiguous) to gain some one's friendship; to become intimate with: ad alicuius amicitiam se conferre, se applicare
    • (ambiguous) to be reconciled; to make up a quarrel: sibi aliquem, alicuius animum reconciliare or reconciliari alicui
    • (ambiguous) to gain dignity; to make oneself a person of consequence: auctoritatem or dignitatem sibi conciliare, parare
    • (ambiguous) to consider a thing beneath one's dignity: aliquid alienum (a) dignitate sua or merely a se ducere
    • (ambiguous) to consider a thing beneath one's dignity: aliquid infra se ducere or infra se positum arbitrari
    • (ambiguous) to gain distinction: gloriam, famam sibi comparare
    • (ambiguous) to attain eternal renown: immortalitatem consequi, adipisci, sibi parere
    • (ambiguous) to leave a great reputation behind one: magnam sui famam relinquere
    • (ambiguous) to incur ignominy: infamiam concipere, subire, sibi conflare
    • (ambiguous) to abandon oneself to inactivity and apathy: desidiae et languori se dedere
    • (ambiguous) to abandon oneself to inactivity and apathy: ignaviae et socordiae se dare
    • (ambiguous) to devote oneself absolutely to the pursuit of pleasure: se totum voluptatibus dedere, tradere
    • (ambiguous) to plunge into a life of pleasure: in voluptates se mergere
    • (ambiguous) to recruit oneself, seek relaxation: animum relaxare, reficere, recreare or simply se reficere, se recreare, refici, recreari (ex aliqua re)
    • (ambiguous) to indulge oneself: animum or simply se remittere
    • (ambiguous) to indulge oneself: animo or simply sibi indulgere
    • (ambiguous) to form an idea of a thing, imagine, conceive: animo, cogitatione aliquid fingere (or simply fingere, but without sibi), informare
    • (ambiguous) to picture to oneself: cogitatione sibi aliquid depingere
    • (ambiguous) to judge others by oneself: de se (ex se de aliis) coniecturam facere
    • (ambiguous) to take common counsel: consilia inter se communicare
    • (ambiguous) to think over, consider a thing: secum (cum animo) reputare aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to think over, consider a thing: considerare in, cum animo, secum aliquid
    • (ambiguous) to have a high object in view; to be ambitious: magna sibi proponere or magna spectare
    • (ambiguous) what is the meaning of this: quid hoc sibi vult?
    • (ambiguous) to immortalise one's name: memoriam nominis sui immortalitati tradere, mandare, commendare
    • (ambiguous) to devote oneself entirely to literature: se totum litteris tradere, dedere
    • (ambiguous) to be quite engrossed in literary studies: se totum in litteras or se litteris abdere
    • (ambiguous) to pass as a man of great learning: magnam doctrinae speciem prae se ferre
    • (ambiguous) to become a pupil, disciple of some one: operam dare or simply se dare alicui, se tradere in disciplinam alicuius, se conferre, se applicare ad aliquem
    • (ambiguous) he is a young man of great promise: adulescens alios bene de se sperare iubet, bonam spem ostendit or alii de adulescente bene sperare possunt
    • (ambiguous) to be a philosopher, physician by profession: se philosophum, medicum (esse) profiteri
    • (ambiguous) to set up some one as one's ideal, model: sibi exemplum alicuius proponere ad imitandum or simply sibi aliquem ad imitandum proponere
    • (ambiguous) to take a lesson from some one's example: sibi exemplum sumere ex aliquo or exemplum capere de aliquo
    • (ambiguous) to shape one's conduct after another's model: ad exemplum alicuius se conformare
    • (ambiguous) to devote oneself to philosophy: se conferre ad philosophiam, ad philosophiae or sapientiae studium (Fam. 4. 3. 4)
    • (ambiguous) to apply oneself to the study of philosophy: animum appellere or se applicare ad philosophiam
    • (ambiguous) to be closely connected with each other: conexum et aptum esse inter se
    • (ambiguous) systematic succession, concatenation: continuatio seriesque rerum, ut alia ex alia nexa et omnes inter se aptae colligataeque sint (N. D. 1. 4. 9)
    • (ambiguous) to be mutually contradictory: inter se pugnare or repugnare
    • (ambiguous) to contradict oneself, be inconsistent: secum pugnare (without sibi); sibi repugnare (of things)
    • (ambiguous) to contradict oneself, be inconsistent: a se dissidere or sibi non constare (of persons)
    • (ambiguous) to devote oneself to writing history: ad historiam (scribendam) se conferre or se applicare
    • (ambiguous) to devote oneself to the study of a natural science: se conferre ad naturae investigationem
    • (ambiguous) to devote oneself to poetry: se conferre ad poesis studium
    • (ambiguous) to devote oneself to oratory: ad dicendum se conferre
    • (ambiguous) to obtain a hearing: audientiam sibi (orationi) facere
    • (ambiguous) the connection: sententiae inter se nexae
    • (ambiguous) the connection of thought: ratio, qua sententiae inter se excipiunt.
    • (ambiguous) to let oneself be jovial: se dare iucunditati
    • (ambiguous) to be in a bad temper: sibi displicere (opp. sibi placere)
    • (ambiguous) to become a writer, embrace a literary career: ad scribendum or ad scribendi studium se conferre
    • (ambiguous) to bury oneself in one's library: se abdere in bibliothecam suam
    • (ambiguous) to be in correspondence with..: litteras inter se dare et accipere
    • (ambiguous) to recover from one's fright: ex metu se recreare, se colligere
    • (ambiguous) to be haughty: magnos spiritus sibi sumere (B. G. 1. 33)
    • (ambiguous) to behave arrogantly: insolentius se efferre
    • (ambiguous) to give oneself airs: elatius se gerere
    • (ambiguous) to take upon oneself: sibi sumere aliquid (Planc. 1. 3)
    • (ambiguous) to display a proud obstinacy: contumacius se gerere
    • (ambiguous) to prepare oneself for all contingencies: ad omnes casus se comparare
    • (ambiguous) to lose one's head, be beside oneself: sui (mentis) compotem non esse
    • (ambiguous) to lose one's head, be beside oneself: non esse apud se (Plaut. Mil. 4. 8. 26)
    • (ambiguous) to regain one's self-possession: ad se redire
    • (ambiguous) to cause oneself to be expected: exspectationem sui facere, commovere
    • (ambiguous) self-confidence: fiducia sui (Liv. 25. 37)
    • (ambiguous) to put oneself entirely in some one's hands: totum se committere, tradere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to put oneself under some one's protection: se conferre, se tradere, se permittere in alicuius fidem
    • (ambiguous) to clear oneself of a suspicion: suspicionem a se removere, depellere, propulsare (Verr. 3. 60. 140)
    • (ambiguous) to incur a person's hatred: alicuius odium subire, suscipere, in se convertere, sibi conflare
    • (ambiguous) to be tainted with vice: vitiis, sceleribus contaminari or se contaminare (Off. 3. 8. 37)
    • (ambiguous) to commit a crime and so make oneself liable to the consequences of it: scelere se devincire, se obstringere, astringi
    • (ambiguous) to commit a crime and so make oneself liable to the consequences of it: scelus (in se) concipere, suscipere
    • (ambiguous) to abandon oneself (entirely) to debauchery: se (totum) libidinibus dedere
    • (ambiguous) a man of no self-control, self-indulgent: homo impotens sui
    • (ambiguous) to have self-control; to restrain oneself, master one's inclinations: sibi imperare or continere et coercere se ipsum
    • (ambiguous) to give the impression of...; have the outward aspect of..: speciem prae se ferre
    • (ambiguous) some one feigns illness: aliquis simulat aegrum or se esse aegrum
    • (ambiguous) to indulge one's caprice: sibi or ingenio suo indulgere (Nep. Chabr. 3)
    • (ambiguous) to recover one's reason, be reasonable again: ad bonam frugem se recipere
    • (ambiguous) a good conscience: mens bene sibi conscia
    • (ambiguous) a guilty conscience: animus male sibi conscius
    • (ambiguous) to be conscious of no ill deed: nullius culpae sibi conscium esse
    • (ambiguous) to behave with moderation: moderatum se praebere
    • (ambiguous) to be consistent: sibi constare, constantem esse
    • (ambiguous) to promise an oath to..: iureiurando ac fide se obstringere, ut
    • (ambiguous) to never appear in public: publico carere, se abstinere
    • (ambiguous) to never appear in public: domi se tenere
    • (ambiguous) to dress oneself: induere vestem (without sibi)
    • (ambiguous) to abstain from all nourishment: cibo se abstinere
    • (ambiguous) to welcome a man as a guest in one's house: hospitio aliquem accipere or excipere (domum ad se)
    • (ambiguous) to attach oneself to a person's society: socium se adiungere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to devote oneself to a person's society: se dare in consuetudinem alicuius
    • (ambiguous) to insinuate oneself into a person's society: se insinuare in consuetudinem alicuius (Fam. 4. 13. 6)
    • (ambiguous) to live to oneself: secum vivere
    • (ambiguous) to enter into conversation with some one: se dare in sermonem cum aliquo
    • (ambiguous) to give audience to some one: sui potestatem facere, praebere alicui
    • (ambiguous) to exchange greetings: inter se consalutare (De Or. 2. 3. 13)
    • (ambiguous) to shake hands with a person: dextram iungere cum aliquo, dextras inter se iungere
    • (ambiguous) to betroth oneself, get engaged: sibi (aliquam) despondere (of the man)
    • (ambiguous) to separate from, divorce (of the man): aliquam suas res sibi habere iubere (Phil. 2. 28. 69)
    • (ambiguous) to transact, settle a matter with some one: transigere aliquid (de aliqua re) cum aliquo or inter se
    • (ambiguous) to devote oneself to politics, a political career: accedere, se conferre ad rem publicam
    • (ambiguous) to retire from public life: a negotiis publicis se removere
    • (ambiguous) to retire into private life: in otium se referre (Fam. 99)
    • (ambiguous) to devote oneself body and soul to the good of the state: totum et animo et corpore in salutem rei publicae se conferre
    • (ambiguous) to be neutral: medium se gerere
    • (ambiguous) to enter the whirlpool of political strife: se civilibus fluctibus committere
    • (ambiguous) to form a conspiracy: coniurare (inter se) de c. Gerund. or ut...
    • (ambiguous) to establish oneself as despot, tyrant by some means: tyrannidem sibi parere aliqua re
    • (ambiguous) to assume a despotic tone: regios spiritus sibi sumere
    • (ambiguous) to grant a people its independence: populum liberum esse, libertate uti, sui iuris esse pati
    • (ambiguous) (the magistrates) arrange among themselves the administration of the provinces, the official spheres of duty: provincias inter se comparant
    • (ambiguous) to resign one's post (before the expiry of the term of office): abdicare se magistratu (Div. 2. 35)
    • (ambiguous) to judge some one equitably: aequum iudicem se alicui praebere
    • (ambiguous) to commit some blameworthy action: facinus, culpam in se admittere
    • (ambiguous) to exonerate oneself from blame: culpam a se amovere
    • (ambiguous) to join forces with some one: copias (arma) cum aliquo iungere or se cum aliquo iungere
    • (ambiguous) to expose oneself to missiles: se obicere telis
    • (ambiguous) to interfere in a war: bello se interponere (Liv. 35. 48)
    • (ambiguous) to remain inactive in camp: se (quietum) tenere castris
    • (ambiguous) to give up one's person and all one's possessions to the conqueror: se suaque omnia dedere victori
    • (ambiguous) to give up one's person and all one's possessions to the conqueror: se suaque omnia permittere victoris potestati
    • (ambiguous) to surrender oneself to the discretion of some one: se permittere in fidem atque in potestatem alicuius (B. G. 2. 3)
    • (ambiguous) to accept battle: potestatem sui facere (alicui) (cf. sect. XII. 9, note audientia...)
    • (ambiguous) to rush into the midst of the foe: in medios hostes se inicere
    • (ambiguous) to withdraw one's forces: se recipere (B. G. 7. 20)
    • (ambiguous) to drive the enemy before one: prae se agere hostem
    • (ambiguous) to take to flight: fugae se mandare (B. G. 2. 24)
    • (ambiguous) to take to flight: se dare in fugam, fugae
    • (ambiguous) to take to flight: se conicere, se conferre in fugam
    • (ambiguous) to flee headlong: praecipitem se fugae mandare
    • (ambiguous) to save oneself by flight: se fuga recipere (B. G. 1. 11)
    • (ambiguous) to make oneself master of a people, country: populum, terram suo imperio, suae potestati subicere (not sibi by itself)
    • (ambiguous) to make one's submission to some one: se imperio alicuius subicere (not alicui)
    • (ambiguous) to make one's submission to some one: in alicuius potestatem se permittere
    • (ambiguous) to run before the wind: vento se dare
    • (ambiguous) that is self-evident, goes without saying: hoc per se intellegitur
    • (ambiguous) the matter stands so (otherwise): res ita (aliter) se habet





sui (sui5sui0, Zhuyin ˙ㄙㄨㄟ)

  1. Nonstandard spelling of suī.
  2. Nonstandard spelling of suí.
  3. Nonstandard spelling of suǐ.
  4. Nonstandard spelling of suì.

Usage notes

  • Transcriptions of Mandarin into the Latin script often do not distinguish between the critical tonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without indication of tone.

Old French




From Latin sum (I am), influenced by fuī (I was) through the -ui.






  1. first-person singular present indicative of estre

Old Occitan





  1. first-person singular present indicative of esser





Inherited from Latin subīre, present active infinitive of subeō (approach).


  • IPA(key): /suˈi/
  • Audio:(file)



a sui (third-person singular present suie, past participle suit) 4th conj.

  1. to get in
  2. to mount, climb up



Derived terms


Further reading






Etymology 1




sui f (invariable)

  1. (dialectal) Alternative form of sua (sow (female pig))

Etymology 2


See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.



sui f pl

  1. plural of sua








  1. (transitive) to suck
  2. (transitive) to smoke (cigarettes, etc.)


Conjugation of sui
Singular Plural
Inclusive Exclusive
1st tosui fosui misui
2nd nosui nisui
3rd Masculine osui isui, yosui
Feminine mosui
Neuter isui
- archaic


  • Rika Hayami-Allen (2001) A descriptive study of the language of Ternate, the northern Moluccas, Indonesia, University of Pittsburgh





Etymology 1


(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)



(classifier cây) sui

  1. Antiaris toxicaria
    Synonym: thuốc bắn

Etymology 2


From Proto-Vietic *p-ruːj (marriage).



sui (𡢽)

  1. (Southern Vietnam) Short for sui gia.
Derived terms