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Page:The prophetic books of William Blake, Milton.djvu/28

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P. 6 MEAN WHILE went Satan before Los accusing Palamabron:
Himself exculpating with mildest speech, for himself believ'd
That he had not oppress'd nor injur'd the refractory servants.

But Satan returning to his Mills (for Palamabron had serv'd
5The Mills of Satan as the easier task) found all confusion:
And back return'd to Los, not fill'd with vengeance but with tears,
Himself convinc'd of Palamabron's turpitude. Los beheld
The servants of the Mills drunken with wine and dancing wild
With shouts and Palamabron's songs, rending the forests green
10With ecchoing confusion, tho' the Sun was risen on high.

Then Los took off his left sandal, placing it on his head,
Signal of solemn mourning: when the servants of the Mills
Beheld the signal they in silence stood, tho' drunk with wine.
Los wept! But Rintrah also came, and Enitharmon on
15His arm lean'd tremblingly, observing all these things.

And Los said: Ye Genii of the Mills! the Sun is on high,
Your labours call you: Palamabron is also in sad dilemma:
His horses are mad: his Harrow confounded: his companions enrag'd.
Mine is the fault! I should have remember'd that pity divides the soul,
20And man, unmans: follow with me my Plow: this mournful day
Must be a blank in Nature: follow with me, and tomorrow again
Resume your labours, & this day shall be a mournful day.

Wildly they follow'd Los and Rintrah, & the Mills were silent:
They mourn'd all day, this mournful day of Satan & Palamabron:
25And all the Elect & all the Redeem'd mourn'd one toward another
Upon the mountains of Albion among the cliffs of the Dead.

They Plow'd in tears! incessant pour'd Jehovah's rain & Molech's
Thick fires, contending with the rain, thunder'd above rolling
Terrible over their heads; Satan wept over Palamabron.
30Theotormon & Bromion contended on the side of Satan,
Pitying his youth and beauty, trembling at eternal death.
Michael contended against Satan in the rolling thunder:
Thulloh the friend of Satan also reprov'd him: faint their reproof.

But Rintrah who is of the reprobate: of those form'd to destruction:
35In indignation for Satan's soft dissimulation of friendship
Flam'd above all the plowed furrows, angry, red and furious:
Till Michael sat down in the furrow, weary, dissolv'd in tears.

Satan, who drave the team beside him, stood angry & red: