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Skyrim:Dragon Items

< Skyrim: Items / Smithing(Redirected from Skyrim:Dragonbone Sword)

Dragon items are high-quality armors and weaponsDG made out of dragon parts. Dragon armors come in light Dragonscale Armor and heavy Dragonplate Armor varieties. Dragon weapons are added by the Dawnguard add-on, and require that it be installed.

Dragon items can be crafted if the player has the Dragon Armor perk, the final perk in Smithing's perk tree. Unlocking it requires a Smithing skill of 100 and all of the perks in either the light armor or heavy armor branches of the perk tree. Note that unlocking this perk does not allow you to then travel down the other armor branch, e.g., if you unlock Glass Smithing and then Dragon Armor, you cannot then unlock Daedric Smithing if you don't already have Ebony Smithing.

The Dragon Armor perk also allows you to improve Dragon items twice as much. This perk applies to both unenchanted and enchanted items (generic or custom), as long as the Arcane Blacksmith perk has been unlocked.

Light ArmorEdit

Dragonscale ArmorEdit

Dragonscale is the best light armor in the base game. It appears in leveled lists starting at level 46 (enchanted varieties at level 47). However, even after level 46, Dragonscale armor is twenty times less likely to appear than other armor types. All items can be tempered using 1 sample of Dragon Scales, and having the Dragon Armor perk doubles the quality improvement.

The Fearsome Fists Creation adds the Brawler's Dragonscale Gauntlets, a new gauntlet variant. The base pair can be crafted and differs only in appearance, while a pair with a 16 point Fortify Unarmed enchantment can be bought from vendors and found in random loot.

A male Nord wearing dragonscale armor
Name (ID) Weight  Value  Armor Rating  Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-misc-DragonScales.png  Dragon Scales SR-icon-ingot-Iron Ingot.png  Iron SR-icon-misc-Leather.png  Leather SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png  Strips Weight  Value  Weight  Value 
SR-icon-armor-DragonscaleArmor.png  Dragonscale Armor
10 1500 41 4 2 1 3 -34.3 467 0.23 1.45
SR-icon-armor-DragonscaleBoots.png  Dragonscale Boots
3 300 12 2 1 1 2 -20.2 -223 0.13 0.57
SR-icon-armor-DragonscaleGauntlets.png  Dragonscale Gauntlets
3 300 12 2 1 1 2 -20.2 -223 0.13 0.57
SR-icon-armor-Brawler's Dragonscale Gauntlets.png  Brawler's Dragonscale GauntletsCC
3 300 12 2 1 1 2 -20.2 -223 0.13 0.57
SR-icon-armor-DragonscaleHelmet.png  Dragonscale Helmet
4 750 17 2 1 1 1 -19.1 230 0.17 1.44
SR-icon-armor-DragonscaleShield.png  Dragonscale Shield
6 750 29 4 2 0 2 -36.2 -270 0.14 0.74
Totals (with shield): 26 3600 111 14 7 4 10
Totals (without shield): 20 2850 82 10 5 4 8

Studded Dragonscale ArmorCCEdit

Studded Dragonscale is a variant added by the Alternative Armors - Dragonscale Creation. It can only be crafted once Tilted ScalesCC is completed. Each piece of armor has 2 points higher in armor rating than the regular version, making it considerably better.

A female Imperial wearing studded dragonscale armor
Name (ID) Weight  Value  Armor Rating  Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-misc-DragonScales.png  Dragon Scales SR-icon-ingot-Iron Ingot.png  Iron SR-icon-misc-Leather.png  Leather SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png  Strips Weight  Value  Weight  Value 
SR-icon-armor-Studded Dragonscale Armor.png  Studded Dragonscale Armor
10 1500 43 4 2 1 3 -34.3 467 0.23 1.45
SR-icon-armor-Studded Dragonscale Boots.png  Studded Dragonscale Boots
3 300 14 2 1 1 2 -20.2 -223 0.13 0.57
SR-icon-armor-Studded Dragonscale Gauntlets.png  Studded Dragonscale Gauntlets
3 300 14 2 1 1 2 -20.2 -223 0.13 0.57
SR-icon-armor-Studded Dragonscale Helmet.png  Studded Dragonscale Helmet
4 750 19 2 1 1 1 -19.1 230 0.17 1.44
Totals (with shield): 26 3600 119 14 7 4 10
Totals (without shield): 20 2850 90 10 5 4 8

Heavy ArmorEdit

Dragonplate ArmorEdit

Dragonplate is tied with StalhrimDB as the second-best heavy armor in the game, beaten only by the elusive Daedric Armor. It appears in leveled lists starting at level 40 (enchanted varieties at level 41). However, even after level 40, Dragonplate armor is twenty times less likely to appear than other armor types. Either Dragon Scales or Dragon Bone are used to temper the armor:

  • 1 Dragon Bone is needed to temper the cuirass and shield.
  • 1 Dragon Scales is needed to temper the boots, gauntlets and helmet.

Having the Dragon Armor perk doubles the quality improvement.

Although Dragonplate armor has a lower base armor rating than Daedric, the difference in base armor rating is not always significant. A full set of either type of armor can provide a character with an armor rating well past the 567 displayed armor rating needed to achieve the armor cap by applying the right combination of Heavy Armor perks, Fortify Heavy Armor enchantments while wearing the armor, and/or use of Fortify Smithing enchanted gear and potions while improving the armor. At that point, the lighter weight of Dragonplate (79 vs 96) may make it more attractive than Daedric (unless you have the Conditioning perk or The Steed Stone ability, both of which make equipped weight zero). Also, the materials used to make Dragonplate armor are generally available in larger quantities than Daedric Armor. Note that getting the Dragon Armor perk uses the same number of total Smithing perks as the Daedric Armor perk, if you take the left-hand branch of the Smithing tree.

Another benefit of dragonplate armor is if you usually use light armor for yourself, focused on the left side of the Smithing Perk Tree, and want to make some powerful heavy armor for your followers, or do the reverse.

If you are smithing Dragonplate Armor for profit, consider making Dragonplate Cuirasses, and then temper them with a Dragon Bone to increase the value.

The Fearsome Fists Creation adds the Brawler's Dragonplate Gauntlets, a new gauntlet variant. The base pair can be crafted and differ only in appearance, while a pair with a 20 point Fortify Unarmed enchantment can be bought from vendors and found in random loot.

A male Nord wearing dragonplate armor
Name (ID) Weight  Value  Armor Rating  Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-misc-DragonScales.png  Dragon Scales SR-icon-misc-DragonBone.png  Dragon Bone SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png  Strips Weight  Value  Weight  Value 
SR-icon-armor-DragonplateArmor.png  Dragonplate Armor
40 2125 46 3 2 3 -20.3 366 0.66 1.21
SR-icon-armor-DragonplateBoots.png  Dragonplate Boots
8 425 17 3 1 2 -37.2 -831 0.18 0.34
SR-icon-armor-DragonplateGauntlets.png  Dragonplate Gauntlets
8 425 17 2 1 2 -27.2 -581 0.23 0.42
SR-icon-armor-Brawler's Dragonplate Gauntlets.png  Brawler's Dragonplate GauntletsCC
8 425 17 2 1 2 -27.2 -581 0.23 0.42
SR-icon-armor-DragonplateHelmet.png  Dragonplate Helmet
8 1050 22 2 1 2 -27.2 44 0.23 1.04
SR-icon-armor-DragonplateShield.png  Dragonplate Shield
15 1050 34 3 1 1 -30.1 -203 0.33 0.84
Totals (with shield): 79 5075 136 13 6 10
Totals (without shield): 64 4025 102 10 5 9

Dragonplate Insulated ArmorCCEdit

Dragonplate Insulated is a heavy armor variant added by the Alternative Armors - Dragon Plate creation. Pieces can be bought or made with the Dragon Smithing perk.

The set is slightly stronger than Daedric, adding the Dragonplate Shield makes the set as strong as the Daedric Armor set with shield. All items can be tempered using 1 Dragon Bone.

A female Imperial wearing dragonplate insulated armor
Name (ID) Weight  Value  Armor Rating  Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-misc-DragonScales.png  Dragon Scales SR-icon-misc-DragonBone.png  Dragon Bone SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png  Strips Weight  Value  Weight  Value 
SR-icon-armor-Dragonplate Insulated Boots.png  Dragonplate Insulated Boots
8 500 19 3 1 2 -37.2 -756 0.18 0.40
SR-icon-armor-Dragonplate Insulated Cuirass.png  Dragonplate Insulated Cuirass
40 2200 48 3 2 3 -20.3 441 0.66 1.25
SR-icon-armor-Dragonplate Insulated Gauntlets.png  Dragonplate Insulated Gauntlets
8 500 19 2 1 2 -27.2 -506 0.23 0.50
SR-icon-armor-Dragonplate Insulated Helmet.png  Dragonplate Insulated Helmet
8 1100 24 2 1 2 -27.2 96 0.23 1.09
Totals (with regular shield): 79 5350 144 13 6 10
Totals: 64 4300 110 10 5 9

Dragonbone WeaponsDGEdit

Dragonbone weapons are the highest-quality weapons available in the game, but are only available if the Dawnguard add-on has been installed. They do not appear in leveled lists, and can only be obtained via crafting or by looting a Keeper. All items except ammunition can be tempered using 1 Dragon Bone, and having the Dragon Armor Smithing perk doubles the quality improvement. Dragonbone Crossbows are only available with the Expanded Crossbow Pack creation installed.

Name (ID) Weight  Value  Damage  Crit.
Speed Reach Raw Materials Delta Ratio
SR-icon-misc-DragonBone.png  Dragon Bone SR-icon-ingot-Ebony Ingot.png  Ebony SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png  Strips Other Weight  Value  Weight  Value 
SR-icon-weapon-Dragonbone Dagger.png  Dragonbone Dagger
6.5 600 12 6 1.3 0.7 1 0 1 -8.6 97 0.43 1.19
SR-icon-weapon-Dragonbone Sword.png  Dragonbone Sword
19 1500 15 7 1 1 1 1 1 2.9 847 1.18 2.30
SR-icon-weapon-Dragonbone War Axe.png  Dragonbone War Axe
21 1700 16 8 0.9 1 1 1 2 4.8 1044 1.30 2.59
SR-icon-weapon-Dragonbone Mace.png  Dragonbone Mace
22 2000 17 8 0.8 1 2 1 1 -9.1 847 0.71 1.73
SR-icon-weapon-Dragonbone Greatsword.png  Dragonbone Greatsword
27 2725 25 12 0.7 1.3 4 1 3 -34.3 566 0.44 1.26
SR-icon-weapon-Dragonbone Battleaxe.png  Dragonbone Battleaxe
30 3000 26 13 0.7 1.3 3 2 2 -17.2 1194 0.64 1.66
SR-icon-weapon-Dragonbone Warhammer.png  Dragonbone Warhammer
33 4275 28 14 0.6 1.3 3 2 3 -14.3 2466 0.70 2.36
SR-icon-weapon-Dragonbone Bow.png  Dragonbone Bow
20 2725 20 10 0.75 1 2 1 0 -11 1575 0.65 2.37
SR-icon-weapon-Dragonbone Arrow.png  Dragonbone Arrow
0 9 25 N/A 1 0 0 1 Firewood
Makes 24 arrows
-20 -289 0.00 0.43
SR-icon-weapon-Dragonbone Crossbow.png  Dragonbone CrossbowCC
22 1500 30 9 1 1 2 0 0 3 Firewood (?) (?) (?) (?)
SR-icon-weapon-Dragonbone Crossbow.png  Enhanced Dragonbone CrossbowCC ¥
22 2000 30 9 1 1 1 0 0 1 Dragonbone Crossbow (?) (?) (?) (?)
¥The Enhanced Crossbow has an additional property: Attacks with this crossbow ignore 50% of armor.
