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Alternative forms




From Old Galician-Portuguese eixuito (13th century, Cantigas de Santa Maria), from Latin exsūctus, past participle of exsūgō, from ex- (out of) and sūgō (to suck). Cognate of Portuguese enxuto, Asturian ensuchu, Spanish enjuto, Catalan eixut.





enxoito (feminine enxoita, masculine plural enxoitos, feminine plural enxoitas)

  1. dry
    • 1280, Miguel Romaní (ed.), Colección diplomática de Santa María de Oseira (1025-1310). Santiago: Tórculo Edicións, p. 1090:
      enpreguntado en qual mes era, et disso que era en dezenbro, XV dias ante dia de santa Maria d'avento, sabado; enpreguntado se chovia se fassia enxouto et disso que enxoyto
      asked what month it was [when that happened], he said that it was December, 15 days before Saint Mary of Advent, Saturday; asked if it was raining or not, he said that if was dry
    • 1881, Juan Antonio Saco y Arce, Literatura popular de Galicia:
      Non se collen troitas con bragas enxoitas. (proverb)
      You can't catch trout with dry pants
  2. skinny
    • 1888, anonymous author, A Fuliada, number 19:
      Eravos un esquirbano longo, enxoit'e moi osudo, que vistía de chaqueta marel'e de pano burdo
      He was a tall clerk, skinny and bony, who wore a yellow jacket of coarse cloth



enxoito (feminine enxoita, masculine plural enxoitos, feminine plural enxoitas)

  1. (irregular) past participle of enxugar

