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User:Matthias Buchmeier/pl-en-a

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# Polish :: English dictionary generated from
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# Version :: 20200901
# Size :: 41645 Polish glosses; 57755 English translations
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a- {prefix} :: forming words with the sense of negation
a {conj} :: and; but
a {conj} :: and
A {letter} :: letter
a capella {adj} :: alternative spelling of a cappella
a capella {adv} :: alternative spelling of a cappella
a cappella {adj} [music] :: a cappella (performed by a choir with no instrumental accompaniment)
a cappella {adv} [music] :: a cappella (performed by a choir with no instrumental accompaniment)
à la {prep} :: a la
à propos {prep} :: apropos (regarding or concerning)
à propos {particle} :: by the way (incidentally)
a świstak siedzi i zawija je w te sreberka {phrase} [idiom, sarcastic, humorous] :: cool story bro; used to ridicule what was just said as embellishment or tall tale
a u was Murzynów biją {phrase} [humorous] :: a stereotypical tu quoque response to criticism
Aalborg {prop} {m inan} :: Aalborg (capital city)
aalborski {adj} [relational] :: Aalborg
aalen {m inan} [geology] :: Aalenian
Aarhus {prop} {m inan} :: Aarhus (city)
abak {m inan} :: abacus [counting frame]
abak {m inan} [architecture] :: abacus
abaka {f} :: Manila hemp
Abakan {prop} {m inan} :: Abakan (city)
Abakan {prop} {m inan} :: Abakan (river)
abakus {m inan} :: abacus [counting frame]
abakus {m inan} [architecture] :: abacus
abazja {f} :: abasia
abazyński {adj} :: Abaza
abazyński {m inan} :: Abaza (language)
abażur {m inan} :: lampshade
abażurek {m inan} :: diminutive of abażur
abc {n} :: 101 (basic knowledge)
abchaski {adj} :: Abkhaz
abchaski {m inan} :: Abkhaz (language)
abchaskość {f} :: quality of being Abkhaz
Abchaz {m pers} :: male Abkhaz
Abchazja {prop} {f} :: Abkhazia
Abchazka {f} :: female Abkhaz
abdykacja {f} :: abdication
abecadło {n} :: ABC (the Latin alphabet)
abecadło {n} :: ABC (fundamentals of a subject)
aberracja {f} :: aberration
Abidżan {prop} {m inan} :: Abidżan (capital city)
abiogeneza {f} [biology] :: abiogenesis
abisyński {adj} :: Abyssinian
abiturient {m pers} :: a student that will take, is taking or just passed the matura exam (formally egzamin dojrzałości) at the end of liceum (high school)
ablacja {f} :: ablation
ablatyw {m inan} [grammar] :: ablative
abnegat {m pers} :: abnegator
abo {conj} [archaic or Cieszyn Silesia, Upper Silesia, Poznań] :: or
abonamencik {m inan} :: diminutive of abonament
abonament {m inan} :: subscription (periodic payment for a service)
abonamentowy {adj} [relational] :: subscription
abonencki {adj} [relational] :: subscriber
abonent {m pers} :: male subscriber
abonentka {f} :: female subscriber
abonować {v impf} :: to subscribe (to sign up to have copies of a publication, such as a newspaper or a magazine, delivered for a period of time)
abonowanie {n} :: verbal noun of abonować
aborcja {f} [medicine] :: abortion (act of inducing abortion)
aborcjonista {m pers} [derogatory] :: proabortionist, pro-choice activist
aborcjonista {m pers} [derogatory] :: abortionist, someone who performs an abortion
aborcjonistka {f} [derogatory] :: female proabortionist, pro-choice activist
aborcjonistka {f} [derogatory] :: female abortionist, someone who performs an abortion
abordaż {m inan} :: abordage
Abraham {prop} {m pers} [Biblical character] :: Abraham
Abraham {prop} {m pers} [rare] :: given name
abrahamizm {m inan} :: Abrahamism
abrakadabra {interj} :: abracadabra! (used by performing magician to indicate the moment of performing a magical trick or illusion)
abrakadabra {f} :: abracadabra (complicated technical or other jargon)
Abram {prop} {m pers} :: Abram (Biblical character)
absolutnie {adv} :: absolutely
absolutny {adj} :: absolute
absolutorium {n} :: Motion of confidence; formal approval given by the legislature (i.e. the Sejm) to the annual financial report prepared by the executive branch (i.e. the prime minister)
absolutorium {n} :: The completion of coursework; the status of students who have completed all the required courses, but have not yet passed their diploma exam or defended their thesis
absolutyzm {m inan} :: absolutism
absolwent {m pers} :: graduate
absolwentka {f} :: feminine noun of absolwent
absorbent {m inan} :: absorbent, absorber (anything which absorbs)
absorber {m inan} [chemistry, technology] :: absorber (device causing gas or vapor to be absorbed by a liquid)
absorber {m inan} [technology] :: scrubber (device that removes impurities from gases)
absorbować {v impf} [chemistry, physics] :: to absorb (to take in energy or matter and convert it)
absorbować {v impf} [figuratively] :: to engross, to preoccupy (to hold one's attention)
absorbować {v impf} :: to absorb, to acquire financial resources
absorbowanie {n} :: verbal noun of absorbować
absorpcja {f} :: absorption (act or process of absorbing or sucking in anything)
absorpcja {f} [chemistry, physics] :: absorption (imbibing or reception by molecular or chemical action)
absorpcja {f} [optics, physics] :: absorption (reception of electromagnetic radiation)
absorpcja {f} [business, administration] :: absorption, incorporation
absorpcja {f} [linguistics] :: suffixation
absorpcyjność {f} [deadjectival, uncountable, chemistry, optics, physics] :: absorbency, absorptiveness
absorpcyjność {f} [deadjectival, uncountable, linguistics] :: suffixation
absorpcyjny {adj} [relational, chemistry, optics, physics, business, administration] :: absorption, absorbent
absorpcyjny {adj} [linguistics] :: suffixation, suffixal
abstrahować {vi impf} [used with od + genitive] :: to abstract from, disregard, leave aside, prescind
abstrakcja {f} :: abstraction (act of abstracting)
abstrakcjonizm {m inan} :: abstractionism
abstynencja {f} :: abstinence
abstynent {m pers} :: teetotaller
abstynent {m pers} :: abstinent
abstynentka {f} :: female teetotaller
abstynentka {f} :: female abstinent
absurd {m inan} :: nonsense
absurd {m inan} [logic] :: absurdity
absurdalnie {adv} :: absurdly
absurdalniej {adv} :: comparative degree form of absurdalnie
absurdalniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of absurdalny
absurdalność {f} :: absurdity
absurdalny {adj} :: absurd
absurdalny {adj} :: absurd
absurdyzm {m inan} [philosophy] :: absurdism
absynt {m inan} :: absinthe (liquor)
absyntowy {adj} [relational] :: absinthe
absztyfikant {m pers} [colloquial] :: admirer, wooer
Abu Zabi {prop} {n} :: Abu Zabi (emirate)
Abu Zabi {prop} {n} :: Abu Zabi (capital city)
Abudża {prop} {f} :: Abudża (capital city)
ABW {n} :: initialism of Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego
aby {conj} :: to, in order to, so that
abym {conj} :: Combined form of aby + -m
abyś {conj} :: Combined form of aby +
abyśmy {conj} :: Combined form of aby + -śmy
acetamid {m inan} :: acetamide
aceton {m inan} :: acetone (the organic compound (CH3)2CO)
acetylen {m inan} :: acetylene
Achilles {prop} {m} [Greek mythology] :: Achilles
achromatopsja {f} :: achromatopsia
achterdek {m inan} [nautical] :: poop deck
-acz {suffix} :: forms masculine nouns, usually personal, from verbs. Corresponding to English -er
acz {conj} [archaic] :: although, albeit
aczkolwiek {conj} [literary] :: although, albeit
Ada {prop} {f} :: given name
-adać {suffix} :: forms imperfective verbs from perfective verbs ending in -ść; rare
-adać {suffix} :: forms frequentative verbs from imperfective verbs ending in -ść; rare
Adam {prop} {m pers} :: Adam (biblical figure)
Adam {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Adamek {prop} {m pers} :: given name; diminutive of Adam
adapter {m inan} :: gramophone
adapter {m inan} :: adapter (device for connecting different appliances or parts)
Adasiek {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Adaś {prop} {m pers} {f} :: given name
Ad-Dauha {prop} {f} :: Ad-Dauha (capital city)
adekwatnie {adv} :: adequately
adekwatniej {adv} :: comparative degree form of adekwatnie
adekwatniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of adekwatny
adekwatny {adj} :: adequate
Adelajda {prop} {f} :: given name
adept {m pers} :: trainee
adept {m pers} :: novice
adiutant {m pers} :: adjutant
administracja {f} :: administration
administrator {m pers} :: administrator
administratorka {f} :: feminine noun of administrator
admirał {m pers} :: admiral
adnotacja {f} [library science] :: annotation (comment added to a text)
Adolf {prop} {m pers} :: given name
adopcja {f} :: adoption
adopcyjny {adj} :: adoptive
adoptować {vt impf} :: to adopt (take by choice into relationship)
adoracja {f} :: religious adoration
adrenalina {f} [uncountable, hormone, neurotransmitter] :: adrenaline
adres {m inan} :: (postal) address
adresat {m pers} :: addressee
adresatka {f} :: feminine noun of adresat
Adrian {prop} {m pers} :: given name
adwent {m inan} :: Advent (season before Christmas)
adwentysta {m pers} :: Adventist
adwentystka {f} :: feminine noun of adwentysta
adwentystyczny {adj} :: Adventist
adwentyzm {m inan} :: Adventism
adwersarz {m pers} :: adversary, opponent
adwokacik {m pers} :: diminutive of adwokat
adwokat {m pers} [law] :: barrister, advocate, solicitor
adwokat {m pers} [figuratively] :: advocate (person who speaks in support of something)
adwokat {f} :: female barrister, advocate, solicitor
adwokat {m inan} :: advocaat
adwokat diabła {m} :: devil's advocate
adwokatka {f} [law] :: female barrister, advocate, solicitor
Adygeja {prop} {f} :: Adygeja (republic)
adygejski {adj} [relational] :: Adyghe (of or pertaining to the Adyghe people or language)
adygejski {adj} [relational] :: Adygean (of or pertaining to the Republic of Adygea)
adygejski {m inan} :: Adyghe (language spoken in the Republic of Adygea)
aerobik {m inan} :: aerobics
aerostat {m inan} :: aerostat
aerostatycznie {adv} :: aerostatically; in a aerostatic manner
aerostatyczny {adj} :: aerostatic
aerostatyka {f} [physics] :: aerostatics
afatyczka {f} [pathology] :: female aphasic (one who is afflicted by symptoms of aphasia)
afatycznie {adv} [pathology] :: aphasically
afatyczny {adj} [pathology] :: aphasic (affected by or pertaining to aphasia)
afatyk {m pers} [pathology] :: male aphasic (one who is afflicted by symptoms of aphasia)
afazja {f} :: aphasia
AFC {prop} {n} :: AFC (Asian Football Confederation)
afektacja {f} :: affectation
afera {f} :: scandal, affair (discovered conspiracy to commit crime)
afera {f} [by extension, colloquial] :: stir, upheaval
aferka {f} :: diminutive of afera
Afganistan {prop} {m} :: Afganistan (country)
Afganka {f} :: Afghan (person from Afghanistan)
Afgańczyk {m pers} :: Afghan (person from Afghanistan)
afgański {adj} :: Afghan, Afghani
afiks {m inan} [linguistic morphology] :: affix
afiniczny {adj} [mathematics] :: affine
afirmacja {f} :: affirmation
afisz {m inan} :: poster (picture intended to be attached to a wall)
aforyzm {m inan} :: aphorism
afrikaans {m inan} :: Afrikaans (language)
Afrodyta {prop} {f} :: Aphrodite
afrodyzjak {m inan} :: aphrodisiac
afront {m inan} :: affront (insult)
Afryka {prop} {f} :: Africa
afrykanerski {adj} :: Afrikaans
Afrykanin {m pers} :: African (person)
Afrykanka {f} :: African (female person)
Afrykańczyk {m pers} :: African (person)
afrykański {adj} :: African
afrykata {f} [phonetics] :: affricate
aga {m pers} :: agha
Aga {prop} {f} :: given name
Aga {prop} {f} :: given name
agat {m inan} :: agate (mineral)
Agata {prop} {f} :: given name
Agatka {prop} {f} :: given name
agawa {f} :: agave, any plant of genus Agave
AGD {n} :: initialism of artykuły gospodarstwa domowego
agencja {f} :: agency
agencja towarzyska {f} [euphemism] :: escort agency, brothel
agentura {f} :: secret/intelligence service agents (collectively)
aglomeracja {f} :: metropolitan area, conurbation
aglomeracja {f} [chemistry, physics] :: agglomeration
aglutynacyjny {adj} [linguistics] :: agglutinative
Agnieszka {prop} {f} :: given name
agnostycyzm {m inan} :: agnosticism
agnostyczka {f} :: female agnostic
agnostyczny {adj} :: agnostic
agnostyk {m pers} :: agnostic
agonalny {adj} :: agonal
agonia {f} :: agony (struggle that precedes death)
agonia {f} :: agony (suffering of intense degree, relating to physical or mental suffering)
agora {f} :: agora (marketplace in Classical Greece)
agorafobia {f} :: agoraphobia
agrafka {f} :: safety pin
agregat {m inan} :: an ensemble of machines that work together
agregat {m inan} [colloquial] :: engine-generator (power unit)
agregat {m inan} [colloquial] :: refrigeration unit
agregat {m inan} [slang] :: a bright, resourceful person
agregat prądotwórczy {m inan} :: engine-generator
agresja {f} :: aggression
agresor {m pers} :: aggressor
agrest {m inan} :: gooseberry (fruit)
agrestowy {adj} [relational] :: gooseberry
agresywny {adj} :: aggressive
agronomia {f} :: agronomy (science of agriculture)
agroturystyczny {adj} [relational] :: agritourism
agroturystyka {f} :: agritourism
ags. {noun} :: abbreviation of anglosaski
Agusia {prop} {f} :: given name
Agusia {prop} {f} :: given name
aha {interj} :: aha
aikido {n} :: aikido
aj waj {interj} :: oy vey; oh dear
ajencja {f} [business] :: franchise (authorization granted by a company to sell or distribute its goods or services in a certain area)
ajerkoniak {m inan} :: advocaat, eggnog
-ak {suffix} :: used to form demonyms
-ak {suffix} :: used to form various nouns, many of them colloquial
-ak {suffix} :: used to form names of dances and sports
akacja {f} :: acacia
akademia {f} :: academy
akademicki {adj} :: academic
akademik {m inan} :: dormitory (a building which houses students)
akademik {m pers} [rare] :: academic; member of an academy
akadyjski {adj} :: Akkadian
akapit {m inan} :: paragraph
akceleracja {f} :: acceleration (act, state)
akcelerometr {m inan} :: accelerometer
akcent {m inan} [phonetics] :: stress
akcent {m inan} :: emphasis
akcent {m inan} :: accent
akceptacja {f} :: acceptance (act of accepting)
akceptacja {f} :: acceptance (assent and engagement)
akceptować {vt impf} :: to accept (regard as proper, usual, true, or to believe in)
akceptować {vt impf} :: to accept (agree to)
akcesorium {n} :: accessory (attachment)
akcja {f} :: action (a fast-paced activity)
akcja {f} :: share (financial instrument)
akcja {f} [neologism, proscribed] :: sale, promotional event where prices of certain products are reduced
akcjonariusz {m pers} :: shareholder
akomodacja {f} :: accommodation (adjustment of the eye)
akordeon {m inan} :: accordion (a small, portable, keyed wind instrument)
akordeonista {m pers} :: accordionist
akordeonistka {f} :: female accordionist
akosmizm {m inan} :: acosmism
akr {m inan} :: acre (an English unit of land area)
Akra {prop} {f} :: Akra (capital city)
akrobata {m pers} :: acrobat
akrobatka {f} :: female acrobat
akrobatyczny {adj} :: acrobatic
akromegalia {f} [disease] :: acromegaly
akronim {m inan} :: acronym
akropol {m inan} [historical] :: acropolis
aksamit {m inan} :: velvet
akselbant {m inan} [military] :: aiguillette
aksjomat {m inan} :: axiom
akson {m inan} :: axon
akt {m inan} :: nude (a painting or other artwork)
akt {m inan} [literary] :: act (action)
akt {m inan} [law] :: act, bill, decree; legislative document
akt rozpaczy {phrase} [idiomatic] :: counsel of despair
aktor {m pers} :: actor
aktorka {f} :: actress
aktówka {f} :: briefcase
aktualizacja {f} :: update
aktualizować {vt impf} :: to update (make something up to date)
aktualnie {adv} :: currently
aktualniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of aktualny
aktualny {adj} :: topical, current, up-to-date
aktuariusz {m pers} :: actuary
aktyn {m inan} :: actinium (chemical element, Ac, atomic number 89)
aktynowiec {m inan} [inorganic chemistry] :: actinide
aktywacja {f} :: activation
aktywista {m pers} :: activist
aktywistka {f} :: female activist
aktywizm {m inan} :: activism
aktywniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of aktywny
aktywny {adj} :: active (taking action)
aktywny {adj} [chemistry, materials science] :: of metals: active (reactive)
aktywny {adj} :: functional, operational
aktywować {vt impf pf} :: to activate (to encourage development or induce increased activity; to stimulate)
aktywować {vt impf pf} :: to activate, to enable (to put a mechanism, device or system into action or motion)
aktywować {vt impf pf} [chemistry] :: to activate (to render more reactive)
akumulacja {f} :: accumulation
akumulator {m inan} :: accumulator (a wet-cell storage battery)
akupresura {f} :: acupressure
akupunktura {f} :: acupuncture
akurat {particle} :: used to emphasize the accuracy of information; just, exactly, precisely
akurat {particle} :: used to provide emphasis on a particular object; exactly, precisely
akurat {adv} :: at the moment, at this very moment
akurat {interj} [ironically] :: tell me another!, nothing of the kind!, a likely story!
akuratnie {adv} [archaic] :: accurately; in an accurate manner
akuratność {f} :: accuracy
akuratny {adj} [archaic] :: accurate (precisely fixed; executed with care; careful)
akustyczny {adj} :: acoustic
akuszer {m pers} :: accoucheur, man-midwife, midhusband
akuszerka {f} :: midwife
akuzatyw {m inan} [dated, grammar] :: accusative case
akwapark {m inan} :: alternative form of aquapark
akwarela {f} :: watercolour (pigment)
akwarela {f} :: watercolour (genre)
akwarela {f} :: watercolour (painting)
akwarelista {m pers} :: watercolourist
akwarelistka {f} :: female watercolourist
akwarelowy {adj} :: watercolour
akwarium {n} :: aquarium
akwedukt {m inan} :: aqueduct
Akwitania {prop} {f} :: Akwitania (region)
Akwizgran {prop} {m} :: Aachen, a city in Germany
-al {suffix} :: Forms masculine nouns
al {m anim} [Upper Silesia] :: eel
Ala {prop} {f} :: given name
Ala {prop} {f} :: given name
Alabama {prop} {f} :: Alabama (state)
Alabama {prop} {f} :: Alabama (river)
alabaster {m inan} :: alabaster
Aladyn {prop} {m pers} :: Aladdin
alanina {f} :: alanine
alarm {m inan} :: alarm
alarm {m inan} :: The state of being alerted
Alaska {prop} {f} :: Alaska (state)
alb. {adj} :: abbreviation of albański
alb. {noun} :: abbreviation of albański
alba {f} :: alb (long white robe worn by ministers at religious ceremonies)
Albania {prop} {f} :: Albania (country)
Albanka {f} :: Albanian (female from Albania)
Albańczyk {m pers} :: Albanian (Person from Albania)
albański {adj} :: Albanian
albański {m inan} :: Albanian (language)
albatros {m anim} :: albatross, any bird of the family Diomedeidae
albedo {n} [physics, meteorology, astronomy, optics] :: albedo (fraction of incident light or radiation reflected by a surface or body)
albedo {n} [botany] :: albedo (part of citrus fruit rind)
albinizm {m inan} :: albinism
Albion {m inan} [poetic] :: Albion, England
albo {conj} :: or (especially exclusive or)
albo rybki, albo akwarium {phrase} [humorous] :: you can't have your cake and eat it too
Ålborg {prop} {m} [rare] :: alternative form of Aalborg
albowiem {conj} [literary] :: because, for
alchemia {f} [alchemy] :: alchemy (ancient chemistry)
Aldebaran {prop} {m anim} [star] :: Aldebaran
aldehyd {m inan} :: aldehyde
aldehydowy {adj} :: pertaining to aldehydes
ale {conj} :: but
ale {particle} [colloquial] :: used at the beginning of sentence for emphasis
ale {particle} :: used at the beginning of sentence similar to English "hey, not so fast", especially when used multiple times
alegoria {f} :: allegory
alegorycznie {adv} :: allegorically
alegoryczny {adj} :: allegorical
aleja {f} :: alley, avenue, boulevard; a broad street
alejka {f} :: diminutive of aleja
Aleksander {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Aleksandra {prop} :: given name
Aleksandria {prop} {f} :: Aleksandria (capital city)
alergen {m inan} :: allergen
alergia {f} :: allergy
alergolog {m pers} :: allergist
aleucki {adj} :: Aleut
Aleuty {prop} {p} :: Aleutian Islands (group of islands in the Pacific Ocean)
alfa {f} :: alpha; the Greek letter Α, α
alfabet {m inan} :: alphabet
alfabetyczny {adj} :: alphabetical
alfabetyzm {m inan} :: literacy, alphabetism
alfons {m pers} [slang] :: pimp, procurer
Alfons {prop} {m} :: given name
alfonsiak {m pers} [colloquial, derogatory] :: pimp, procurer
alfonsowaty {adj} :: pimp-like
algebra {f} :: algebra
Algier {prop} {m} :: Algier (capital city)
algierczyk {m pers} :: a male inhabitant of Algiers (capital of Algeria)
Algierczyk {m pers} :: a male Algerian (person from Algeria or of Algerian descent)
Algieria {prop} {f} :: Algieria (country)
Algierka {f} :: a female Algerian (person from Algeria or of Algerian descent)
algierski {adj} :: Algerian
algorytm {m inan} :: algorithm (well-defined procedure)
algorytmicznie {adv} :: algorithmically
algorytmiczny {adj} [mathematics, computing] :: algorithmic
alians {m inan} [politics] :: alliance (relationship among people, groups, or states that have joined together for mutual benefit or to achieve some common purpose)
alibi {n} :: alibi
Alicja {prop} {f} :: given name
aligator {m anim} :: alligator (a large amphibious reptile with sharp teeth and very strong jaws)
alimenty {mp} [law] :: alimony (court-enforced allowance)
aliści {conj} [archaic] :: howbeit
aliści {particle} [archaic] :: used to reinforce a point, usually expressing dissimilarity
aliteracja {f} :: alliteration
aliteracki {adj} :: unliterary
aliteracyjny {adj} :: alliterative
alkaloid {m inan} :: alkaloid
alkan {m inan} :: alkane (organic compound)
alkazar {m inan} :: alcazar (Moorish fortress in Spain)
alken {m inan} [organic chemistry] :: alkene (unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbon with one or more carbon-carbon double bonds)
alkin {m inan} :: alkyne
alkohol {m inan} :: alcohol (beverage)
alkohol {m inan} :: alcohol (organic chemistry)
alkoholiczka {f} :: alcoholic (a female person addicted to alcohol)
alkoholik {m pers} :: alcoholic (a person addicted to alcohol)
alkoholizm {m inan} :: alcoholism
alkoholowy {adj} :: alcoholic
alkomat {m inan} :: breathalyzer
allatyw {m inan} [grammar] :: allative
allel {m inan} [biology] :: allele
allelomorf {m inan} [biology] :: allele
alleluja {interj} :: hallelujah
Almeria {prop} {f} :: Almeria (city/provincial capital)
Almeria {prop} {f} :: Almeria (province)
Almería {prop} {f} :: rare spelling of Almeria
-alnia {suffix} :: forms names of designated rooms or shops
aloes {m inan} :: aloe
alofon {m inan} :: allophone
Alojzy {prop} {m pers} :: given name
aloza {f} :: shad (Alosa alosa)
alpaga {f} [slang, pejorative] :: bum wine
alpaka {f} :: alpaca (Vicugna pacos, a sheep-like animal of the Andes)
alpaka {f} [uncountable] :: alpaca (wool from the alpaca)
alpaka {f} :: alpaca hair (textile)
alpaka {f} [chemistry] :: nickel silver
alpejski {adj} :: Alpine
Alpy {prop} {nv} :: Alpy (mountain range)
alrauna {f} :: mandrake root
altana {f} :: gazebo
alternatywa {f} :: alternative
alternatywa {f} [logic] :: disjunction
alternatywny {adj} :: alternative
altowiolista {m pers} :: violist
altowiolistka {f} :: female violist
altówka {f} :: viola (musical instrument)
altruista {m pers} :: altruist
altruistka {f} :: female altruist
altruistycznie {adv} :: altruistically; in an altruistic manner
altruistyczny {adj} :: altruistic
altruizm {m inan} :: altruism
aluminiowy {adj} :: made of aluminium
aluminium {n} :: aluminum
aluzja {f} :: allusion
Alzacja {prop} {f} :: Alzacja (region)
Ałmaty {prop} {nv} :: Ałmaty (city)
Ałtaj {prop} {m} :: Altay
Ałtaj {prop} {m} :: Altai Republic
ałtajski {adj} :: Altaic
Amanda {prop} {f} :: given name
amator {m pers} :: aficionado, lover
amator {m pers} :: amateur, dilettante, hobbyist
amatorka {f} :: female aficionado, lover
amatorka {f} :: female amateur, dilettante, hobbyist
amatorszczyzna {f} [pejorative] :: amateurishness, amateurism
amatorszczyzna {f} [pejorative] :: amateur's job
amazonit {m inan} [mineralogy] :: amazonite
Amazonka {prop} {f} :: Amazon River
Amazonka {f} [Greek mythology] :: Amazon
ambaras {m inan} :: A problem; a situation that is hard to overcome
ambasada {f} :: embassy
ambasador {m pers} :: ambassador
ambasador {f} :: ambassador (female)
ambasadorka {f} :: ambassadress, ambassador (female)
ambasadorka {f} :: spokeswoman
ambi- {prefix} :: ambi-
ambitniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of ambitny
ambitny {adj} :: ambitious
ambiwalencja {f} :: ambivalence (coexistence of opposing attitudes)
ambiwalentnie {adv} :: ambivalently
ambiwalentny {adj} :: ambivalent
ambona {f} [architecture, Roman Catholicism] :: pulpit (a raised platform or lectern in a church or chapel from which the preacher delivers the sermon)
ambona {f} [hunting] :: treestand
Ambroży {prop} {m pers} :: given name
ambulans {m inan} :: ambulance
ambulatorium {n} [medicine] :: polyclinic
ameba {f} :: amoeba (a genus of unicellular protozoa)
amen {interj} :: amen
ameryk {m inan} :: americium
Ameryka {prop} {f} :: America (the continents of the Americas)
Ameryka {prop} {f} [colloquial] :: United States of America
Ameryka Centralna {prop} {f} :: Central America
Ameryka Południowa {prop} {f} :: South America
Ameryka Północna {prop} {f} :: North America
Ameryka Środkowa {prop} {f} :: Central America
Amerykanin {m pers} :: American (person)
amerykanizm {m inan} :: Americanism
Amerykanka {f} :: American (female person)
amerykański {adj} :: American
ametyst {m inan} :: amethyst (gem)
ametystowy {adj} :: amethyst
amfiteatr {m inan} :: amphitheatre
amharski {adj} :: Amharic
amharski {m inan} :: Amharic (language)
amina {f} :: amine
aminokwas {m inan} :: amino acid
amnestia {f} :: amnesty
amnezja {f} :: amnesia
amoniak {m inan} :: ammonia (chemical compound NH3)
amortyzator {m inan} :: shock absorber
amper {m inan} :: ampere (unit of electrical current)
amperomierz {m inan} :: ammeter (device that measures the magnitude of an electric current)
amplituda {f} [physics] :: amplitude
ampułka {f} :: ampoule
Amsterdam {prop} {m} :: Amsterdam (city/and/municipality)
amsterdamski {adj} :: Amsterdam (of, from or pertaining to Amsterdam in the Netherlands)
amulet {m inan} :: amulet
amunicja {f} :: ammunition, ammo (articles used in charging firearms)
Amur {prop} {m} :: Amur (<<long river>> forming the border between the Far East of <<c/Russia>> and Northeastern <<c/China>>)
amyloid {m inan} [medicine] :: amyloid (protein compound)
anabaptysta {m pers} :: Anabaptist
anabaptystka {f} :: female Anabaptist
anabaptystyczny {adj} :: Anabaptist
anabaptyzm {m inan} :: Anabaptism
anachroniczny {adj} :: anachronistic
anachronizm {m inan} :: anachronism
anagram {m inan} :: anagram
anakonda {f} :: anaconda (snake)
analfabeta {m pers} :: illiterate
analfabetka {f} :: female illiterate
analfabetyzm {m inan} :: illiteracy, analphabetism
analityczka {f} :: female analyst (scientist who analyses)
analityczka {f} [chemistry, computing] :: female analyst
analitycznie {adv} :: analytically
analityczny {noun} [relational] :: analytic (relating to analysis)
analityczny {noun} [relational] :: analytic (relating to division into elements or principles)
analityk {m pers} :: male analyst (scientist who analyses)
analityk {m pers} [chemistry, computing] :: male analyst
analityka {f} [logic, philosophy] :: analytics
analiza {f} :: analysis
analizator {m inan} :: analyzer/analyser (instrument)
analizator {m pers} :: male analyst (scientist who analyses)
analizator {m pers} [chemistry, computing] :: male analyst
analizować {v impf} :: to analyse/analyze
analizowanie {n} :: verbal noun of analizować
analny {adj} [relational] :: anal (of, related to, intended for or involving the anus)
analogia {f} :: analogy
analogowy {adj} :: analogue
ananas {m} :: pineapple (plant)
ananas {m} :: pineapple (fruit)
ananasowy {adj} :: pineapple
anarchia {f} :: anarchy
anarchista {m pers} :: anarchist
anarchistka {f} :: female anarchist
anarchistyczny {adj} :: anarchistic
anarchizm {m inan} :: anarchism
anarchokapitalizm {m inan} :: anarcho-capitalism
anarchokolektywizm {m inan} :: anarcho-collectivism
anarchokomunistyczny {adj} :: anarcho-communist
anarchokomunizm {m inan} :: anarcho-communism
anarchosyndykalizm {m inan} :: anarcho-syndicalism
Anastazja {prop} {f} :: given name
Anatol {prop} {m} :: given name
Anatolia {prop} {f} :: Anatolia
anatolijski {adj} :: Anatolian
anatomia {f} :: anatomy
anatomiczny {adj} :: anatomical
Andaluzja {prop} {f} :: Andaluzja (autonomous community)
Andikitira {prop} :: Antikythera (Greek island)
Andora {prop} {f} :: Andora (country)
Andora {prop} {f} :: Andora (capital city)
andorczyk {m pers} :: a male inhabitant of Andorra la Vella (the capital city of Andorra)
Andorczyk {m pers} :: a male Andorran (citizen of the country Andorra)
andorka {f} :: a female inhabitant of Andorra la Vella (the capital city of Andorra)
Andorka {f} :: a female Andorran (citizen of the country Andorra)
andorski {adj} :: Andorran
android {m anim} :: android
Andrzej {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Andy {prop} {p} :: Andes
andyjski {adj} :: Andean
anegdota {f} :: anecdote
aneks {m inan} :: annex (separate part of a building or room with a distinct function)
aneks {m inan} :: appendix (supplementary material in a written work)
anestetyk {m inan} [medicine] :: anaesthetic (substance for the reduced perception of pain)
Aneta {prop} {f} :: given name
ang. {noun} :: abbreviation of angielski
Angielka {f} :: Englishwoman
angielski {adj} :: English
angielski {m inan} :: English (language)
angielskojęzyczny {adj} :: English-speaking
angielskojęzyczny {adj} :: written, spoken or created in the English language
angielsko-polski {adj} :: English-Polish
angielszczyzna {f} :: English language
angina {f} :: tonsillitis
Anglia {prop} {f} :: England
anglicyzm {m inan} [linguistics] :: anglicism
Anglik {m pers} :: Englishman
anglikanin {m pers} :: Anglican
anglikanizm {m inan} :: Anglicanism
anglikanka {f} :: female Anglican
anglikański {adj} :: Anglican
anglista {m pers} [humanities] :: Anglicist
anglistka {f} [humanities] :: female Anglicist
anglistyczny {adj} [humanities] :: of or pertaining to English studies
anglistyka {f} [humanities] :: English studies, Anglistics
Anglja {prop} {f} :: obsolete spelling of Anglia
anglojęzyczny {adj} :: English-speaking
anglojęzyczny {adj} :: written, spoken or created in the English language
anglosaski {adj} :: Anglo-Saxon
angol {m pers} [colloquial, mildly, pejorative] :: Englishman
angol {m anim} [student slang] :: English (subject of study)
Angol {m pers} [colloquial, mildly, pejorative] :: Englishman
Angola {prop} {f} :: Angola (country)
angolski {adj} :: Angolan (of or pertaining to Angola)
angstrem {m inan} [physics] :: angstrom
anhedonia {f} [symptom, psychiatry] :: anhedonia
ani {conj} :: neither, nor, or
ani mru-mru {interj} [colloquial] :: mum's the word; not a word
Ania {prop} {f} :: given name
anielski {adj} :: angelic
anielski {adj} :: placid, peaceful
anielski {adj} :: immense, wonderful
anilina {f} :: aniline, aminobenzene C6H5NH2
animacja {f} :: animation, cartoon
animacja {f} :: animation, motion design in computer systems
anime {n} [animation] :: anime
animista {m pers} :: animist
animizm {m inan} :: animism
animować {v impf} :: to animate (to create an animated film)
animusz {m inan} [dated] :: vigor, energy
-anin {suffix} :: Forms nouns meaning: an inhabitant
anioł {m anim} :: angel
Anioł Stróż {m pers} {m anim} :: guardian angel
aniołeczek {m anim} :: diminutive of aniołek
aniołeczek {m anim} [colloquial] :: little child
aniołek {m anim} :: diminutive of anioł
aniołek {m anim} [colloquial] :: little child
anion {m inan} :: anion
-anka {suffix} [obsolete] :: Attached to surnames, sometimes to other nouns, to form feminine (proper) nouns meaning: daughter of
-anka {suffix} :: Purely structural suffix, forms feminine nouns
Anka {prop} {f} :: given name
Ankara {prop} {f} :: Ankara (capital city)
ankieta {f} :: survey (examination); poll
Anna {prop} {f} :: given name
ano {particle} :: yes, indeed
anoda {f} :: anode
anomalia {f} :: anomaly
anonimowy {adj} :: anonymous
anons {m inan} :: announcement, advertisement
anorak {m inan} :: anorak (heavy weatherproof jacket)
anoreksja {f} :: anorexia nervosa (psychological eating disorder)
anosmia {f} :: anosmia, smell blindness
ansa {f} :: resentment, animosity, ill will
antagonizować {v impf} :: to antagonise, to make enemies
antał {m inan} :: keg, cask (large barrel for the storage of liquid)
antał {m inan} :: a liquid measure employed by Upper Hungarian tokay merchants which should contain by law about 74 litres, de facto however was as low as 50.5 litres
antałeczek {m inan} :: diminutive of antałek
antałek {m inan} :: alternative form of antał
Antananarywa {prop} {f} :: Antananarywa (capital city)
Antares {prop} {m} [star] :: Antares
antarktyczny {adj} :: Antarctic
Antarktyda {prop} {f} :: Antarctica (continent)
antarktydzki {adj} :: Antarctic
Antarktyka {prop} {f} :: Antarctic (ecozone)
antena {f} :: antenna (device to receive or transmit radio signals)
antidotum {n} :: antidote
Antigua i Barbuda {prop} {f} :: Antigua i Barbuda (country)
antiocheński {adj} :: Antiochene, Antiochian (of, from or pertaining to Antiochia)
antiochijski {adj} :: Antiochene, Antiochian (of, from or pertaining to Antiochia)
antologia {f} :: anthology
Antoni {prop} {m} :: given name
antonim {m inan} :: antonym
antonówka {f} :: Antonovka (fruit)
Antonówka {f} :: Antonovka, an apple cultivar
antracyt {m inan} :: anthracite (type of coal)
antracyt {m inan} :: charcoal (color)
antresola {f} [architecture] :: entresol, mezzanine
antresola {f} [architecture] :: cubbyhole
antropocentryzm {m inan} :: anthropocentrism
antropolog {m pers} :: anthropologist
antropologia {f} [anthropology] :: anthropology
antropologiczny {adj} :: anthropological
antropomorfizm {m inan} :: anthropomorphism
Antwerpia {prop} {f} :: Antwerp, city in Belgium
Antwerpia {prop} {f} :: Antwerp, a province of Flanders, Belgium
anty- {prefix} :: anti-
antyamerykański {adj} [politics] :: anti-American
antybakteryjny {adj} :: antibacterial, antimicrobial
antyciało {n} [immunology] :: antibody (protein that binds to a specific antigen)
antycząstka {f} :: antiparticle
antyczny {adj} :: antique
antyczny {adj} :: ancient
antydemokratyczny {adj} [politics] :: antidemocratic
antyfaszyzm {m inan} :: anti-fascism
antygen {m inan} [genetics] :: antigene
antyintelektualizm {m inan} [philosophy] :: anti-intellectualism (position that opposes intellectualism)
antyintelektualizm {m inan} :: anti-intellectualism (hostility towards intellectuals)
antyk {m inan} :: antiquity (historical period)
antyk {m inan} :: antique (valuable old item)
antyklina {f} [geology] :: anticline
antykoncepcja {f} :: contraception
antykwariat {m inan} :: antiquarian bookshop
antykwariat {m inan} :: antique shop
Antyle {prop} {nv} :: Antyle (group of islands)
Antyle Holenderskie {prop} {p} :: Netherlands Antilles
antylopa {f} :: antelope (mammal)
antymateria {f} [physics] :: antimatter
antymon {m inan} :: antimony
antynomizm {m inan} :: antinomianism
antypapież {m pers} :: antipope
antypolonizm {m inan} :: anti-Polonism; prejudice, discrimination or hostility directed against Polish people
antyproton {m inan} [physics] :: antiproton
antyrealizm {m inan} [philosophy] :: antirealism
antysemicki {adj} :: anti-Semitic
antysemityzm {m inan} :: antisemitism
antyseptyczny {noun} :: antiseptic
antyseptyk {m inan} :: antiseptic (substance that inhibits the growth of microorganisms)
antyszczepionkowiec {m pers} [colloquial] :: anti-vaccinationist, anti-vaxxer
antyterrorysta {m pers} :: counterterrorist
antytotalitaryzm {m inan} [politics] :: antitotalitarianism
antytrynitaryzm {m inan} :: antitrinitarianism
antywirus {m inan} :: antivirus
antywodór {m inan} :: antihydrogen
Anubis {prop} {m} :: Anubis
anulować {vt pf} :: to annul, rescind
anulować {vt impf} :: to annul, rescind
-any {suffix} :: Forms masculine adjectives or adjectival participles
anyż {m inan} :: anise (plant and spice)
aor. {noun} :: abbreviation of aoryst
aorta {f} [anatomy] :: aorta
aoryst {m inan} :: aorist (a grammatical aspect)
aparat {m inan} :: apparatus (device)
aparat {m inan} [usually, pejorative] :: apparatus (system of institutions)
aparat {m inan} :: photographic camera
aparat {m inan} :: mobile phone, handset
aparat {m inan} [dentistry, colloquial] :: braces
aparat fotograficzny {m inan} :: photographic camera
apartament {m inan} :: luxury apartment
apartament {m inan} :: suite, apartment (suite of rooms within a domicile)
apartheid {m inan} :: apartheid
apatia {f} :: apathy
apel {m inan} :: assembly, muster, roll call (assembling of all school students, soldiers, etc. to check the presence or provide some information)
apel {m inan} :: message, proclamation (formal public announcement)
apelacja {f} [legal] :: appeal
Apeniny {prop} {p} :: Apeniny (mountain range)
apetyt {m inan} :: appetite
apetyt rośnie w miarę jedzenia {proverb} :: appetite comes with eating (once you start, you can't stop; the more you have, the more you want)
apgrejd {m inan} :: alternative spelling of upgrade
Apia {prop} {f} :: Apia (capital city)
apiol {m inan} [chemistry] :: apiol
apka {f} [computing, colloquial] :: app
aplauz {m inan} :: applause
aplikacja {f} :: application
apoftegmat {m inan} :: apothegm
apokalipsa {f} :: apocalypse
apokopa {f} [phonetics, prosody] :: apocope (loss or omission of a sound or syllable from the end of a word)
Apolonia {prop} {f} :: given name
apopleksja {f} [medicine, dated] :: stroke
apostoł {m pers} :: apostle
apostrof {m inan} :: apostrophe (the character )
apostrofa {f} [rhetoric] :: apostrophe
apoteoza {f} [often figurative] :: The fact or action of becoming or making into a god; deification, apotheosis
apoteoza {f} :: Glorification, crediting someone or something with extraordinary power or status
apoteoza {f} :: A formal, ceremonial laudatory piece
Apple {prop} {m} :: Apple (name of the company Apple Inc.)
aprecjacja {f} [economics] :: appreciation (rise in value of assets)
aprobata {f} :: acceptance, approval
aprobować {v impf} :: to approve
apsik {interj} :: achoo, atchoo
apsyda {f} [architecture] :: apse, apsis
apsyda {f} [astronomy] :: apsis
apteczny {adj} [relational] :: pharmacy, chemist
apteka {f} [medicine] :: pharmacy (place where prescription drugs are dispensed)
aptekarski {adj} :: pharmaceutical, pertaining to pharmacists or pharmacies
aptekarz {m pers} :: pharmacist, druggist, apothecary
Apulia {prop} {f} :: Apulia (region)
aquapark {m inan} :: aquapark
ar {m inan} :: are (square decametre, 100 m²)
ara {f} :: macaw (parrot of genus Ara)
Arab {m pers} :: Arab (male person)
Arabia {prop} {f} :: Arabia
Arabia Saudyjska {prop} {f} :: Saudi Arabia
arabizm {m inan} [linguistics] :: Arabism
arabizm {m inan} :: characteristics of Arab culture
Arabka {f} :: Arab (female person)
arabski {adj} :: Arab
arabski {m inan} :: Arab (language)
arabskojęzyczny {adj} :: Arabian-speaking
arabskojęzyczny {adj} :: written, spoken or created in the Arabian language
arabus {m pers} [ethnic slur] :: sand nigger; person of Arab descent
arachnofobia {f} :: arachnophobia
Aragonia {prop} {f} :: Aragonia (autonomous community)
aragonit {m inan} [mineralogy] :: aragonite
aramejski {adj} :: Aramaic
arbitralnie {adv} :: arbitrarily; in an arbitrary manner
arbitralność {f} :: arbitrariness
arbitralny {adj} :: arbitrary
arbuz {m anim} :: watermelon
arbuzowy {adj} [relational] :: watermelon
archaiczny {adj} :: archaic
archaizm {m inan} :: archaism
Archangielsk {prop} {m} :: Archangielsk (city)
archanioł {m anim} :: archangel
archeolog {m pers} :: archaeologist
archeolog {f} :: female archaeologist
archeologia {f} :: archaeology (scientific study of past remains)
archeologicznie {adv} :: archaeologically; in a archaeological manner
archeologiczny {adj} :: archaeological
archeolożka {f} [neologism] :: female archaeologist
archetyp {m inan} :: archetype (original model of which all other similar concepts, objects, or persons are merely copied, derivative, emulated, or patterned)
archetyp {m inan} [psychology] :: archetype (universal pattern of thought)
archidiecezja {f} [Christianity] :: archdiocese
archipelag {m inan} :: archipelago (group of islands)
architekt {m pers} :: architect
architekt {f} :: architect
architektka {f} :: female architect
architektoniczny {adj} :: architectural; pertaining to architecture
architektura {f} [architecture] :: architecture (art and science of designing buildings and other structures)
architektura {f} :: architecture (structure and design of a building)
architektura {f} [computing] :: architecture (specific model of a microchip or CPU)
architraw {m inan} [architecture] :: architrave (the lowest part of an entablature)
archiwalium {n} :: archival documents
archiwalnie {adv} :: archivally
archiwalność {f} :: The state of being archival
archiwalny {adj} :: archival
archiwariusz {m pers} [dated] :: male archivist
archiwariuszka {f} [dated] :: female archivist
archiwista {m pers} :: male archivist
archiwistka {f} :: female archivist
archiwistycznie {adv} :: According to or in terms of archival science
archiwistyczny {noun} [relational] :: archival science
archiwistyka {f} :: archival science
archiwizacja {f} :: filing, archiving
archiwizacyjny {adj} [relational] :: filing, archiving
archiwizować {vt impf} :: to archive
archiwizowanie {n} :: verbal noun of archiwizować
archiwoznawstwo {n} :: archival studies
archiwum {n} :: archive (place for storing earlier materials)
archiwum {n} :: archive (collection of earlier materials)
arcybiskup {m pers} :: archbishop
arcydzieło {n} :: masterpiece
arenda {f} [archaic] :: lease
Ares {prop} {m} :: Ares (Greek god of war)
areszt {m inan} :: arrest (an act or instance of an arrest)
areszt {m inan} :: A location at which arrested persons are being held
areszt domowy {m inan} :: house arrest
aresztant {m pers} :: arrestee
aresztować {vt pf} :: to arrest (to take into legal custody)
aresztować {vt impf} :: to arrest (to take into legal custody)
arfa {f} :: harp
Argentyna {prop} {f} :: Argentyna (country)
Argentynka {f} :: Argentine (female person)
Argentyńczyk {m pers} :: Argentine (person)
argentyński {adj} :: Argentine
arginina {f} :: arginine
argon {m inan} :: argon
argot {n} :: argot
argument {m inan} :: point, argument (fact or statement used to support a proposition)
argument {m inan} [philosophy, logic, mathematics, programming] :: argument
argumentacja {f} :: argumentation, reasoning
Århus {prop} {m} [rare] :: alternative form of Aarhus
aria {f} [music] :: aria
ariański {adj} :: Arian - relating to heretical movement of Arius; more often used in Poland relating to Polish Socinians
Arizona {prop} {f} :: Arizona (state)
arizoński {adj} :: Arizonan
-arka {suffix} :: Forms feminine nouns referring to devices and machines; -er
arka {f} :: ark (ship built by Noah)
arka {f} :: ark (container)
arkada {f} :: arcade
Arkadia {prop} {f} :: Arcadia (A district or a prefecture in the central and mid SE Peloponnese)
Arkadiusz {prop} {m pers} :: given name
arkana {p} [occult] :: arcana
Arkansas {prop} {m inan} :: Arkansas (state)
Arkansas {prop} {f} :: Arkansas (river)
Arktur {prop} {m} [star] :: Arcturus
arktyczny {adj} :: Arctic
Arktyka {prop} {f} :: Arctic
arkusz {m inan} :: sheet (sheet of paper)
arlekin {m pers} :: harlequin (pantomime fool)
armata {f} :: cannon, large gun
armata {f} [colloquial] :: penis
armata {f} [obsolete] :: navy.
Armenia {prop} {f} :: Armenia (country)
Armeńczyk {m pers} :: A citizen of Armenia; Armenian
armeński {adj} :: Of, from, or pertaining to Armenia; Armenian
armia {f} :: army (large, highly organised military force concerned mainly with ground operations)
arminianizm {m inan} :: Arminianism
-arnia {suffix} :: forms names of designated rooms or shops
arnika {f} :: arnica
arnika górska {f} :: mountain tobacco (Arnica montana)
arogancja {f} :: arrogance
arogancki {adj} :: arrogant
arogancko {adv} :: arrogantly; in an arrogant manner
arogant {m pers} :: arrogant (person)
arogantka {f} :: arrogant (female person)
aromat {m inan} :: aroma
aronia {f} :: chokeberry (plants of the genus Aronia)
aronia {f} :: chokeberry (fruit of this plant)
arras {m inan} :: arras
arsen {m inan} :: arsenic
arsenał {m inan} [military] :: arsenal, armoury (military establishment for the storing, development, manufacturing, testing, or repairing of arms, ammunition, and other war materiel)
arsenał {m inan} [military] :: arsenal (stock of weapons)
arsenał {m inan} [military] :: arsenal (store or supply of anything)
arsenałowy {adj} [relational] :: arsenal
arsenian {m inan} :: arsenate (salt or ester of arsenic acid)
art déco {n} :: Art Deco
Artemida {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Artemis
arteriola {f} :: arteriole
Artur {prop} {m} :: given name
artykulacja {f} :: articulation
artykuł {m inan} :: article, paper (published text in a newspaper or journal)
artykuł {m inan} :: article (part of a law)
artykuł {m inan} :: merchandise
artykuły gospodarstwa domowego {m inanp} :: household appliances
artyleria {f} :: artillery (army unit)
artyleria {f} :: artillery (weapon)
artysta {m pers} :: artist
artystka {f} :: artist (woman)
artystycznie {adj} :: artistically
artystyczny {adj} :: artistic
artyzm {m inan} :: artistry
artyzm {m inan} :: The beauty of a work of art
arystokracja {f} :: aristocracy (the nobility or the hereditary ruling class)
arystokracja {f} :: aristocracy (class of people considered superior to others)
arystokrata {m pers} :: aristocrat
arystokratka {f} :: female aristocrat
arystokratycznie {adv} :: aristocratically; in an aristocratic manner
arystokratyczny {adj} :: aristocratic
Arystoteles {prop} {m pers} :: Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher)
Arystoteles {prop} {m pers} :: given name
arystotelizm {m inan} [philosophy] :: Aristotelianism
arytmetyczny {adj} :: arithmetic
arytmetyka {f} :: arithmetic
-arz {suffix} :: appended to verbs or nouns to form names of professions; -er
-as {suffix} :: masculine noun suffix
as {m anim} [card games] :: ace
as {m pers} :: ace (skilled pilot)
asceta {m pers} :: ascetic
ascetka {f} :: female ascetic
ascetycznie {adv} :: ascetically; in an ascetic manner
ascetyczny {adj} :: ascetic
ascetyzm {m inan} :: asceticism
asceza {f} :: asceticism
aseksualista {m pers} :: asexual man
aseksualistka {f} :: asexual woman
aseksualizm {m inan} :: asexuality
aseksualnie {adv} :: asexually; in a asexual manner
aseksualność {f} :: asexuality
aseksualny {adj} :: asexual
asembler {m inan} [computing] :: assembler (tool that converts an assembly language into machine code)
asenterunek {m inan} [dated] :: forced conscription into an army
asfalt {m inan} :: asphalt
asfalt {m pers} [ethnic slur] :: tarbaby; nigger
Asia {prop} {f} :: given name
asparagina {f} :: asparagine
aspartam {m inan} :: aspartame
aspekt {m inan} :: aspect (the way something appears)
aspekt {m inan} [grammar] :: aspect
aspołecznie {adv} :: antisocially, unsocially, asocially
aspołeczność {f} :: asociality
aspołeczny {adj} :: antisocial, unsocial, asocial
Astana {prop} {f} :: Astana (former name of Nur-Sultan, the <<capital city>> of <<c/Kazakhstan>>)
astat {m inan} :: astatine (chemical element, At, atomic number 85)
aster {m inan} {m anim} :: aster (plant of the genus Aster)
asteroida {f} [astronomy] :: asteroid
asteryzm {m inan} :: asterism
astma {f} :: asthma
astrofizyk {m pers} :: astrophysicist
astrofizyk {f} :: astrophysicist
astrofizyka {f} :: astrophysics
astrolabium {n} :: astrolabe
astrolog {m pers} :: astrologist
astrologia {f} :: astrology
astrologiczny {adj} :: astrological
astronauta {m pers} :: astronaut, spaceman
astronautka {f} :: female astronaut, cosmonaut; spacewoman
astronautyczny {adj} :: astronautic
astronautyka {f} :: astronautics
astronom {m pers} :: astronomer
astronom {f} :: astronomer
astronomia {f} :: astronomy
astronomiczny {adj} :: astronomical
Asturia {prop} {f} :: Asturia (autonomous community/and/province)
asturyjski {adj} :: Asturian (of or pertaining to Asturias in Spain)
asturyjski {adj} :: Asturian (of or pertaining to the Asturian language)
asturyjski {m inan} :: Asturian (language)
astygmatyzm {m inan} :: astigmatism
asumpt {m inan} :: inducement
asymilacja {f} :: assimilation
asymptota {f} :: asymptote
asymptotycznie {adv} :: asymptotically
asynchronicznie {adv} :: asynchronously
asynchroniczny {adj} :: asynchronous
Asyria {prop} {f} :: Assyria
asyryjski {adj} :: Assyrian
asystent {m pers} :: assistant
asystent {m pers} [computing, rare] :: wizard (computer program)
asystentka {f} :: feminine noun of asystent
Asyż {prop} {m} :: Asyż (city)
Aszchabad {prop} {m inan} :: Aszchabad (capital)
aszkenazyjski {adj} :: Ashkenazi
atak {m inan} :: (attempt to cause damage or injury) attack
atak {m inan} [military] :: (offense of a battle) attack
atak {m inan} :: verbal attack
atak {m inan} :: A sudden deterioration of weather
atak {m inan} :: (sudden onset of pain or emotion) seizure
atak {m inan} [medicine] :: (sudden onset of a disease) attack
atak {m inan} [sports] :: (strategy and tactics employed when in position to score) offense
atak {m inan} [sports] :: (portion of a team dedicated to scoring) offense
atak {m inan} [chess] :: An agressive opening move
atakować {vt impf} :: to attack
atakowanie {n} :: verbal noun of atakować
Atarynka {f} [slang] :: Atari personal computer, usually an Atari XL/XE or Atari ST
ateista {m pers} :: atheist (person who does not believe in any deities)
ateistka {f} :: female atheist
ateistyczny {adj} :: atheistic
ateizm {m inan} :: atheism
atelier {n} :: atelier (workshop or studio, especially for an artist, designer or fashion house)
atelier {n} [film] :: atelier (film studio)
Atena {prop} {f} [Greek god] :: Athena
atencja {f} [dated] :: respect, deference
Ateny {prop} {fp} :: Ateny (capital city)
ateński {adj} :: Athenian (of or relating to Athens)
ateusz {m pers} [dated] :: atheist
atlant {m anim} [architecture] :: atlas
atlantycki {adj} :: Atlantic
Atlantyda {prop} {f} :: Atlantis
Atlantyk {prop} {m inan} :: Atlantic Ocean
atlas {m inan} :: atlas [bound collection of maps]
atletka {f} :: female athlete (participant in track and field sports)
atłas {m inan} :: satin
atmosfera {f} :: atmosphere (gases surrounding the Earth)
atmosfera {f} :: atmosphere (the mood or feeling in a situation)
atmosfera {f} [physics] :: atmosphere (1 atm = 101325 Pa)
atmosferyczny {adj} :: atmospheric, atmospherical
atol {m inan} :: atoll
atoli {conj} [archaic] :: howbeit
atom {m inan} [physics] :: atom
atomizm {m inan} [philosophy] :: atomism
atomowy {adj} :: atomic
atrakcyjniejszy {adj} :: comparative degree form of atrakcyjny
atrakcyjny {adj} :: attractive
atrament {m inan} :: ink
atrapa {f} :: dummy (non-functional device in place of a functional one)
atrofia {f} :: atrophy
atropina {f} [organic compound] :: atropine
atrybut {m inan} :: attribute
attaché {m pers} :: attaché (diplomatic officer)
attyka {f} :: attic (space, often unfinished and with sloped walls, directly below the roof)
atut {m inan} [card games] :: trump card (suit that outranks all others)
atut {m inan} [figuratively] :: trump (something that gives one an advantage)
atutowy {adj} [relational] :: trump, trump card
-aty {suffix} :: Forms adjectives meaning: made of, equipped with; -ed
au {interj} :: ouch (expression of one's own physical pain)
auć {interj} :: ouch (expression of one's own physical pain)
audiencja {f} :: audience (formal meeting with a dignitary)
audiencjonalny {adj} [relational] :: audience (formal meeting with a dignitary)
audiencyjny {adj} [relational] :: audience (formal meeting with a dignitary)
audiobook {m inan} :: audiobook
audycja {f} :: programme, broadcast, show
audyt {m inan} :: audit (independent review and examination of records and activities)
audytorium {n} :: auditorium (large room for public meetings or performances)
audytorium {n} :: audience in an auditorium
audytowy {adj} [relational] :: audit
August {prop} {m pers} :: given name
Augustów {prop} {m inan} :: Augustów (city)
aukcja {f} :: auction
aukcyjny {adj} :: auction
aukuba {f} :: aucuba (any flowering plant of the genus Aucuba)
aula {f} :: hall (meeting room)
aura {f} :: aura
aureola {f} :: halo, nimbus
aureola {f} :: aureole (circle of light or halo around the head of a saint)
austeria {f} [dated] :: inn, tavern
Australazja {prop} {f} :: Australasia
Australia {prop} {f} :: Australia (continent)
Australijczyk {m pers} :: Australian (person)
Australijka {f} :: Australian (female person)
australijski {adj} :: Australian
Austria {prop} {f} :: Austria (country)
austriacki {adj} :: Austrian (related to Austria)
Austriak {m pers} :: Austrian
Austro-Węgry {prop} {p} :: Austria-Hungary
aut {m inan} [sports] :: touch (the part of a field beyond the touchlines or goal lines)
aut {m inan} [sports] :: the situation when the ball goes into touch
autarkia {f} :: autarchy
autentycznie {adv} :: authentically
autentyczny {adj} :: authentic
auto- {prefix} :: auto- (regarding oneself)
auto- {prefix} :: auto- (automatic)
auto- {prefix} :: auto- (relating to cars or the driving of cars)
auto {n} :: car, automobile
autobiografia {f} :: autobiography
autobiograficzny {adj} :: autobiographical
autobus {m inan} :: bus
autobusowy {adj} :: of or pertaining to a bus
autocenzura {f} :: self-censorship
autochton {m pers} :: autochthon (earliest inhabitant)
autochton {m pers} [geology] :: autochthon
autochtoniczny {adj} :: autochthonous
autochtonka {f} :: female autochthon (earliest inhabitant)
autochtoński {adj} :: autochthonic
autograf {m inan} :: autograph
autokar {m inan} :: coach; long-distance bus
automagiczny {adj} :: automagical
automat {m inan} :: vending machine, automat
automat {m inan} :: automatic setting on a device, e.g. a photo camera
automat {m inan} :: automaton
automat {m inan} [colloquial] :: automatic transmission
automat {m inan} [dated] :: machine gun
automatycznie {adv} :: automatically
automatyczny {adj} :: automatic
autonomia {f} :: autonomy
autonomiczny {adj} :: autonomous
autoplagiat {m inan} :: duplicate publication (publishing the same intellectual material more than once, by the author or publisher)
autoportret {m inan} :: self-portrait
autopsja {f} :: autopsy (a dissection performed on a cadaver)
autopsja {f} :: one's own experience
autor {m pers} :: author
autorytaryzm {m inan} :: authoritarianism
autorytet {m inan} :: authority (person)
autorytet {m inan} :: influence, prestige, esteem
autostop {m inan} :: hitchhiking
autostopowicz {m pers} :: hitchhiker
autostopowiczka {f} :: feminine noun of autostopowicz
autostopowy {adj} [relational] :: hitchhiking
autostrada {f} :: motorway; freeway; highest category of road in Poland, a controlled-access highway with grade-separated interchanges surrounded by fence
autostrada {f} :: any road with equivalent features in other countries
autystyczny {adj} :: autistic
autyzm {m inan} :: autism
awangarda {f} :: avant-garde
awangardowo {adv} :: in an avant-garde manner
awangardowy {adj} :: avant-garde
awantura {f} :: row, quarrel, brawl, fracas
awantura {f} [archaic] :: risky venture
awantura {f} [archaic] :: adventure (risky undertaking)
awanturniczy {adj} :: rowdy
awanturniczy {adj} :: quarrelsome
awanturniczy {adj} :: adventurous
awanturniczy {adj} :: picaresque
awanturnik {m pers} :: someone prone to incite conflict; drama queen
awaria {f} :: damage
awaria {f} :: breakdown, failure (mechanical)
awaryjne {nv} [colloquial] :: emergency lights on a car
awaryjny {noun} [not comparable] :: emergency, backup, replacing a primary system during a malfunction
awaryjny {noun} :: unreliable, prone to malfunction
awatar {m pers} [Hinduism] :: avatar
awatar {m pers} [computing, video games] :: avatar
awers {m inan} :: obverse (heads side of a coin)
awersja {f} :: aversion
awest. {adj} :: awestyjski
awestyjski {adj} :: Avestan
awiator {m pers} [dated] :: flyer, aviator
awionetka {f} :: light aircraft
awokado {n} :: avocado (fruit)
awokado {n} :: avocado (tree)
AWPL {prop} {f} :: abbreviation of Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania
-awy {suffix} :: weakens an adjective to which it is appended; -ish
-awy {suffix} [dated, chemistry] :: -ous
azbest {m inan} :: asbestos
azbestowy {adj} [relational] :: asbestos
Azerbejdżan {prop} {m} :: Azerbejdżan (country)
Azerbejdżanin {m pers} :: a male Azerbaijani
Azerbejdżanka {f} :: a female Azerbaijani
azerbejdżański {adj} :: Azerbaijani (pertaining to Azerbaijan)
azerski {adj} :: Azerbaijani, Azeri (pertaining to Azeri nationality or Azeri language)
azerski {m inan} :: Azeri (language)
Azja {prop} {f} :: Asia
Azja Mniejsza {prop} {f} :: Asia Minor
Azja Zachodnia {prop} :: Western Asia
Azjata {m pers} :: Asian (person)
Azjatka {f} :: Asian (female person)
azjatycki {adj} :: Asian
Azor {prop} {m anim} :: given name for a dog
Azory {prop} {p} :: Azores (group of island in the Atlantic Ocean)
azot {m inan} :: nitrogen, a chemical element
azotan {m inan} :: nitrate (salt or ester of nitric acid)
azotowy {adj} :: nitric, nitrogenous, nitrogenic
aztecki {adj} :: Aztec (of or pertaining to the Mexica people)
aztecki {adj} :: Aztec (of or pertaining to the Nahuas)
aztecki {adj} :: Aztec (of or pertaining to the Nahuatl language)
aztecki {m inan} :: Aztec (language)
Azteczka {f} :: Aztec (female person)
Aztek {m pers} :: Aztec (a Mexica)
Aztek {m pers} :: Aztec (a Nahua)
azuryt {m inan} :: azurite
azyl {m inan} :: asylum
-aż {suffix} :: -age
{conj} :: until
ą {letter} :: The 2nd letter of the Polish alphabet, preceded by A and followed by B, and representing /ɔɰ̃/
Ą {letter} :: The second letter of the Polish alphabet, following A and preceding B, representing the phoneme /ɔ̃/
-ący {suffix} :: Appended to verbs to form the active adjectival participle; -ing
ą-ę {adj} [colloquial, idiom, chiefly predicative] :: la-di-da; posh, snobbish