Appendix:Proto-Arawan reconstructions

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Proto-Arawan reconstructions:[1]

Dixon (2004)

Note: PN indicates an (inalienably) possessed noun.

Semantic category No. (numeral) Gloss (Proto-Arawá) Glosses (daughter languages) Proto-Arawá PN Notes
a 1 fish (generic) *aba-
a 2 moon, month *abaCiko
a 3 araunã (fish sp.) *aba majaro
a 4 nerve, tendon; corpse *abapo-ni/ne PN
a 5 cheek, tongue; roof of mouth *abatha-ni/ne PN
a 6 father *abi('i)
a 7 body; spirit *abono-ni/ne PN
a 8 wet *a'bi
a 9 hill, slope *adami
a 10 trunk, stalk *ade-ni/ne PN
a 11 tree *aga(-ni/ne) PN
a 12 yawn *agaa
a 13 here *ahi-
a 14 sing; song, music *ahie- see also t5
a 15 cashew *ajowa
a 16 satisfied (after eating) *akhari
a 17 socó heron *ama'ahawa
a 18 blood *ama(-ni/ne) PN
a 19 sociozinho heron *amasawari
a 20 mother *ami-
a 21 crab *amo
a 22 be good *amoshi
a 23 star *amowa
a 25 small bamboo sp.; flute made from it *api
a 26 leaf *apha-ni/ne PN see also j12
a 27 soft material inside something (e.g., brains, marrow) *aphone(-ni/ne) PN
a 28 sister *asima
a 29 skin *asiphi-ni/ne PN
a 30 mud hole, swamp *ata
a 31 skin, bark *atero-ni/ne, *etaro-ni/ne PN
a 32 thorn *ati-ni/ati-ne//ati(w)a PN
a 33 stick, sticky; put, place *atha
a 34 forehead *atha-ni/ne PN
a 35 voice, language *athi-ni/ne PN
a 36 see; be visible *awa-
a 37 wasp *awani
a 38 tapir *awi
a 39 small ant with painful bite *awitha
a 40 tongue *abeno-ni/ne, *ebano-ni/ne PN
’a 1 father's sister, mother-in-law *'aasho
’a 2 father's sister, mother-in-law *'aboni see also w1
’a 3 older sister *'adia
’a 4 tingui (fish poison) *'akonaha
’a 5 piau sp. (fish) *'awida
b 1 beat, hit *baa
b 2 pluck, pick *bada
b 3 (his/her) father's brother *badi-
b 4 deer *bado(e)
b 5 leafstalk, aerial roots; new leaf, crotch *baha-ni/ne PN
b 6 surubim (large fish) *bahama
b 7 thunder, lightning *bahi
b 8 small/young turtle *baishi
b 10 fat; thick *bajina (or *bajini)
b 11 break *baka
b 12 chest, underside *Bakho-ni/ne
b 13 white *Bakho
b 14 roast on coals *bana- (or *ibana)
b 15 game animal, meat *bani
b 16 axe *bari
b 17 pound to flatten *baro
b 18 tree sp. *baro
b 19 pacu (fish sp.) *basani
b 20 bitter *bidaro
b 21 mandi (catfish sp.) *bidama
b 22 carai (yam sp.) *biha
b 23 feather, wing; arm, hand *bihi-ni/ne PN
b 24 small *biriha-ro/ri
b 25 large mosquito (carapanã); biting gnat *bitha
b 26 steal, rob *bo'di-
b 27 paxiúba (palm tree)' *boba
b 28 piece *bobi-ni/ne PN
b 29 owl sp. *bobo
b 30 bacuri (fruit tree) *bodi
b 31 inside, inner part of *bodi-ni/ne
b 32 frog sp. that calls out when high water recedes *boka
b 33 brave, angry; violence; threaten *boke'i
b 34 close, cover aperture *boko
b 35 (1) beak, upper lip; (2) fruit *bono-ni/ne PN
b 36 pull, tear out *Bore
’b 1 tick *'babo
’b 2 pretend *'bada(ra)-
’b 3 beat *'bakha
’b 4 rotten, putrid *'batha
’b 5 dirty; bad (smell) *'biiXa
’b 6 stretch out legs *'bishoni
’b 7 stingray *'bo'dani
’b 8 old *'bo'de
’b 9 imbariba (tree sp.) *'boko
d 1 son *da'o
d 2 give *da(a)
d 3 hit, pound, spank *da(ka) (or *ida(ka))
d 4 grab, hold *dama
d 5 scrotum, testicles *danapha-ni/ne PN see also n7
d 6 moth/butterfly *daphopho
d 7 guan (bird sp.) *dapo
d 8 ant sp. *dasha(ri)
d 9 big leaf calathea (fish sp.) *dawi
d 10 belch, burp *dee-
d 11 wasp sp. *deshishi
d 12 unfasten, undo, release *disha
d 13 demolish, fell (tree) *dobe
d 15 limp *dokhi
d 16 tonka bean *doni
d 17 inside part, abdomen *doro-ni/ne
d 18 kingfisher [*DiroDiro]
’d 1 head *'da'di-ni/ne PN
’d 2 fix, fasten *'da(kha)
’d 3 lake *'dako(rija)
’d 4 foot *'dama-ni/ne PN
’d 5 shake, rock *'Dara
’d 6 peel (fruit, etc.) *'dero
’d 7 jump *'di-
’d 8 cicada [*'Diriri]
’d 9 push, shove *'Dokho
e 1 palm sp, *ere
g 1 stand *ga-
g 2 snail sp. *gaho
g 3 dry *gahoko
g 4 woolly monkey *gapha
g 5 catch, grab *gathi-
g 6 go *gawa(hi)
g 7 to grate *giheki
h 1 eat *ha(wa)
h 2 be, exist *ha-
h 3 grasshopper sp. *habishe
h 4 root *habo(ri)-ni/ne PN
h 5 be ripe, mature *hada
h 6 sneeze *hadisha
h 7 bamboo sp., knife made from it *hado
h 8 be burnt *ha'di
h 9 path *hagi(hi)(-ni/ne) PN
h 10 laugh *haha (or *haahaa)
h 11 web-spinning spider sp. *hako
h 12 vine (for basket making) *hama(ha)
h 13 angry, mean; rage, fury *hami-
h 14 design, picture *hano-ni/ne PN
h 15 grandchild *hanodi
h 16 heron sp. *hanopi
h 17 blow, light fire *hapho
h 18 breathe, rest *hashi
h 19 patauá palm *hawa
h 20 yes *he'e
h 21 lick; eat a juicy fruit *hero
h 22 now *hida
h 23 beetle sp. *hijabo
h 24 termite nest *hijabo
h 25 white-lipped peccary *hijama
h 26 tell (story) *hijara (or *hijari)
h 27 bee sp., its honey *hiji
h 28 let's go' (interjection) *hiNa
h 29 mot-mot bird *hiriti
h 30 suck, absorb; snigg, smell *hishi
h 31 hole *hodi-ni/ne PN
h 32 great anteater *hojawa
h 33 heron sp. *honore
h 34 old, dried up *horasa
h 35 play wind instrument; bark trumpet *hori
i 1 put, place *iba-
i 3 small piece *ibisiCi
i 4 pierce, sting *ida
i 5 back *ide-ni/ne PN
i 6 grandfather *idi
i 7 animal *igathe
i 8 medicine; poison on arrows and darts *iha
i 9 pregnant *ijahani
i 10 feces *ijo(-ni/ne) PN
i 11 lips *ijahi-ni/ne
i 12 teach something; story, talk (noun) *ima
i 13 meat *ima-ni/ne PN
i 14 ingai (tree and edible fruit) *imi
i 15 branch *ini-ni/ne PN
i 16 tooth *ino-ni/ne PN
i 17 shaman *iniowa (or iniwa)
i 18 lip, edge *ipo-ni/ne PN
i 19 leg, stalk *isho-ni/ne PN
i 20 to skin *ite
j 1 new *ja'di
j 2 stone *ja'di
j 3 large insect (possibly daddy longlegs) *ja'o
j 4 sloth sp. *ja'o
j 5 abdomen, uterus; stomach; fat *jaha-ni/ne PN
j 6 howler monkey *jajiko
j 7 toucan (Ramphastos genus) *jakhi
j 8 thing, forest *jama
j 9 house *jamari-ni/ne PN
j 10 food *jamatapa
j 11 palm sp. (paxiubinha) *jani
j 12 hand *japa-ni/ne PN
j 13 frog sp. *japho'i (or *japhowi)
j 14 rat sp. *japi
j 15 be angry *jawa-
j 16 palm sp. (murumuru) *jawana
j 17 peach palm *jawida
j 18 heron sp. *jawiro
j 19 ant sp. (tocandira) *jimo (or *jomo)
j 20 (cooking) pot *jipaha
j 21 fire, firewood *jipho
j 22 hammock *jiphowi
j 23 fruit tree sp. *joha
j 24 breast, milk *johari-ni/ne PN
j 25 urine *jokhari-ni/ne PN
j 26 jaguar *jomahi
j 27 scorpion *jomowasha
j 28 night; shadow *jome-ni/ne PN
j 29 snake sp. *jonirara
j 30 tail *jopari-ni/ne PN
j 31 to order *joshe'e-
j 32 buttocks *joto-ni/ne PN
j 33 coati (quati) *jotomi
j 34 capuchin monkey *jowi(hi)
j 35 frog sp. *joiwa
k 1 cut, chop *ka
k 2 sand *kaaxijo
k 3 to vomit *ka'bi
k 4 window *kathena
k 5 cook, roast *ka'ari
k 6 urucuri (a palm) *kahami
k 7 tie, fasten *kaho
k 8 louse *kamati
k 9 dove sp. *kamowa
k 10 butterfly *kamakokojo
k 11 chin *kanada-ni/ne (or *anada-ni/-ne) PN
k 12 small toad sp. *kapakapa
k 13 ant sp. *kaposhiri
k 14 biting fly (mutuca) *karajati
k 15 (shoot with) blow-gun *kariboba
k 16 necklace, beads *kasoro
k 17 pepper *kashi'i
k 18 banana sp. *katomi see also s5
k 19 oriole *kawashiro
k 20 howler monkey *kawina
k 21 mixed; to lubricate, paint *kete(ma)
k 22 defecate, be ill *kija
k 23 maize, sweet corn *kimi
k 24 three-toed sloth *kiriwe
k 25 armadillo (tatu) *kishi-
k 26 capuchin monkey *kiso
k 27 spill *kitxV
k 28 hit, beat *koba
k 29 sweet manioc (macaxeira) *kojo
k 30 tucunaré (fish sp.) *kosop(h)a
k 31 woodpecker sp. *koka
k 32 mother's brother, father-in-law *koko
k 33 small eagle sp. *koko(w)i
k 34 pain *koma(-ni/ne) PN
k 35 eat, be satisfied; suck (on) *komi
k 36 trogon (bird sp.) *komi
k 37 hair *kona(-ni/ne) PN
k 38 to bathe *konaha
k 39 toad sp. [*kore-]
k 40 palm sp. with thorns *korira
k 41 throw *koro
k 42 to whip *koshi
k 43 kinkajou (jupara, night monkey) *kosikosi
k 44 point, end; piece of *kota-ni/ne PN
k 45 tortoise *kowasa
k 46 to weave *kowa-
k 47 palm sp. *kowasaki
k 48 to whistle *kowika
kh 1 go, be in motion *kha-
kh 2 hard, firm *khaara
kh 3 dance; (women) sing *khajobi-
kh 4 (be) heavy *khanaha
kh 5 kingfisher (ariramba) *khere
kh 6 see, look at *khi
kh 7 scratch, tickle *khiri
kh 8 knee, joint *khobabari-ni/ne PN
kh 9 nakedness *khoriha-ni/ne PN
kh 10 fish sp. (prob. jeju) *khorobo
kh 11 to growl (of dog) *khororo
kh 12 blowfly *khorowira
m 1 (Indian) person *madiha
m 2 vine, rope *mado(-ni/ne) PN
m 3 tie (e.g., cord on bow) *mado- probably related to m2
m 4 sun *mahi
m 5 smell *maho-ni/ne PN
m 6 tree sp. with cottonlike growth *mahowa
m 7 pajurá (tree sp.) *majo
m 8 heart; belly *makawari(-ni/ne) PN
m 9 snake *makha (generic)
m 10 man, husband *makhira
m 11 exchange, price *manako-ni/ne PN
m 12 ant sp. *mapho
m 13 bat *mase
m 14 father's sister, mother-in-law *mashodini see also 'a1
m 15 moon, month *masiko
m 16 buttocks, tree stump *mata-ni/ne
m 17 neck; back of neck *matho-ni/ne PN
m 18 ant sp. *me'i
m 19 give birth to; defecate *mihi
m 20 electric eel *mina'di
m 21 porcupine *mishe
m 22 hear, listen *mitha-
m 23 anteater (tamanduá) *modo
m 24 larva of fly (laid in skin) *moho
m 25 resin, beeswax *moja
m 26 honey bee; wasp *monamona
m 27 message, news; noise, sound *moni
m 28 fish sp. *moro
m 29 bite, crush between the teeth; pierce *moto
m 30 termite *mototowa
m 31 flower, blossom *mowe-ni/ne (or *mawa-ni/ne) PN
m 32 night monkey *mowi
n 1 big *na'bi(ha)-
n 2 paxiúba-barriguda (palm sp.) *nabohi
n 3 underside, lower part, below *nabopa(-ni/ne) PN
n 4 later *naho(thi)
n 5 ground *nami
n 6 to show *namitha
n 7 egg *napha-ni/ne or *inapha-ni/ne PN cf. d5 *danapha ni/ne 'scrotum, testicles'
n 8 ear *naribo-ni/ne PN
n 9 measure *nathomV
n 10 know *nawato
n 11 upper part of, above; sky *neme(-ni/ne) PN
n 12 squeeze *niki
n 13 show *noke
n 14 wait for *nokhV
n 15 face, eye, middle *nokho-ni/ne PN
n 16 to wake *nokho
n 17 door *nokho bihiri
n 18 sleep *nokhobisha
n 19 (finger/toe) nail *nokhoshi-ni/ne PN
n 20 to like, want *nophV-
o 1 be one, be alone *ohari (or *wahari)
o 2 cry, weep *ohi
o 3 make smoke; light emitted from source; to give off light *oja
o 4 pigeon; dove sp. (juriti) *okoko
o 5 alligator sp. *ona
o 6 name *oni-ni/ne PN
o 7 genipap (jenipapo) *ora
o 8 to paddle, mix *ori
o 9 cará (fish sp.) *otawi
o 10 frog sp. *owawa
p 1 garden *p(h)adara
p 2 gourd *paho
p 3 two *pama-
p 4 (his) wife *panadi
p 5 thigh *panakho-ni/ne PN
p 6 assai palm *para'i
p 7 stick, handle; house girder; to straighten *pini-ni/ne PN
p 8 illuminate, shine on *piri
p 9 squirrel monkey (macaco-de-cheiro, Saimiri sciurus); marmoset (small monkey) *pishi
p 10 lie down *poma (or *pona)
p 11 high, large *pota
p 12 to drink *pawe
p 13 (bitter) manioc *po'a (or *powa)
ph 1 water, liquid *phaha(-ni/ne) PN
ph 2 sprouting; hatch (egg); open (e.g., clouds) *phata
ph 3 to spit (at/into) [*phito (or *phiro)]
ph 4 disappear from view *PHiri
ph 5 small bird sp. [*PHiriri]
ph 6 mortar (for grinding) *phowa
r 1 show, point at *rajopi
r 2 pull out, snatch away *rajopha
r 3 swell, overflow *raphowa
r 5 rub, scour; perforate, bore *rawijo
r 6 spread out, disordered; disappear *riphira
r 7 shake, rock *Roko
s 1 cloud, foam *sabi
s 3 pierce, sting, shoot with arrow *saka
s 4 passion fruit (maracuja) *sanaro
s 5 banana sp. *satomi see also k18
s 6 to sharpen *sejo
s 7 fish sp. *siraba
s 8 suck, absorb *soso
s 9 sweep; scratch, scrape *sowe
sh 1 peel, separate layers *sha
sh 2 otter *shabira
sh 3 eagle-hawk (Harpia harpia) *shabiria
sh 4 vine sp. *shahi
sh 5 lung fish (traira) *shako
sh 6 pineapple *shami
sh 7 gnaw *shawari cf. hi *ha(wa) 'eat'
sh 8 burn *sharV
sh 9 weasel sp. (irara) *shawa(ri)
sh 10 sand *shiki-
sh 11 tobacco, snuff *shina
sh 12 agouti (cutia) *shinama
sh 13 to toast (e.g., manioc) *shira
sh 14 turtle (tartaruga) *shire
sh 15 be cold *shiri-
sh 16 drip, drop; sprinkle (liquids); flow, pour; urinate *sho(roro)
sh 17 navel *shobori-ni/ne PN
sh 18 to wash *shoko
sh 19 scum, froth; starchy juice, gum *shoko-ni/ne PN
sh 20 tie, fasten, bind *shokV
sh 21 earthworm *shomi
sh 22 to fall *shona
sh 23 fruit vine sp. *shabono
t 1 throat; neck *TaBidi-ni/ne PN
t 2 roast over fire *tabishe
t 3 stir, mix, crush (in water) *tabo
t 4 home, village; bed, sleeping place, seat *tabora-ni/ne (or *taboro-ni/-ne) PN
t 5 song about *tahieri-ni/ne PN
t 6 ant sp. *takasiri
t 7 matamatá tree; envira tree *tamajara
t 8 monkey sp. (macaco parauaçu, Pithecia monachus) *tamakori
t 9 jack fruit tree *tamino
t 10 sweat *tanikho-ni/ne PN
t 11 pied-crested oropendola (type of oriole, japu) *tano
t 12 eat *tapa
t 13 food *tapa(ri)-ni/ne PN cf. t12
t 14 leaf bundle for wrapping *taphowe-ni/ne PN
t 15 shellfish *taro
t 16 medicine, seasoning *tasha-ni/ne PN cf. t19 *tesha-ni/ne
t 17 first, firstly, first place, go first *Tatide
t 18 black-fronted nunbird (bico-de-brasa) *tawikhoro(ro)
t 19 companion of *tesha-ni/ne PN
t 20 cut with knife, scissors *ti-
t 21 gull (gaviota) [*tihe]
t 22 daughter *to
t 23 nighthawk (bacurau) *tobejaro (or *tobejero)
t 24 imitate *tomi-
t 25 bone *tona-ni/ne PN
t 26 snail sp. *topawa
t 27 vine sp. *topi
t 29 bamboo sp. (taboca) and flute made from it *totore
th 1 tread on, step on *thahi
th 2 upstream *-thima (verb suffix)
th 3 to cough, a cough *thoho
th 4 light, nimble, quick, agile, easy *thoja
tx 1 thin, flat *txeperi
tx 2 sour(ness) *txika'da
tx 3 sweet *txina
w 1 brother-in-law for man *wabo see also 'a2
w 2 to dream, to sleep *wadami- (verb) see also w3
w 3 a dream *wadari-ni/ne PN
w 4 light (noun); brightness of; clearness *waha-ni/ne
w 5 cicada *wahano
w 6 large mosquito (carapanã) *waharo
w 7 liver *wahati-ni/ne PN
w 8 river *waini
w 9 be hungry *waipemi-
w 10 abiurana (covering several trees of genus Lucuma) *waishowa
w 11 to bite *waji
w 12 tree sp. *wakana
w 13 spinx-month larva; caterpillar sp. *wakari
w 14 tree with resin which is used to light fires *wami
w 15 spider sp. *wanakoRi
w 16 owl sp. *wapa
w 17 cotton *wape
w 18 oar, paddle *waRami
w 19 chachalaca (bird, aracuã) *wara-
w 20 tree sp. with soft wood *warakana
w 21 kapok ceibe tree (samatima, Ceiba pendandra) *wasina (or *wasini)
w 22 lungs *washabori-ni/ne PN
w 23 fruit tree sp. *watama
w 24 walk bent over; rapid, swift; run fast *watxi
w 25 rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) *wekhe'i
w 26 to dig *wi
w 27 container for; in company with *wijehe-ni/ne PN
w 28 cashew sp. *winika
w 29 nose *wiridi-ni/ne PN
w 30 throw water, bail out *wisha
w 31 cut, saw *wishi(na)
w 32 sit *witha-
x 1 urucu (Bixa orellana; red paint made from fruit) *xidepe
x 2 sweet manioc (macaxeira) *ximeka


  1. ^ Dixon, R. M. W. 2004. Proto-Arawá Phonology. Anthropological Linguistics 46: 1-83.
Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
North America

Amerindian • p-Amerind • p-Eskimo • p-Na-Dene • p-Athabaskan • p-Algonquian • Beothuk • p-Iroquoian • p-Siouan • Caddoan • Yuchi • Kutenai • Chinook • p-Sahaptian • p-Takelman • p-Kalapuyan • Alsea • p-Wintun • Klamath • Molala • Cayuse • Coos • Lower Umpqua • p-Utian • p-Yokuts • p-Maidun • p-Salishan • p-Wakashan • p-Chimakuan • p-Hokan • p-Palaihnihan • Chimariko • Shasta • Yana • p-Pomo • Esselen • Salinan • p-Chumash • Waikuri • p-Yuman • p-Yukian • Washo • p-Kiowa-Tanoan • p-Keresan • Coahuilteco • Comecrudo • Cotoname • Karankawa • Tonkawa • Maratino • Quinigua • Naolan • p-Muskogean • Natchez (Swadesh) • Atakapa • Adai • Timucua

Central America

p-Oto-Manguean • p-Oto-Pamean • p-Central Otomian • p-Otomi • p-Popolocan (p-Mazatec) • p-Chinantec • p-Mixtec • p-Zapotec • p-Uto-Aztecan • p-Aztecan • Purépecha (Swadesh) • Cuitlatec • p-Totozoquean • p-Totonacan • p-Mixe-Zoquean • Highland Chontal • Huamelultec • Tequistlatec • p-Huave • p-Mayan (Swadesh) • Xinca • p-Jicaque • p-Lencan • Lenca • p-Misumalpan

South America

p-Cariban • p-Taranoan • p-Chibchan • p-Barbacoan • Páez • p-Pano-Takanan • p-Panoan • p-Makú • Hupda • p-Tukanoan • p-Arawan • Harákmbut–Katukinan • p-Cahuapanan • p-Choco • p-Guahiban • p-Shuar • Candoshi • p-Shuar-Candoshi • Achuar • p-Nambikwaran • Tinigua • Timote • p-Lule-Vilela • Vilela • Chamacoco • Allentiac • Chaná • Arutani-Sape • p-Bora-Muinane • Bora • p-Witotoan • Witoto • p-Macro-Daha • Sáliba • Piaroa • Ticuna • Yuri • Caraballo • Andoque • p-Mataguayo • p-Guaicurú • Guachí • Payagua • Mura • Pirahã • Matanawi • Quechumaran • Quechuan • p-Zaparoan • p-Peba-Yagua • Iquito • p-Chapacuran • Andaqui • Guamo • Betoi • Kamsá • Otomacoan • Jirajaran • Hibito-Cholon • Cholón • Sechura-Catacao • Sechura • Culli • Mochica • Esmeralda • Taushiro • Urarina • Aiwa • Canichana • Guató • Irantxe • Aikanã • Kanoé (Swadesh) • Kwaza • Mato Grosso Arára • Munichi • Omurano • Puinave • Leco • Puquina • Ramanos • Warao • Yaruro • Yuracaré • Yurumangui

South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní