- Boettcher cell
Boettcher cells are polyhedral cells on the
basilar membrane of thecochlea , and are located beneath Claudius cells. Boettcher cells are considered supporting cells for theorgan of Corti , and are present only in the lower turn of the cochlea. These cells interweave with each other, and projectmicrovilli into the intercellular space.Because of their structural specialization, Boettcher cells are believed to play a significant role in the function of the cochlea. They demonstrate high levels of
calmodulin , and may be involved in mediating Ca(2+) regulation andion transport. Boettcher cells are named after Germanpathologist Arthur Boettcher (1831-1889).References
* [http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tandf/soto/2004/00000124/A554s554/art00002 Essay on Boettcher cells]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.