- Soprano clarinet
Infobox Instrument
name=Soprano clarinet
range=Written range:
*Piccolo clarinet
*Basset clarinet
*Alto clarinet
*Bass clarinet
articles=The soprano clarinets are a sub-family of theclarinet family . They include the most common types ofclarinet s, and indeed are often referred to as simply "clarinets".Among the soprano clarinets are the Bmusic|♭ clarinet, the most common type, whose range extends from D below
middle C (written E) to about the C three octaves above middle C; the A and C clarinets, sounding respectively asemitone lower and a whole tone higher than the Bmusic|♭ clarinet; and the low G clarinet, sounding yet a whole tone lower than the A, rare in western music but popular in the folk music ofTurkey . While some writers reserve a separate category ofsopranino clarinet s for the Emusic|♭ and D clarinets, [Nicholas Shackleton. "Clarinet", "Grove Music Online", ed. L. Macy (accessed21 February 2006 ), [http://www.grovemusic.com/ grovemusic.com] (subscription access).] these are more usually regarded as soprano clarinets as well.Clarinets in C are common in music of the classical period and in some later music, particularly
opera .There have also been soprano clarinets in C, A, and Bmusic|♭ with curved barrels and bells marketed under the names
Saxonette , Claribel, and Clariphon.Shackleton lists also obsolete "sopranino" clarinets in (high) G, F, and E, and soprano clarinets in B and Amusic|♭. The G "sopranino", only a half step lower than the Amusic|♭
piccolo clarinet , was popular during theBiedermeier period inVienna for playingSchrammelmusik .References
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