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Paul von Hintze

Paul von Hintze

Paul von Hintze (13 February 1864-18 August 1941) was a German naval officer and diplomatist, who served as Foreign Minister of Germany in the last stages of World War I, from July to October 1918.

Beginning his career in the Imperial Navy, Hintze retired in 1911 as a Rear Admiral and entered the diplomatic service, serving as Germany's representative in Mexico (1911-1914), China (1914-1915), and Norway (1915-1918). Despite his lack of any political experience, Hintze was appointed as Foreign Minister on 9 July 1918 following the resignation of his predecessor, Richard von Kühlmann, who had fallen afoul of the military High Command, led by Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg and General Erich Ludendorff, who effectively governed the country.

During his time in the foreign ministry, Hintze pushed the Kaiser towards liberalization of the government and was involved in the discussions which led to the decision to seek an armistice at the end of September. After the resignation of the government of Chancellor Georg von Hertling on October 3, Hintze was replaced as Foreign Minister by Wilhelm Solf.

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