- List of castles in Romania
Castle s are declared hystoric monuments by theMinistry of culture of Romania . Hereby is a list ofcastle s inRomania .Major Castles
Bran Castle
*Huniade Castle
*Hunedoara Castle
*Iulia Hasdeu Castle
*Peleş Castle
*Pelişor Castle
*Sighişoara Citadel
*Mogoşoaia Palace
*Palace of Parliament Comprehensive list by region
Banat Timiş County
*Banloc Castle , Banloc
*Mercy Castle , Carani
*Huniade Castle ,Timişoara Crişana şi Maramureş
Arad County
*Misici Castle ,Lipova
*Bohuş Castle , Şiria
*Cernovici Castle , Macea
*Dietrich-Sukowsky Castle , Pâncota
*Konopi Castle , Odvoş
*Kövér-Appel Castle , Fântânele
*Mocioni Castle , Bulci
*Mocioni-Teleki Castle , Căpâlnaş
*Teleki Castle , Căpâlnaş
*Castle Nopcea ,Arad
*Săvârşin Castle , Săvârşin
*Salbek Castle , Petriş
*Solymosy Castle , Mocrea
*Purgly Castle , ŞofroneaBihor County
*Bathyanyi Castle ,Aleşd
*Baroque Palace of Oradea
*Csaky Castle , Marghita
*Ghiorac Castle , Ghiorac
*Sânmartin Castle , Sânmartin
*Ţeţchea Castle , Ţeţchea
*Degenfeld-Schomburg Castle , Balc
*Toldy Castle , Sânnicolau Român
*Miskolczy Castle , Ciumeghiu
*Moskovits Castle , Arpăşel
*Thelegdy Castle , Tileagd
*Zichy Castle , Diosig
*Zichy Castle , Gheghie
*Zichy Castle , Lugaşu de JosSatu Mare County
*Cserey-Fischer Castle ,Tăşnad
*Karolyi Castle , Ardud
*Karolyi Castle ,Carei
*Lonyai Castle , Medieşu Aurit
*Perenyi Castle , Turulung
*Vecsey Castle , LivadaMaramureş County
*Apaffi Castle , Coştiui
*Blomberg Castle , Gârdani
*Teleki Castle , Pribileşti
*Pecsi Mihai Castle , Ţicău
*Teleki Castle , ColtăuTransylvania
Alba County
*Bethlen-Haller Castle , Cetatea de Baltă
*Esterházy Castle , Şard
*Martinuzzi Castle , Vinţu de Jos
*Stremţ Castle , Stremţ
*Kemény Castle , Sâncrai
*Wesselenyi Castle , Obreja
*Mikes Castle , Cisteiu de Mureş
*Teleki Castle , Uioara de Sus
*Bethlen Castle ,Aiud
*Alexius and Georgius Bethlen Castle , Sânmiclăuş
*Kemény Castle , Galda de JosBistriţa-Năsăud County
*Hye Castle , Ilişua
*Lázár Imre Castle , Sărata
*Rákóczi Castle , Şieu-Măgheruş
*Torma Castle , Cristeştii Ciceului
*Wesselenyi Castle , Chiochiş
*Haller Castle , Matei
*Teleki Castle , Comlod
*Teleki Castle , Posmuş
*Bánffy Castle , Urmeniş
*Bethlen Castle , Arcalia
*Bethlen Castle ,Beclean
*Bethlen Castle , Cristur-ŞieuBraşov County
*Béldy Ladislau Castle , Budila
*Nemes Castle , Budila
*Mikes Castle , Budila
*Bran Castle , Bran
*Brâncoveanu Castle , Sâmbăta de Sus
*Brukenthal Castle , Sâmbăta de Jos
*Sükösd-Bethlen Castle , Racoş
*Făgăraş Castle
*Kálnoky Castle , Hoghiz
*Haller Castle , Hoghiz
*Guthman-Valenta Castle , HoghizCluj County
*Kornis Castle ,Manastirea
*Bonţida Bánffy Castle
*Bánffy Castle , Răscruci
*Bánffy Castle , Borşa
*Béldy Castle , Geaca
*Bocskai Castle , Aghireşu
*Cluj-Napoca Bánffy Palace
*Gilău Castle ,Gilău
*Haller Castle , Coplean
*Jósika Castle , Moldoveneşti
*Kemény Castle , Jucu de Sus
*Kemény-Bánffy Castle , Luncani
*Kornis Castle , Mănăstirea
*Mikes Castle , Săvădisla
*Teleki Castle , Luna de Jos
*Veres Castle , Livada
*Wass Castle , Ţaga
*Wass-Banffy Castle ,Gilău Covasna County
*Apor Castle , Turia
*Béldy-Mikes Castle , Ozun
*Mikó Castle , Olteni
*Szentkereszty Castle , Arcuş
*Thury-Bányai Castle , Tamaşfalău
*Daniel Castle , Tălişoara
*Daniel Castle , Vârghiş
*Nemes Castle , Hăghig
*Kálnoky Castle , Micloşoara
*Kálnoky Castle , Valea Crişului
*Mikes Castle , Zăbala
*Mikes-Szentkereszty Castle ,Zagon
*Mikes Castle ,Bixad Harghita County
*Apafi Castle , Tomeşti
*Lázár Castle , LăzareaHunedoara County
*Magna Curia Palace , Deva
*Hunyadi Castle ,Hunedoara
*Bela Fay Castle ,Simeria
*Gyulay Ferenc Castle , Mintia
*Kendeffy Castle , Sântămăria-Orlea
*Nalatzi-Fay Castle , Nălaţvad
*Pogány Castle , Păclişa
*Veress Castle , Bobâlna
*Jósika Castle , Brănişca
*Nopcsa Castle , Săcel
*Nopcsa Castle , ZamMureş County
*Apalina Castle ,Apalina, Mureş
*Apor Castle ,Abuş, Mureş
*Bornemisza Castle ,Gurghiu, Mureş
*Chendu Castle ,Chendu, Mureş
*Degenfeld Castle ,Cuci, Mureş
*Dózsa-Barátosi Castle ,Trei Sate, Mureş
*Ermitu Castle ,Eremitu, Mureş
*Kendy-Kemény Castle ,Brâncoveneşti, Mureş
*Kornis-Rákoczi-Bethlen Castle ,Iernut
*Lapusna Castle ,Lăpuşna, Mureş
*Máriaffi Castle , Sângeorgiu de Mureş
*Panet Castle ,Pănet, Mureş
*Pekri Castle ,Ozd, Mureş
*Rhédey Castle , Sângiorgiu de Pădure
*Rhédey-Rothenthal Castle ,Găneşti, Mureş
*Sighişoara Citadel
*Toldalagi Castle ,Corunca, Mureş
*Ugron Castle ,Zau de Câmpie, Mureş
*Haller Castle ,Mihai Viteazu, Mureş
*Haller Castle ,Ogra, Mureş
*Haller Castle ,Sânpaul, Mureş
*Teleki Castle ,Dumbrăvioara, Mureş
*Teleki Castle ,Gorneşti, Mureş
*Bethlen Castle ,Bahnea, Mureş
*Bethlen Castle ,Boiu, Mureş
*Alexius and Georgius Bethlen Castle ,Criş, Mureş
*Alexius and Georgius Bethlen Castle ,Mădăraş, Mureş Sălaj County
*Bay Castle , Treznea
*Csáky Castle , Almaşu
*Béldy Castle ,Jibou
*Wesselenyi Castle ,Jibou
*Jósika Castle , Surduc
*Haller Castle , Gârbou
*Bánffy Castle , Nuşfalău
*Alexius and Georgius Bethlen Castle , DraguSibiu County
*Apafi Castle ,Dumbrăveni
*Bolyai Castle , Buia
*Tobias Castle , Boarta
*Turnu Roşu Castle , Boiţa
*Brukenthal Castle ,Avrig
*Brukenthal Castle , MicăsasaMoldova
Sturdza Palace ,Miclăuşeni, Iaşi
*Ghika Palace ,Comăneşti
* Palace of Culture,Iaşi
*Stirbey Castle , Dărmăneşti,Bacău
*Roznovanu Castle ,Roznov ,Neamţ Wallachia
Prahova County
*Cantacuzino Castle ,Buşteni
*Iulia Hasdeu Castle ,Câmpina
*Foişor Castle ,Sinaia
*Martha Bibescu Castle ,Comarnic
*Peleş Castle ,Sinaia
*Pelişor Castle ,Sinaia
*Văcărescu-Calimachi Castle ,Măneşti, Prahova Arges County
*Poienari Castle ,Curtea de Arges ,Arges Bucharest
*Cotroceni Palace
*Creţulescu Palace
*Curtea Veche
*Elisabeta Palace
*Mogoşoaia Palace
*Palace of the Patriarchate
*Palace of the Parliament
*Victoria Palace Oltenia
Enchanted Castle ,Craiova Dobruja
Tulcea County
*Dinogetia CastleOther fortifications
*Bologa Castle
*Braşov Castle
*Ciucea castle
*Homorod Castle
*Neamt Fortress
*Oradea Castle
*Prejmer Castle
*Râşnov Castle
*Sibiu Castle
*Suceava Castle
*Viscri ee also
List of castles
*Tourism in Romania Bibliography
*citebook|author=Ion Dorin Narcis|title=Castele, palate şi conace din România|publisher=Editura Fundaţiei Culturale Române|location=Bucureşti|year=2001|isbn=973-577-320-1|language=Romanian
External links
* [http://www.cultura.ro/Documents.aspx?ID=89 Ministry of Culture and Cults]
* [http://www.ici.ro/romania/ro/alfabet/monumente.html Monuments in Romania]
* [http://www.infotravelromania.ro/castele.html Castles in Romania]
* [http://www.infoturist.net/Castele_Palate/index_cetati.html Castles and Palaces in Romania]
* [http://www.presa-zilei.ro/stire/5285/aristocratie-transilvaneana.html Transylvanian Aristrocracy and its Domains]
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