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The region has a large population of ethnic Russians, especially in Daugavpils, the largest city in the region. Many of the Russians who lived in Latgale before the Soviet occupation are Old Believers. Rēzekne, often called the heart of Latgola, Krāslava, and Ludza are other large towns in the region, which also has a Belarusian minority. There is still a significant Polish minority (Daugavpils has almost as many Poles as Latvians). As part of the Polotsk and Vitebsk guberniyas, the region was part of the Pale of Settlement and had a very large Jewish population -- but most of the Jews perished in the Holocaust and much of the remainder has emigrated.

The region is one of the poorest in the European Union, and unlike in the rest of Latvia a majority of voters was opposed to EU membership in the referendum on accession.

Due to its history several different names are historically used for Latgale.
*Other names for the region include Lettigallia, Latgallia, and Latgola.
*The people are called "latgalieši" in Latvian (as distinct from "latgaļi", which refers to the ancient tribe, though some modern Latgalians [especially separatists] prefer "latgaļi") — "latgalīši" in Latgalian, sometimes "latgali" — Latgalians, Latgallians, or Lettigalls in English, and are sometimes referred to as "čangaļi" (sometimes derogatory — the reference is to a novel, and Latgalians often call other Latvians "čiuļi"). The term "latgalieši" dates only to the early 20th century, and before that Latgalians were long refrred to as Vitebsk Latvians or Inflantians (Latgalian: "vitebskīši", "inflantīši").
*The language or dialect is called Latgalian.


Originally territory of nowadays Latgale was populated by the Eastern Balts. They spoke some unknown East Baltic languageFact|date=September 2008, which became a basis for the Latgalian dialect of Latvian language. The dialect is still spoken by many Latgalians and has a standardized written form, for which reason some consider it to be a separate language. During the 10th–12th centuries two principalities — of Jersika and Atzele existed on the territory of nowadays Latgale; in addition, the land of the so-called Eastern Latgalians included parts of what is today Vidzeme and Russia. In the second decade of 13th century principality of Jersika became a part of Lithuania, but in 1270s it was conquered by the German crusaders of the Livonian Order and incorporated into Livonia.

In 1559–62 during the Livonian War, the territory of nowadays Latgale was annexed by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and in 1569 it was reorganized into Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In 1620s most of Duchy of Livoniawas ceded to Swedish Empire, but a part of the Duchy of Livonia including Latgale remained under Lithuanian–Polish control; this land became known as Inflantia. [cite book |title=Culture and Customs of the Baltic States |last=O'Connor |first=Kevin |authorlink= |coauthors= |year= |publisher= |location= |isbn= |pages= |url=] Creation of Polish Inflanty is the birth of the region we know today by the name Latgale. During this period the Latgalian dialect of the Latvian language developed separately from the Latvian spoken in other parts of what is now Latvia and was influenced by Polish.

In 1772, Latgale was annexed by the Russian Empire, and in 1865 a period of Russification, as part of Russia's anti-Polish policies, was begun, during which the Latgalian language (written in Latin script) was forbidden. This ban was lifted in 1904, and a period of Latgalian reawakening began. Many Latgalian public figures sought a reunification with the rest of Latvia in 1917 at the Congress of Rezekne, while some preferred autonomy (Kemps) or incorporation in Russia (bureaucracy). Decisions of the 1917 Congresses and declaration of independence on 18 November 1918 with Latgale as part of Latvian state moved both Latvian armed forces as well as local partisan movement to struggle for liberation of Latgale. Tough enough task, taking into account territorial interests of both Bolshevik Russia and Poland. In 1920 as a result of nation-building irredentist war Latgale was incorporated into Latvia. By the peace treaty of 1920 with Soviet Russia, the territories of Pskov guberniya were incorporated into Latvia to please its economic interests. United with other "original" Latvian territories, as claimed by the declaration of independence (ethnographic borders as national borders), they formed district of Jaunlatgale, later Abrene district.

In 1944, at the beginning of the second occupation of Latvia by the USSR, the eastern civil parishes of the Abrene district were incorporated into the Russian Federation.

ee also

* Latgallians
* Latgalian language

Latgale in foreign languages

* _lt. Latgala
* _pl. Łatgalia
* _de. Lettgallen
* _ru. Латгалия

External links

* [] overview in Lithuanian
* [ Latgale / Latgola] overview in Latvian, English, and Russian
* [ Latgale research center]
* [] a Latgalian site with an online Latgalian–Latvian dictionary.
* [ News from Latgale]

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