- Antyllus
"For the son of
Mark Antony , seeMarcus Antonius Antyllus "Antyllus was a Greek surgeon, who lived in the
2nd century AD in Rome. He is most notable for his method of treatment ofaneurysm s. He described the types of aneurysms, and created a taxonomy related to the lesions' potential for rupture. [ [http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=1011036 Fortner G, Johansen K.: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms.] West J Med. 1984 Jan; 140(1): 50-59. PMCID: 1011036, [http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/picrender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&blobtype=pdf&artid=1011036 "PDF"] ] He lived in the same era as Galen, and as Galen was dominant figure in the field ofmedicine , Antyllus excelled insurgery . His works have been lost, though some are reflected in the writings ofOribasius . He developed specific instructions for a number of operations. He also listed the indications and contraindications and described the complications that could arise from the operations. His operation for aneurysm remained the standard procedure until the 19th century. [ [http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=1358568 DeBakey ME: A surgical perspective.] , Ann Surg. 1991 Jun; 213(6): 499-531. PMCID: 1358568, [http://www.pubmedcentral.gov/picrender.fcgi?artid=1358568&blobtype=pdf "PDF"] ]References
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