absolutive case — noun case used to indicate the patient or experiencer of a verb’s action. The absolutive case is used to mark the subject of an intransitive verb, as well as the object of a transitive verb (inasmuch as they are codified in the English nominative … Wiktionary
absolutive — [ab′sə lo͞ot΄iv] adj. Gram. designating, of, or in the case that is shared by the direct object of a transitive verb and the subject of an intransitive verb in an ergative language * * * ab·so·lu·tive (ăb sə lo͞oʹtĭv) adj. Of or relating to the… … Universalium
Case in tiers — is a model for assigning surface case to noun phrases (NPs) in a sentence. Introduced in Yip, Maling, and Jackendoff 1987, it has received at least 88 scholarly citations according to Google Scholar. The model takes its inspiration from the… … Wikipedia
absolutive — [ab′sə lo͞ot΄iv] adj. Gram. designating, of, or in the case that is shared by the direct object of a transitive verb and the subject of an intransitive verb in an ergative language … English World dictionary
absolutive — adjective Of or pertaining to the grammatical case used to indicate the patient or experiencer of a verb’s action … Wiktionary
Ergative-absolutive language — An ergative absolutive language (or simply ergative language) is a language that treats the argument ( subject ) of an intransitive verb like the object of a transitive verb but distinctly from the agent ( subject ) of a transitive verb. Ergative … Wikipedia
Oblique case — An oblique case (abbreviated obl; Latin: casus generalis) in linguistics is a noun case of synthetic languages that is used generally when a noun is the object of a verb or a preposition. An oblique case can appear in any case relationship except … Wikipedia
Nominative–absolutive language — Linguistic typology Morphological Isolating Synthetic Polysynthetic Fusional Agglutinative Morphosyntactic Ali … Wikipedia
Grammatical case — Grammatical categories Animacy Aspect Case Clusivity Definiteness Degree of comparison Evidentiality … Wikipedia
Ergative case — The ergative case is the grammatical case that identifies the subject of a transitive verb in ergative absolutive languages.In such languages, the ergative case is typically marked (most salient), while the absolutive case is unmarked. New work… … Wikipedia