- Variational principle
A variational principle is a principle in
physics which is expressed in terms of thecalculus of variations .According to
Cornelius Lanczos , any physical law which can be expressed as a variational principle describes an expression which isself-adjoint . These expressions are also calledHermitian . Such an expression describes aninvariant under a Hermitian transformation.Felix Klein 'sErlangen program attempted to identify such invariants under a group of transformations. In what is referred to in physics asNoether's theorem , thePoincaré group of transformations (what is now called agauge group ) forgeneral relativity defines symmetries under a group of transformations which depend on a variational principle, or action principle.Examples
Fermat's principle ingeometrical optics .
* Theprinciple of least action inmechanics ,electromagnetic theory , andquantum mechanics .
*Maupertuis principle inclassical mechanics .
* TheEinstein equation also involves a variational principle, theEinstein-Hilbert action .
*Gauss' principle of least constraint .
* Hertz's principle of least curvatureVariational principle in quantum mechanics
Say you have a system for which you know what the energy depends on, or in other words, you know the
Hamiltonian "H". If one cannot solve theSchrödinger equation to figure out the ground statewavefunction , you may try any normalized wavefunction whatsoever, say φ, and the expectation value of the Hamiltonian for your trial wavefunction must be greater than or equal to the actual ground state energy. Or in other words::
This holds for any trial φ, and is obvious from the definition of the ground state wavefunction of a system. By definition, the ground state has the lowest energy, and therefore any trial wavefunction will have an energy greater than or equal to the ground state energy.
Your guessed wavefunction, φ, can be expanded as a linear combination of the actual eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian (which we assume to be normalized and orthogonal)::
Then, to find the expectation value of the hamiltonian::
Now, the ground state energy is the lowest energy possible, i.e. . Therefore, if the guessed wave function φ is normalized::
In general
For a hamiltonian "H" that describes the studied system and "any" normalizable function "Ψ" with arguments appropriate for the unknown wave function of the system, we define the
functional :
The variational principle states that
* , where is the lowest energy eigenstate (ground state) of the hamiltonian
* if and only if is exactly equal to the wave function of the ground state of the studied system.The variational principle formulated above is the basis of the
variational method used inquantum mechanics andquantum chemistry to find approximations to theground state .ee also
History of variational principles in physics References
* S T Epstein 1974 "The Variation Method in Quantum Chemistry". (New York: Academic)
*R.P. Feynman , "The Principle of Least Action", an almost verbatim lecture transcript in Volume 2, Chapter 19 of "The Feynman Lectures on Physics", Addison-Wesley, 1965. An introduction in Feynman's inimitable style.
* C Lanczos, "The Variational Principles of Mechanics" (Dover Publications)
* R K Nesbet 2003 "Variational Principles and Methods In Theoretical Physics and Chemistry". (New York: Cambridge U.P.)
* S K Adhikari 1998 "Variational Principles for the Numerical Solution of Scattering Problems". (New York: Wiley)
* C G Gray , G Karl G and V A Novikov 1996 Ann. Phys. 251 1.
* C.G. Gray, G. Karl, and V. A. Novikov, " [http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0312071 Progress in Classical and Quantum Variational Principles] ". 11 December 2003. physics/0312071 Classical Physics.
*cite book | author=Griffiths, David J.|title=Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (2nd ed.) | publisher=Prentice Hall |year=2004 |id=ISBN 0-13-805326-X
*Stephen Wolfram , "A New Kind of Science" [http://www.wolframscience.com/nksonline/page-1052 p. 1052]
* John Venables, " [http://venables.asu.edu/quant/varprin.html The Variational Principle and some applications] ". Dept of Physics and Astronomy, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona (Graduate Course: Quantum Physics)
* Andrew James Williamson, " [http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~ajw29/thesis/node15.html The Variational Principle] -- Quantum monte carlo calculations of electronic excitations". Robinson College, Cambridge, Theory of Condensed Matter Group, Cavendish Laboratory. September 1996. (dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy)
* Kiyohisa Tokunaga, " [http://www.d3.dion.ne.jp/~kiyohisa/tieca/26.htm Variational Principle for Electromagnetic Field] ". Total Integral for Electromagnetic Canonical Action, Part Two, Relativistic Canonical Theory of Electromagnetics, Chapter VI
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