- List of Legislative Routes in Pennsylvania
From the 1911 passage of the
Sproul Road Bill to the 1987 adoption of the Location Referencing System, allstate highway s in theU.S. state ofPennsylvania were defined aslegislative route s, while some were also posted as "Traffic Routes". Major routes were assigned three- or four-digit numbers, while minor routes were given five-digit numbers in which the first two digits represented the county, in alphabetical order from 1 (Adams) to 66 (York). (Philadelphia County was initially skipped, but later assigned the number 67.)State-aid projects, which were carried out even before 1911, received their own permanent numbers - State Aid Application X (SAA X or A-X). Many short routes or realignments were defined as spur or parallel routes to another route.Often a route remained on its old alignment, while the signed Traffic Route was moved to a newer bypass with a different number.
* [http://www.dot.state.pa.us/Internet/Bureaus/pdPlanRes.nsf/infoBPRHistoricCountyMaps Historic County Maps]
*PDFlink| [ftp://ftp.dot.state.pa.us/public/pdf/BPR_pdf_files/Maps/Statewide/Historic_OTMs/1911.pdf 1911 state map] |5.55 MiB
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