- Ship pollution
Ship pollution is the pollution of air and
water byshipping . It is a problem that has been accelerating astrade has become increasingly globalized, posing an increasing threat to the world’s oceans and waterways asglobalization continues. It is expected that, “…shipping traffic to and from theUSA is projected to double by 2020."Watson, T. (2004, August 30). Ship pollution clouds USA's skies. "USA Today". Retrieved November 1, 2006, from http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2004-08-30-ship-pollution_x.htm] Because of increased traffic in oceanports , pollution fromships also directly affects coastal areas. The pollution produced affectsbiodiversity , climate, food, and human health. However, the degree to which humans are polluting and how it affects the world is highly debated and has been a hot international topic for the past 30 years.ources and causes
Ships can pollute the waterways and
ocean s in many ways. For instance, spills fromoil tanker s and chemical tankers, and ejection ofsulfur dioxide ,nitrogen dioxide andcarbon dioxide gases into the atmosphere from exhaust fumes. Discharge of cargo residues from bulk carriers can pollute ports, waterways and oceans. Ships createnoise pollution that disturbs natural wildlife, and water from ballast tanks can spread harmfulalgae and otherinvasive species . In many instances vessels due to a variety of reasons intentionally discharge illegal wastes despite foreign and domestic regulation prohibiting such actions.This section describes how ships pollute the ocean; for the "Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships of 1973," sometimes abbreviated as "Ship Pollution", refer to
MARPOL 73/78 ."Ballast water
balls in the open oceans and seas, and can cause problems navigating tanker routes. Nevertheless, the discharge of ballast water only accounts for a small percentage of oil pollution in the marine environment.Panetta, L. E. (Chair) (2003). America's living oceans: charting a course for sea change [Electronic Version, CD] Pew Oceans Commission.]
Ships are also responsible for transporting harmful organisms in their ballast water. MeineszMeinesz, A. (2003). Deep Sea Invasion. "The Impact of Invasive Species". PBS: NOVA. Retrieved November 26, 2006, from http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/algae/impact.html] believes that one of the worst cases of a single invasive species causing harm to an ecosystem can be attributed to a seemingly harmless
jellyfish . "Mnemiopsis leidyi ", a species of comb jellyfish that inhabits estuaries from theUnited States to the Valdés peninsula inArgentina along theAtlantic coast, has caused notable damage in theBlack Sea . It was first introduced in 1982, and thought to have been transported to the Black Sea in a ship’s ballast water. The population of the jellyfish shot up exponentially and, by 1988, it was wreaking havoc upon the localfishing industry. “Theanchovy catch fell from 204,000 tons in 1984 to 200 tons in 1993;sprat from 24,600 tons in 1984 to 12,000 tons in 1993; horsemackerel from 4,000 tons in 1984 to zero in 1993.” Now that the jellyfish have exhausted thezooplankton , including fish larvae, their numbers have fallen dramatically, yet they continue to maintain a stranglehold on theecosystem . Recently the jellyfish have been discovered in theCaspian Sea . Invasive species can take over once occupied areas, facilitate the spread of newdiseases , introduce new genetic material, alter landscapes and jeopardize the ability of native species to obtain food. “On land and in the sea, invasive species are responsible for about 137 billion dollars in lost revenue and management costs in the U.S. each year”.In addition to introducing non native species into new environments, ballast and
bilge discharge from ships can spread humanpathogens and other harmful diseases andtoxins potentially causing health issues for humans and marine life alike.National Research Council, Committee on the Ocean's Role in Human Health, Ocean Studies Board, Commission on Geosciences, Environment, and Resources. (1999). "From monsoons to microbes: understanding the ocean's role in human health". Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press] Discharges into coastal waters along with other sources of marine pollution have the potential to be toxic to marine plants, animals, andmicroorganisms causing alterations such as changes in growth, disruption ofhormone cycles, birth defects, suppression of theimmune system , and disorders resulting incancer ,tumors , and genetic abnormalities or even death. They may also have the opposite affect upon some marine life stimulating growth and providing a source of food. Sources ofseafood can become contaminated and unhealthy for consumption. Not surprisingly,cholera outbreaks have been attributed to ship operations. “Current research indicates that the bacterium responsible for causing cholera, "Vibrio cholerae" can spread through attachment to marine organisms in ship ballast water.”Shellfish and drinking water can then be contaminated when the ship discharges its ballast water.Exhaust emissions
Exhaust emissions from ships are considered to be a significant source ofair pollution . “Seagoing vessels are responsible for an estimated 14 percent of emissions ofnitrogen from fossil fuels and 16 percent of the emissions ofsulfur frompetroleum uses into theatmosphere .” In Europe ships make up a large percentage of the sulfur introduced to the air, “…as much sulfur as all the cars,lorries and factories in Europe put together.”Harrabin, R. (2003, June 25). EU faces ship clean-up call. "BBC News". Retrieved November 1, 2006, from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/3019686.stm] “By 2010, up to 40% of air pollution over land could come from ships.” Sulfur in the air createsacid rain which damages crops and buildings. When inhaled the sulfur is known to causerespiratory problems and even increase the risk of a heart attack. According to Irene Blooming, a spokeswoman for the European environmental coalition Seas at Risk, the fuel used in oil tankers and container ships is high in sulfur and cheaper to buy compared to the fuel used for domestic land use. “A ship lets out around 50 times more sulfur than a lorry per metric tonne of cargo carried.” Cities in the U.S. like Long Beach,Los Angeles ,Houston ,Galveston , andPittsburgh see some of the heaviest shipping traffic in the nation and have left local officials desperately trying to clean up the air. Increasing trade between the U.S. andChina is helping to increase the number of vessels navigating thePacific and exacerbating many of the environmental problems. To maintain the level of growth China is currently experiencing, large amounts ofgrain are being shipped to China by the boat load. The number of voyages are expected to continue increasing. [Schmidt, C., & Olicker, J. (2004, April 20). World in the Balance: China Revs Up [Transcript] . PBS: NOVA. Retrieved November 26, 2006, from http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/transcripts/3109_worldbal.html]Oil spills
Most commonly associated with ship pollution are
oil spills . While less frequent than the pollution that occurs from daily operations, oil spills have devastating effects. While being toxic to marine life,polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), the components incrude oil , are very difficult to clean up, and last for years in thesediment and marine environment. Marine species constantly exposed to PAHs can exhibit developmental problems, susceptibility to disease, and abnormal reproductive cycles. One of the more widely known spills was theExxon Valdez incident inAlaska . The ship ran aground and dumped a massive amount of oil into the ocean in March 1989. Despite efforts of scientists, managers, and volunteers over 400,000seabirds , about 1,000sea otters , and immense numbers of fish were killed.Cruise ships
Along with global trade the
tourism industry has also seen growth in recent years. Thecruise ship industry has seen 8 percent annual growth and continues to increase demand. With some cruise ships holding upwards of 5000 people, passengers and crew combined, these ships are likened to floating cities. “In one week, a typical cruise ship generates 210,000 gallons of black water (sewage ), 1,000,000 gallons ofgray water (shower, sink, dishwashing water), 37,000 gallons of oily bilge water, more than eight tons of solid waste, millions of gallons of ballast water containing potential invasive species, and toxic wastes from dry cleaning andphoto processing laboratories.” This is also compounded with fuel emissions to have detrimental effects on the environment. From 1993 to 1998, cruise ships were involved in 104 confirmed cases of illegal discharge of oil, garbage, and hazardous wastes.Gerdes, L. I. (Eds.). (2004). "Endangered oceans". San Diego, California: Greenhaven Press.] One of the worst reported cases was by Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. Over several years, while in U.S. waters, they had been routinely and deliberately dumping waste oil, photo processing,dry cleaning , andprint shop chemicals into coastal waters. Their ships were even fitted with concealed piping that would bypass pollution treatment equipment.Regulation
Some of the major international efforts in the form of
treaties are the Marine Pollution Treaty, Honolulu, which deals with regulating marine pollution from ships, and the UN Convention on Law of the Sea, which deals with marine species and pollution. [Steger, M. B. (2003). "Globalization: A Very Short Introduction". Oxford University Press Inc. New York] While plenty of local and international regulations have been introduced throughoutmaritime history , much of the current regulations are considered inadequate. “In general, the treaties tend to emphasize the technical features of safety and pollution control measures without going to the root causes of sub-standard shipping, the absence of incentives for compliance and the lack of enforceability of measures.” [Khee-Jin Tan, A. (2006). "Vessel-source marine pollution: the law and politics of international regulation". Cambridge: Cambridge University Press] Cruise ships for example are exempt from regulation under theClean Water Act of 1972 (CWA)point source permitting system that requires compliance with U.S. federal standards through technological requirements. In theCaribbean , many ports lack proper waste disposal facilities, and many ships dump their waste at sea. [United Nations Environment Programme in collaboration with GEF, the University of Kalmar, and the Municipality of Kalmar, Sweden, & the Governments of Sweden, Finland and Norway. (2006). "Challenges to international waters: regional assessments in a global perspective" [Electronic Version] . Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environment Programme. Retrieved November 1, 2006, from http://www.giwa.net/publications/finalreport]References
ee also
Act to Prevent Pollution from Ships
*Air pollution
*American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
*Ballast water discharge and the environment
*Classification society
*Clean Water Act
*Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter
*Cruise ship pollution
*Cruise ship pollution in the United States
*International Association of Classification Societies (IACS)
*Marine debris
*Marine pollution
*MARPOL 73/78
*National Oil and Hazardous Substances Contingency Plan (in the US)
*North Pacific Gyre
*Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (in the US)
*Particle (ecology)
*Regulation of ship pollution in the United States
*Timeline of environmental events
*Wastewater quality indicators External links
* [http://www.oceana.org/north-america/what-we-do/stop-cruise-ship-pollution/ Help Stop Cruise Ship Pollution]
* [http://reportpollution.com/ Report Illegal Pollution from Ships]
* [http://homeport.uscg.mil/cgi-bin/st/portal/uscg_docs/MyCG/Editorial/20070509/ENVIRO%20CRIMES%202005.pdf?id=8cce849b124ee641cca4efab1e6fdc321bad0ac7 USCG Proceedings Magazine/Ship Pollution and Environmental Crimes]
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