- Principal ideal
ring theory , a branch ofabstract algebra , a principal ideal is an ideal "I" in a ring "R" that is generated by a single element "a" of "R".More specifically:
* a "left principal ideal" of "R" is asubset of "R" of the form "R"a := {"r"a : "r" in "R"};
* a "right principal ideal" is a subset of the form "a"R := {"a"r : "r" in "R"};
* a "two-sided principal ideal" is a subset of the form "R"a"R" := {"r"1"a"s1 + ... + "r""n""a"s"n" : "r"1,"s"1,...,"r""n","s""n" in "R"}If "R" is acommutative ring , then the above three notions are all the same.In that case, it is common to write the ideal generated by "a" as ("a").Not all ideals are principal.For example, consider the commutative ring C ["x","y"] of all
polynomial s in twovariable s "x" and "y", with complex coefficients.The ideal ("x","y") generated by "x" and "y", which consists of all the polynomials in C ["x","y"] that have zero for theconstant term , is not principal.To see this, suppose that "p" were a generator for ("x","y"); then "x" and "y" would both be divisible by "p", which is impossible unless "p" is a nonzero constant.But zero is the only constant in ("x","y"), so we have acontradiction .A ring in which every ideal is principal is called "principal", or a
principal ideal ring .Aprincipal ideal domain (PID) is anintegral domain that is principal.Any PID must be aunique factorization domain ; the normal proof of unique factorization in theinteger s (the so-calledfundamental theorem of arithmetic ) holds in any PID.Also, any
Euclidean domain is a PID; the algorithm used to calculategreatest common divisor s may be used to find a generator of any ideal.More generally, any two principal ideals in a commutative ring have a greatest common divisor in the sense of ideal multiplication.In principal ideal domains, this allows us to calculate greatest common divisors of elements of the ring, up to multiplication by a unit; we define gcd("a","b") to be any generator of the ideal ("a","b").For a
Dedekind domain "R", we may also ask, given a non-principal ideal "I" of "R", whether there is some extension "S" of "R" such that the ideal of "S" generated by "I" is principal (said more loosely, "I" "becomes principal" in "S"). This question arose in connection with the study of rings ofalgebraic integer s (which are examples of Dedekind domains) innumber theory , and led to the development ofclass field theory byTeiji Takagi ,Emil Artin ,David Hilbert , and many others.The principal ideal theorem of class field theory states that every integer ring "R" (i.e. the
ring of integers of somenumber field ) is contained in a larger integer ring "S" which has the property that "every" ideal of "R" becomes a principal ideal of "S".In this theorem we may take "S" to be the ring of integers of theHilbert class field of "R"; that is, the maximal unramified abelian extension (that is, Galois extension whose Galois group is abelian) of the fraction field of "R", and this is uniquely determined by "R".Krull's principal ideal theorem states that if "R" is a Noetherian ring and "I" is a principal, proper ideal of "R", then "I" has height at most one.References
* cite book
title = Contemporary Abstract Algebra
author = Joseph A. Gallian
publisher = Houghton Mifflin
year = 2004
pages = 262
isbn = 9780618514717
accessdate = 2008-03-26
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