Noto Emoji Font
Noto Emoji Font
The Noto Emoji Font is an open-source font developed by Google as part of the Noto Emoji project that supports monochrome versions the Unicode emoji set.
As per standard variable text fonts, the Noto Emoji Font allows users to change each emoji character's color, size and weight.
The font's designs across most categories largely mirror those of Google’s colorful Noto Emoji set, which provides standard emoji support across Google platforms and many Android devices.
Notably, however, the majority of the font's people emoji designs emulate the popular blob emoji designs used on Google properties between 2013 and 2018.
As such, the font does not support distinct designs for skin tone modifier sequences and many gender-specifying ZWJ sequences, instead displaying the same design as the base neutral emoji: either a blob or a humanoid silhouette.
The font is free to download and is licensed under the Open Font License.
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