(A–E) Close-up views of site II of the primary interface between the C2B domain and the SNARE complex in two crystal structures (A), PDB accession number 5KJ7; (B), PDB accession number 5W5C, and in PC2, PC3, and PC4 (C–E), respectively after 336 ns of the first MD simulation of primed complexes bridging a vesicle and a flat bilayer.
The C2B domain and the SNARE complex are illustrated by ribbon diagrams and stick models with oxygen atoms in red, nitrogen atoms in blue, sulfur atoms in light orange and carbon atoms in violet [for the C2B domain] or salmon (for the SNAREs). The positions of selected side chains are indicated. (F–H) Close-up views of the interaction of the C2B domain of PC2, PC3, or PC4 with the flat bilayer after 336 ns (F–H), respectively. The positions of PIP2 headgroups, basic side chains involved in interactions with the lipids, and the hydrophobic side chain of I367 at the tip of a Ca2+-binding loop that inserts into the bilayer, are indicated.