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show episodes
The weekly autobiography of a young man from Northern California’s Central Valley, and a look back on his participation and influence over the 1990s methamphetamine epidemic. He sorts through decades of descent into addiction and mental illness and how self-realization, acceptance, and unconditional love eventually saw him to recovery. Follow us on Instagram at @mymadnessmethod Contact Jason via email at [email protected]
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This podcast is all about offering fresh perspectives on progressive leadership. Ruth Farenga, Founder of Conscious Leaders invites leaders who are doing something particularly innovative or radical in the way they lead their people. They give us a unique insight into their approach, what’s working, their challenges and their personal philosophy behind it. We hope you enjoy! New episodes once a month. Visit for more about Ruth and their business.
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The Growth Equation

FAREWELL, a Growth Equation podcast, is about performance, giving you the proven, evidence-based habits and strategies that, if practiced consistently, will help you do and feel good, cultivate a healthy mind and body, and perform your best on the things you care about most. There will be two episodes per week: one longer episode featuring either an interview between host Clay Skipper and athletes, coaches, psychologists, and authors, among others, or a roundtable between Clay, Brad Stulberg ...
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Farelos Musicais

Paulo Farelos

Paulo Farelos e convidados, no podcast Farelos Musicais, analisam a letra de uma canção aproveitando para contextualizar sobre o momento de seu lançamento e a trajetória do artista que interpretou a música! Podcast feito para quem ama música e poesia!
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Si può fare

Radio 24

"Si può fare" approfondisce i temi della economia circolare, della crescita e dello sviluppo sostenibile. Tiene gli occhi aperti sulle novità tecnologiche e scientifiche per la sostenibilità delle attività umane. Racconta le esperienze, i progetti sociali, le storie di chi si adopera per vivere in un mondo migliore, più rispettoso delle persone e del pianeta. Le puntate del sabato sono arricchite, dalle 11.15 delle "Storie dal sociale" narrate da Cristina Carpinelli che di settimana in setti ...
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Welcome to Farewell, Mr. Nice Guy Podcast, the podcast where we dive deep into personal stories, strategies, and interviews to explore the world of parenting and personal growth. Join me, MNG, as we uncover raw and authentic narratives from a diverse range of guest, including parents, mentors, experts, and everyday heroes. Their experiences will provide you with enlightening truths, inspiration, and valuable advice, motivating you to embrace personal growth and a new perspective on life. Sub ...
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Minimum Fare

Minimum Fare

Philip Simondet plays a cab driver, Carl, who picks up odd, interesting characters and finds himself in odd, interesting situations. The episodes are all improvised, then edited. Guest starring improvisers from the Minneapolis, St. Paul improv community.
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Farenheit 451 Group: Guy bros

Josie Kaffenberger

Today we are talking about part 1 of Fahrenheit 451. We will be discussing confusion and summarizing what has happened so far. Cover art photo provided by Fredrick Kearney Jr on Unsplash:
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We are a London based city transport think tank and in each episode we'll investigate how COVID-19 has impacted the transport network, and urban fabric, of a different global city and the ways in which this could develop, both during, and beyond, the current pandemic.
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Que farei com este livro?

Catarina Duarte Almeida

N'Os Lusíadas há moças desnudas numa ilha, n'Os Maias beijos na boca proibidos e, spoiler alert, o Baltasar acaba num churrasco da Inquisição naquele livro do Saramago. O genérico é de uma beirã madura e bonita que faz biscoitos aos domingos, o conteúdo é da neta que até se safa na compreensão escrita. Que farei com este livro?, um programa para jovens e seniores que não passam d'O Ramalhete. Cover art por @ajuliadacosta
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Uncorked With Farella

Farella Braun + Martel LLP

Welcome to Uncorked, an insider's look at the wine industry from the Farella wine industry lawyers. Our goal is for this to be an intimate and informative podcast where we interview known personalities and key players in the wine industry. In each episode, Farella lawyers and their guests bring you the latest insights from California’s wine industry and beyond. We will take a look at the past, present, and future of the wine industry from insiders who know the latest deals, developments, reg ...
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Abdul Hadi Mohamed Fares

Abdul Hadi Mohamed Fares

Abdul Hadi Mohamed Fares é um nome bem conhecido na indústria do esporte no Brasil. Ele é um ex-jogador e um treinador de futebol que ajudou muitas pessoas a perseguir seu sonho como um jogador de futebol de sucesso. Abdul Hadi Mohamed Fares teve uma longa e incrível carreira como treinador e é considerado um dos treinadores mais bem sucedidos do Brasil.
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hayat mit Helen Fares

Podcast Network by Sony Music

In diesem Podcast treffe ich, Helen Fares, auf Musiker*innen, bildende Künstler*innen, Pioniere, Autor*innen, Erfinder*innen, Schauspieler*innen und generell alle, für deren Gefühlswelt ich mich interessiere, um mit ihnen über das intimste der Welt zu sprechen: ihre Emotionen. Hosted on Julep Hosting
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The American Farewell

Gary Wells

Welcome to “The American Farewell” podcast! The focus of this podcast is to chronicle the fragmentation of this country along seemingly intractable partitions, as we move through what might be described as an existential crisis of the American identity. Who are we as a nation, and how did we get here? Is this where we’re supposed to be? If not, where should we be going?
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Book Fare: Book Club Fun, Wholesome Recommendations, Deep Discussions

Book Fare: Book Club Fun, Wholesome Recommendations, Deep Discussions

Are you tired of picking up the latest new release and finding it's filled with junk you don't want in your life? We've got you! We love helping thoughtful women find wholesome, life-affirming books for themselves and their families. We share curated content in a fun, book-loving community! Come to the table, listen in, and join us on Facebook and Instagram #BookFarePodcast
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Fare of the Free Child

Akilah S. Richards

Fare of the Free Child podcast focuses on Black people, Native Indigenous people, and People of Color (BIPOC) families who practice unschooling and other forms of Self-directed, decolonized living and learning. Each weekly episode examines a particular way that we’ve accepted coercive, emotionally and physically damaging habits as a normal part of adult-child relationships. With a focus on deschooling one’s self, decolonizing education, and exploring radical self-expression, this podcast cha ...
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The Simply Luxurious Kitchen will take you into the kitchen to help you discover how to enjoy the everyday cooking that will elevate the quality of everyday living. Incorporating seasonal fare and sharing skills and ideas that will help you navigate successfully in your own kitchen, viewers will discover how to "dance" so to speak with the produce and necessary cooking fundamentals honing the methods to making a delicious vinaigrette or a salad with the produce you happened to find at your l ...
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Fare Podcasting

Giulio Gaudiano

Consigli, strumenti e storie dei migliori podcast italiani. A cura di Giulio Gaudiano Partecipa al Festival del Podcasting e agli altri eventi dal vivo ( ) o impara a fare podcasting con il corso online ( ) o con il libro Fare Podcasting ( ).
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Come fare un podcast

Gozzoli e Cavezzali

Io sono Gianni Gozzoli. Formatore di podcast per l'Agenzia Nazionale Giovani e altri enti nazionali. Collabora e progetta percorsi dedicati all'audio digitale con l'ufficio politiche giovanili della regione Emilia-Romagna. Ideatore di, web radio dedicata ai giovani che utilizza il podcast e la radio come aggregatore sociale. Ha scritto e realizzato podcast per Radio Rai, Rai Play Sound,, Audible e su Spreaker. Le quattro stagioni di come fare un podcast. 2018: ...
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Dire Fare Curare

ab medica spa

DIRE FARE CURARE è il podcast di ab medica dedicato a storie di cura eccellenti, narrato attraverso la voce dei protagonisti: medici e pazienti. Ciascun episodio presenta una storia eccellente italiana, di ricerca, sanità e cura narrata da Matteo Caccia, storico conduttore radiofonico e autore di alcuni dei podcast di maggior successo in Italia. La sua voce si mischia a quella di medici e pazienti, restituendo in pochi minuti un racconto vero in grado di trasferire all’ascoltatore il lato em ...
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Benvenuti! 'Tra il Dire e il Fare" racconta una sfida quotidiana di 175 giorni. Nel mondo dei libri e dei seminari, abbiamo accesso a un tesoro di conoscenze e concetti che promettono di trasformare la nostra vita. Ma ciò che manca spesso è il coraggio e la costanza per tradurre queste idee in azioni concrete. Quante volte abbiamo letto o sentito dire che 'dovremmo fare questo' o 'dovremmo cambiare quello,' ma ci siamo fermati all'idea senza mai passare all'azione? Questo podcast è un invito ...
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show series
Tra tagli, carenze di personale e nuove esigenze della popolazione la sanità italiana (e non solo) è sempre più in sofferenza. C'è una cura? Gli ospiti di oggi: Antonio Galdo - giornalista e scrittore, ha scritto il libro "Il mito infranto. Come la falsa sostenibilità ha reso il mondo più ingiusto" edito da Codice Edizioni Marco Geddeas Da Filicaia…
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Today on the show, former Danish PM Helle Thorning-Schmidt joins the show to discuss the Trump administration’s push to take over Greenland. She argues that the US could easily get more involved in the territory militarily without needing to take it over. Next, Alexander Dugin, Russian philosopher and the man often referred to as “Putin’s brain,” s…
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Dai campi arriva il cibo sulle nostre tavole, ma negli ultimi anni anche l'energia. L'italia ha un ruolo leader per ricerca e applicazione. Quali sono le tecnologie più diffuse? Gli ospiti di oggi: Alessandra Scognamiglio - coordinatrice della task force ENEA Agrivoltaico Sostenibile, Presidente dell Associazione Italiana Agrivoltaico Sostenibile (…
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Today, we talk about how to navigate life and athletic performance amidst stress. We discuss the impact of mental and emotional stress on physical performance, and share personal anecdotes and scientific insights on the interplay between cognitive stress and physical endurance, including effects on the immune system and cortisol levels. We've also …
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Today on the show, Fareed is joined by two law professors, Leah Litman and Saikrishna Prakash, to discuss the questions surrounding President Trump’s contentious use of presidential power. Next, Israeli journalist Ari Shavit speaks with Fareed about the protests sweeping Israel as Prime Minister Netanyahu restarts the war in Gaza and moves to dismi…
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La digitalizzazione aumenta vertiginosamente i consumi energetici. Sembra impossibile in questo contesto ridurre il ricorso ai combustibili fossili per la produzione di energia, come invece sarebbe necessario per contenere il riscaldamento globale e metterci al riparo dalle tempeste geopolitiche. Che fare? Gli ospiti di oggi: Francesco Lioniello - …
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Il primato italiano nella cosmetica dà lustro al Paese, ma ci costringe a confrontarci con la sostenibilità della produzione e le stringenti normative ambientali europee. Gli ospiti di oggi: Domenico Scordari - Ceo e Founder di N&B Natural is Better Rosalinda Nardi - Responsabile R&S e Relazioni Esterne di ICEA Leonardo Salvemini - Professore di di…
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March Madness is back! In honor of its return, we put together a special edition FAREWELL bracket with sixteen of the world's best performers, across sports and entertainment. Following a random seeding, we broke down each matchup until we had our lone champion. So give it a listen and find out who took home the title of World's Top Performer. And …
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Today on the show, Fareed speaks with Eurasia Group President Ian Bremmer and Economist Editor-in-Chief Zanny Minton Beddoes about the latest developments in negotiations for a ceasefire in Ukraine. They also discuss the Trump administration’s strikes on Houthi rebels in Yemen and how President Trump’s foreign policy is playing out in Europe. Next,…
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In questi tempi in cui soffiano venti di guerra e aspirazioni belliciste, riflettiamo insieme sugli armamenti nucleari. A New York si è conclusa da poco la Nuclear Ban Week, cui hanno partecipato gli attivisti della Campagna internazionale per l’abolizione delle armi nucleari (ICAN) ma anche i testimoni e sopravvissuti alle esplosioni nucleari. Dav…
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Per la maggioranza degli italiani il benessere corrisponde allo star bene in salute e nel lavoro. Purtroppo non è la maggioranza a dirsi soddisfatto della sua situazione attuale. Dati Censis che analizzeremo insieme con i rappresentanti di associazioni e fondazioni che si occupano per l’appunto, di lavoro, avviamento al lavoro, soluzioni per i grup…
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How can tour and activity operators use Google Things to Do (GTTD) to drive more direct bookings and increase visibility? In this episode of Growth Powered by FareHarbor, FareHarbor Community Manager Rebekah Costley dives into how operators can leverage Google Things to Do to capture more organic traffic, optimize their listings, and reduce relianc…
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"All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone." The French philosopher Blaise Pascal said this in 1654. A study published in 2014 found this to be true: many subjects chose to administer an electric shock to themselves rather than sit alone with their thoughts. It's a universal difficulty being with the discom…
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Tom has a history of creating engagement – he has a background as a primary school teacher and brings learning from this career into how you create participatory environments at work. He tunes into his employees, like he would the children, to gauge the levels of engagement and if he needs to switch up his style. His style is humble and subtle and …
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Today on the show, Fareed speaks with former Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba about the response in Kyiv as the US has decided to pause military aid and intelligence following last week’s Oval Office showdown between Presidents Trump and Zelensky, and whether Europe will be able to fill the void. Next, senior writer for the New York Times K…
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Sempre in diretta da Brescia al Futura Expo partiamo dalle iniziative messe in campo da CEF, la Cooperativa Esercenti Farmacie di Brescia e dal Gruppo Chiesi in termini di uso consapevole e sostenibilità dei farmaci. Conosceremo poi associazioni che offrono assistenza a persone che non possono permettersi una cura anche attraverso la raccolta di me…
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In diretta da Futura Expo a Brescia. Partiamo dalla città lombarda per esplorare soluzioni e possibilità della mobilità elettrica. Dai lampioni trasformati in colonnine, al car sharing assistito, sono tante le iniziative che l'amministrazione sta mettendo in pratica. Andiamo poi ad esplorare qual è lo stato dell'arte nel resto d'Italia in vista del…
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Join host Rebekah Costley for a special International Women’s Day edition of Growth Powered by FareHarbor, where we celebrate the resilience, innovation, and success of women entrepreneurs in the tourism industry. In this episode, five inspiring women share their entrepreneurial journeys, challenges they've overcome, and strategies for success—from…
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A couple of recent events—Elon Musk parading onstage with a chainsaw at the Conservative Political Action Conference and bragging about DOGE's 120-hour work weeks, and Timothée Chalamet saying he wanted to be one of "the greats" in an acceptance speech at the SAG Awards—ignited a conversation on the Growth Equation text thread about what role work …
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Today on the show, Fareed is joined by journalist Anne Applebaum and Dutch politician Frans Timmermans to discuss the fallout from the disastrous Oval Office meeting between President Trump, VP Vance and Ukrainian President Zelensky. They cover how Europe might respond and what this event suggests about the future of America’s role in the world. Th…
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Presto vedremo in circolazione il primo treno a idrogeno, un traguardo importante che ci porta a riflettere sulla produzione di idrogeno come risorsa per l'energia rinnovabile. Ma è davvero così semplice produrlo? Quali potrebbero essere le conseguenze per i territori in cui verrà sviluppato? Gli ospiti di oggi: Alessandro Abbotto - Professore di C…
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Arrivano dei dati incoraggianti dall'ultimo rapporto Erion WEEE per la racconta RAEE. In questa puntata andiamo in giro per l'Italia a scoprire come molte realtà stiano lavorando per migliorare e incrementare la raccolta di questo tipo di rifiuti, dalla trasformazione delle materie critiche, all'educazione al riciclo in un piccolo territorio del pi…
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Today we're sharing our all-time favorite quotes we've collected over the years. These are words about everything from performance to spirituality to decency that we keep coming back to when we need inspiration, a thought-provoking prompt, or a tidy bit of wisdom. Message us at [email protected] with a few you liked from today's episode, or s…
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Today on the show, Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski speaks with Fareed about Ukraine’s future and how Europe is responding to President Trump moving closer to Moscow. Next, NYU law professor Rachel Barkow joins the show to discuss the vulnerabilities of the US justice system and the remaining checks on the president. Then, Marc Dunkelman, aut…
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L'Italia è una delle aree del mondo in cui la presenza di grande patrimonio architettonico, artistico e culturale convive con un’estrema fragilità geologica del territorio. Ci sono misure di prevenzione adottabili? E come intervenire sui danni? Gli ospiti di oggi: Armando Cozzuto - Presidente dell’Ordine degli Psicologi Campania Barbara Orecchio - …
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Non domandarti solo cosa il suolo può fare per te, ma anche cosa tu puoi fare per il suolo. In questa puntata progetti di rigenerazione, dall'agricoltura alle brughiere. Gli ospiti di oggi: Antonio Boschetti - direttore del settimanale "L'Informatore agrario" Simone Tiberi - agronomo e agricoltore Giuseppe Corti - professore di Pedologia all'Univer…
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From years of experience working with NBA players, CEOs, para jumpers, and Olympians, performance psychologist Alex Auerbach has learned about the most effective strategies for giving some of the world's most elite performers a mental edge. Today, he walks us through how to use those tools in our own life: how to manage pressure, performance anxiet…
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Today on the show, guest anchor Bianna Golodryga is joined by Yaroslav Trofimov, the Wall Street Journal’s chief foreign affairs correspondent, to discuss President Trump’s call with President Putin, and the potential for peace talks that exclude Ukraine. Then, Bianna speaks with Alexander Gabuev, director of the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center, abo…
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