Message from the NI2024 Scientific Programme Committee
On behalf of the Scientific Program Committee, welcome to the 16th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2024). We would like to welcome all IMIA NI members, students, practitioners, industry partners and others interested in nursing and health informatics attending NI2024. NI2024 is the preeminent conference for IMIA NI and the leading scientific meeting for health and nursing informatics research and practice. This meeting is particularly special, as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of IMIA NI, the Nursing Specialist Working Group for the International Medical Informatics Association. The theme for NI2024 is Innovation in Applied Nursing Informatics, highlighting the importance of ensuring that any innovations in the field are applied into health care settings. Given our focus on application of nursing informatics we have introduced a new type of presentation, the case study, for this year’s conference. Case studies highlight how we can take evidence-based digital interventions into practice settings. The conference has also provided the opportunity for individuals to meet and learn from some of our pioneers in the field of informatics.
The Scientific Programme Committee was responsible for eliciting, evaluating and organising the NI2024 conference programme in line with the goals of IMIA NI. We received 408 submissions for papers, case studies, posters, panels, debates, workshops, technology demonstrations and pre-conference tutorials, from 27 countries. Each submission was reviewed by up to 3 reviewers, with feedback provided to authors. Every effort was made to ensure that we provided the opportunity for as many authors as possible to share their work given the constraints of the conference timetable. We have a total of 275 accepted submissions, the results of which are reflected in the Conference Programme and the Proceedings. The Proceedings contain open access full papers, case studies and posters indexed in MEDLINE. We have an exciting programme that includes 3 keynote speakers, a plenary panel, and a fireside chat with individuals early in their career in informatics.
Our keynote and plenary sessions cover topics such as artificial intelligence in nursing, leadership and the role of nursing informatics for sustainability. There are 22 paper/case study sessions with 88 papers and 24 case studies, 18 panel discussions, 16 workshops, 4 debates, 4 technology demonstration sessions with 16 technology demos, 6 tutorials and 2 poster sessions with 103 poster presentations to attend. We hope that attendees have the opportunity to learn from and network with others and find new ideas and ways innovate in their areas of practice and research. We are grateful to the members of the Scientific Programme Committee - Emma Collins, Karen Courtney, Angel Lu, Judy Murphy, Mustafa Ozkaynak, Laura-Maria Peltonen and Ann-Kristin Rotegård - for their support in organising the scientific programme. We are also indebted to members of the Local Organising Committee - Paula Anderson, Fran Beadle, Dorothy Bean, Kelly Calvert, Richard Cox, Claire Ford, Kumbi Kariwo, Fiona Mills, Sam Neville, Melanie Ruston, Chunhu Shi, Yimin Tang and Cristina Vasilica. The conference is being held at the University of Manchester, UK and we hope that you find the time to enjoy the vibrant culture of the city while you are here.
Dawn Dowding and Leanne M. Currie
Co-Chairs of the Scientific Programme Committee, NI2024