Fecht, Falko and Patrick Weber,
What We Can Learn from the Introduction of Blanket Deposit Guarantees in Germany 2008 about the Benefits of EDIS, ifo DICE Report, 17, (01), 26-29
Fecht, Falko; Stefan Thum and Patrick Weber,
Fear, deposit insurance schemes, and deposit reallocation in the German banking system, No 12/2019, Discussion Papers, Deutsche Bundesbank
Fecht, Falko; Stefan Thum and Patrick Weber,
Fear, deposit insurance schemes, and deposit reallocation in the German banking system, Journal of Banking & Finance, 105, (C), 151-165
Koetter, Michael and Felix Noth,
Bank bailouts and competition - Did TARP distort competition among sound banks?, No 1804, Working Paper Series, European Central Bank
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