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Citations in EconPapers for

Marcos Chamon; Laura Candido de Souza and Marcio Garcia, (2015), FX interventions in Brazil: a synthetic control approach, No 630, Textos para discussão, Department of Economics PUC-Rio (Brazil)

6 citing papers found in EconPapers

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Carrière-Swallow, Yan; Luis Jácome; Nicolas Magud and Alejandro Werner, (2016), Central Banking in Latin America: The Way Forward, No 2016/197, IMF Working Papers, International Monetary Fund

Caselli, Francesca, (2017), Did the Exchange Rate Floor Prevent Deflation in the Czech Republic?, Review of Economics and Institutions, 8, (2)

Essers, Dennis and Stefaan Ide, (2017), The IMF and precautionary lending: An empirical evaluation of the selectivity and effectiveness of the flexible credit line, No 323, Working Paper Research, National Bank of Belgium

Essers, Dennis and Stefaan Ide, (2019), The IMF and precautionary lending: An empirical evaluation of the selectivity and effectiveness of the Flexible Credit Line, Journal of International Money and Finance, 92, (C), 25-61

Ghosh, Atish; Jonathan Ostry and Mahvash Qureshi, (2018), Taming the Tide of Capital Flows: A Policy Guide, The MIT Press

Marins, Jaqueline; Gustavo Araujo and José Vicente, (2015), As Atuações Cambiais do Banco Central Afetam as Expectativas de Mercado?, No 393, Working Papers Series, Central Bank of Brazil, Research Department

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The citation and reference data is supplied by Citations in Economics. The data is obtained through machine analysis of the full text files for papers available in EconPapers. Currently only freely available full text files are analysed and results are only included for files which could be parsed without errors.

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