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Citations in EconPapers for

Raf Wouters and Sergey Slobodyan, (2009), Estimating a medium–scale DSGE model with expectations based on small forecasting models, No 654, 2009 Meeting Papers, Society for Economic Dynamics

10 citing papers found in EconPapers

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Eusepi, Stefano; Marc Giannoni and Bruce Preston, (2012), Long-term debt pricing and monetary policy transmission under imperfect knowledge, No 547, Staff Reports, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Milani, Fabio, (2010), Expectation Shocks and Learning as Drivers of the Business Cycle, No 7743, CEPR Discussion Papers, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers

Milani, Fabio, (2012), The Modeling of Expectations in Empirical DSGE Models: a Survey, No 121301, Working Papers, University of California-Irvine, Department of Economics

Ormeno, Arturo, (2009), Disciplining expectations: adding survey expectations in learning models, No 1140, 2009 Meeting Papers, Society for Economic Dynamics

Ormeno, Arturo and Krisztina Molnar, (2014), Using Survey Data of Inflation Expectations in the Estimation of Learning and Rational Expectations Models, No 20/2014, Discussion Paper Series in Economics, Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Economics

Ormeño, Arturo, (2011), Using Survey Data on Inflation Expectations in the Estimation of Learning and Rational Expectations Models, No 3552, CESifo Working Paper Series, CESifo

Ormeño, Arturo, (2012), Using Survey Data on Inflation Expectations in the Estimation of Learning and Rational Expectations Models, No 2012-007, Working Papers, Banco Central de Reserva del Perú

Slobodyan, Sergey and Raf Wouters, (2012), Learning in an estimated medium-scale DSGE model, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 36, (1), 26-46

Wieland, Volker, (2012), Model comparison and robustness: a proposal for policy analysis after the financial crisis in , Chapters, Edward Elgar Publishing

Wieland, Volker and Maik Wolters, (2013), Forecasting and Policy Making in , Handbook of Economic Forecasting, vol 2, Elsevier

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