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Citations in EconPapers for

Sebastian Kripfganz and Vasilis Sarafidis, (2021), Instrumental variable estimation of large-T panel data models with common factors, London Stata Conference 2021, Stata Users Group

10 citing papers found in EconPapers

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Agoraki, Maria-Eleni; Nektarios Aslanidis and Georgios Kouretas, (2021), U.S. Banks’ lending behaviour, financial stability, and investor sentiment: A textual analysis, Working Papers, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Department of Economics

Agoraki, Maria-Eleni; Nektarios Aslanidis and Georgios Kouretas, (2022), U.S. banks’ lending, financial stability, and text-based sentiment analysis, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 197, (C), 73-90

Baxa, Jaromir and Michal Paulus, (2024), Exchange rate misalignments, growth, and institutions, Empirical Economics, 67, (4), 1705-1799

Eibinger, Tobias; Beate Deixelberger and Hans Manner, (2024), Panel data in environmental economics: Econometric issues and applications to IPAT models, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 125, (C)

He, Yugang, (2024), E-commerce and foreign direct investment: pioneering a new era of trade strategies, Palgrave Communications, 11, (1), 1-14

Kripfganz, Sebastian and Vasilis Sarafidis, (2021), Instrumental-variable estimation of large-T panel-data models with common factors, Economics Virtual Symposium 2021, Stata Users Group

Le Clech, Néstor, (2024), Policy market orientation, property rights, and corruption effects on the rent of non-renewable resources in Latin America and the Caribbean, Resources Policy, 91, (C)

Okere, Kingsley Ikechukwu; Stephen Kelechi Dimnwobi; Chukwunonso Ekesiobi and Favour Chidinma Onuoha, (2023), Turning the tide on energy poverty in sub-Saharan Africa: Does public debt matter?, Energy, 282, (C)

Van Bon, Nguyen, (2023), The remittance inflows - private investment nexus in Asian developing countries: does institutional quality matter?, Economic Research Guardian, 13, (1), 31-46

Wen, Jun; Xin-Xin Zhao; Qiang Fu and Chun-Ping Chang, (2023), The impact of extreme weather events on green innovation: Which ones bring to the most harm?, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 188, (C)

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The citation and reference data is supplied by Citations in Economics. The data is obtained through machine analysis of the full text files for papers available in EconPapers. Currently only freely available full text files are analysed and results are only included for files which could be parsed without errors.

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