32 documents matched the search for the 2013-07-20 issue of the NEP report on Urban and Real Estate Economics (nep-ure), currently edited by Steve Ross.
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Grade Expectations, Oecd,
from OECD Publishing
Does it Matter Which School a Student Attends?, Oecd,
from OECD Publishing
Urban logistics solutions and financing mechanisms: a scenario assessment analysis, Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu, Pierre Basck and Eleonora Morganti,
from HAL
Keywords: Urban logistics services,refunding strategies,cost-benefit analysis,scenario assessment
A design methodology for scenario-analysis in urban freight modelling, Christian Ambrosini, Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu and Florence Toilier,
from HAL
Keywords: Urban goods movement,transport modelling,scenario construction,urban policy,decision support
Spatial Analysis of Income Growth in the Philippines: Evidence from Intra-Country Data (1988 to 2009), Dennis Mapa, Manuel Leonard Albis, Dorcas Mae Comandante, Josephine Cura and Ma. Maureen Ladao,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Spatial Dependence, Moran’s Index, Intra-Country Growth Model
Productivity dispersion and the roles of quality of labour input and competition: A case of Vietnamese manufacturing sector, Tinh Doan and Ha Nguyen,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: productivity dispersion, competition, labour input, transition economies
City Silhouette, World Climate, Kristof Dascher,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Urban Silhouette, Climate Policy, Political Economy, Carbon Tax
Decision-making tools and procedures for City Logistics, Jesus Muñuzuri and Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu,
from HAL
Keywords: urban logistics,decision support,introduction,country-approach
Regional characteristics, opportunity perception and entrepreneurial activities, Michael Stuetzer, Martin Obschonka, Udo Brixy, Rolf Sternberg and Uwe Cantner,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Regional entrepreneurship; nascent entrepreneurship; opportunity perception; creative class; Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)
Friends or Family? Revisiting the Effects of High School Popularity on Adult Earnings, Jason Fletcher,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Persistent Classmates: How Familiarity with Peers Protects from Disruptive School Transitions, Son Thierry Ly and Arnaud Riegert,
from HAL
Keywords: Friendships,Social Networks,High schools,Class composition,Peer effects
Large Scale Asset Purchases with Segmented Mortgage and Corporate Loan Markets, Meixing Dai, Frédéric Dufourt and Qiao Zhang,
from HAL
Keywords: mortgage-backed securities (MBS),corporate bonds,unconventional monetary policy,large scale asset purchases (LSAPs),portfolio balance channel,credit spreads,financial frictions
Economic Evaluation of Road Traffic Safety Measures, Ejaz Gul,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Economic, Evaluation, Traffic, Safety, Accidents, Statistical Analysis.
Economic Efficacy of Road Traffic Safety Measures, Ejaz Gul,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Economic, Evaluation, Traffic, Safety, Accidents, Statistical Analysis.
House Prices, Wealth Effects and Labour Supply, Richard Disney and John Gathergood,
from University of Nottingham, School of Economics
Keywords: Labour supply; Wealth effects; House prices JEL codes: E51, E52, F31, F33
What Makes Urban Schools Different?, Oecd,
from OECD Publishing
The Black-White Education-Scaled Test-Score Gap in Grades K-7, Timothy Bond and Kevin Lang,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
The Social Effects of Ethnic Diversity at the Local Level: A Natural Experiment with Exogenous Residential Allocation, Yann Algan, Camille Hemet and David Laitin,
from HAL
Keywords: diversity,public housing,neighborhood effects,living conditions
Quality of Government and the Returns of Investment: Examining the Impact of Cohesion Expenditure in European Regions, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and José Enrique Garcilazo,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: European Union, investment, quality of government, regional development and growth, regions
Turning a Shove into a Nudge? A "Labeled Cash Transfer" for Education, Najy Benhassine, Florencia Devoto, Esther Duflo, Pascaline Dupas and Victor Pouliquen,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
A guided tour to (real-life) social network elicitation, Pablo Brañas-Garza, Ramón Cobo-Reyes, Natalia Jiménez and Giovanni Ponti,
from Department of Economic Theory and Economic History of the University of Granada.
Keywords: Social Networks, Experimental Economics
Optimum congestion pricing in a complex network, Sahar Babri, David Philip McArthur, Inge Thorsen and Jan Ubøe,
from Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Business and Management Science
Keywords: Congestion pricing; complex network
The Legacy of Conflict: Regional Deprivation and School Performance in Northern Ireland, Neil Ferguson and Maren Michaelsen,
from Households in Conflict Network
Keywords: Violent Conflict, Regional Deprivation, Human Capital Accumulation, Northern Ireland
Displacement and Education of the Next Generation: Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Christoph Eder,
from Households in Conflict Network
Keywords: Displacement, Conflict, Education
European Integration and Knowledge Flows across European Regions, Riccardo Cappelli and Fabio Montobbio,
from University of Turin
Industry in the South of Italy and the crisis, Raffaello Bronzini, Luigi Cannari, Alessandra Staderini, Laura Conti, Leandro D�Aurizio, Alessandro Fabbrini, Andrea Filippone, Giuseppe Ilardi, Giovanni Iuzzolino, Pasqualino Montanaro, Marco Paccagnella, Valeria Pellegrini and Raffaele Santioni,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: industry dynamics, regional growth, agglomeration
Marshallian labor market pooling: evidence from Italy, Monica Andini, Guido de Blasio, Gilles Duranton and William Strange,
from Bank of Italy, Economic Research and International Relations Area
Keywords: local labor markets, matching, turnover, learning, hold-up, agglomeration
Endogenous Rise and Collapse of Housing Prices, Jiaqi Ge,
from Iowa State University, Department of Economics
Keywords: housing market; agent-based model; price volatility
Benchmarking urban sustainability: A Composite index for Mumbai and Bangalore, Sudhakara Reddy and P. Balachandra,
from Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, India
Keywords: Benchmarking, Gap analysis, Indicator, Sustainability, Urban
Superstition in the Housing Market, Nicole Fortin, Andrew Hill and Jeff Huang,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: housing markets efficiency, lucky Chinese numbers, superstition, immigration