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33 documents matched the search for the 2006-10-14 issue of the NEP report on Public Economics (nep-pbe), currently edited by Thomas Andrén.
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The impact of competition on productive efficiency in European railways,
Gertjan Driessen, Mark Lijesen and Machiel Mulder, from CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (2006) Downloads

Subscription equilibria with public production: Existence and regularity,
Antonio Villanacci and Ünal Zenginobuz, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2006)
Keywords: general equilibrium; public goods; subscription equilibrium; existence; generic regularity

The Effect of Spillovers on the Provision of Local Public Goods,
Francis Bloch and Ünal Zenginobuz, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2006)
Keywords: local public goods; positive spillovers; equilibrium

Corporate Tax Competition and Coordination in the European Union: What do we know? Where do we stand?,
Gaëtan Nicodème, from University Library of Munich, Germany (2006)
Keywords: European Union; corporate taxation; tax competition; tax coordination

Labor Market Shocks and Retirement: Do Government Programs Matter?,
Courtney Coile and Phillip Levine, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2006) Downloads

Federal Tax Policy Towards Energy,
Gilbert Metcalf, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2006) Downloads

Four scenarios for the future of the public sector and healthcare,
Frits Bos, Rudy Douven and Esther Mot, from CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (2004) Downloads

The Control of Politicians in Divided Societies: The Politics of Fear,
Gerard Padro i Miquel, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2006) Downloads

The standard neo-classical view on tax competition. A diagrammatic survey and some deductions for small open economies,
Ricardo Pinheiro-Alves, from Universidade da Beira Interior, Departamento de Gestão e Economia (Portugal) (2005)
Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment; Tax competition; Tax coordination; Small countries

Are Migration Policies that Induce Skilled (Unskilled) Migration Beneficial (Harmful) for the Host Country?,
Michael Michael, from CESifo (2006)
Keywords: migration policies, skilled and unskilled labour, capital mobility, welfare

Pareto-Improving Unemployment Policies,
Jörg Lingens and Klaus Wälde, from CESifo (2006)
Keywords: inequality, unemployment, taxation, policy reform

Unit Versus Ad Valorem Taxes: Monopoly In General Equilibrium,
Charles Blackorby and Sushama Murty, from University of Warwick, Department of Economics (2006)
Keywords: Ad valorem taxes ; unit taxes ; monopoly

Labour supply in presence of taxation financing public services. An experimental approach,
Guido Ortona, Stefania Ottone, Ferruccio Ponzano and Francesco Scacciati, from Institute of Public Policy and Public Choice - POLIS (2006) Downloads

Wealth Inequality: Data and Models,
Marco Cagetti and Mariacristina De Nardi, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2006) Downloads

Shadow Economies and Corruption all over the World: What do we really Know?,
Friedrich Schneider, from CESifo (2006)
Keywords: shadow economy of 145 countries, tax burden, tax moral, quality of state institutions, regulation, DYMIMIC and other estimation methods

Inheritance and Saving,
David Joulfaian, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2006) Downloads

Differential Mortality, Uncertain Medical Expenses, and the Saving of Elderly Singles,
Mariacristina De Nardi, Eric French and John Jones, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2006) Downloads

Smoking: taxing health and Social Security,
Brian S. Armour and Melinda Pitts, from Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (2006) Downloads

Human Capital and Political Business Cycles,
Akhmed Akhmedov, from Center for Economic and Financial Research (CEFIR) (2006)
Keywords: Elections, opportunistic business cycle, experience, sunk cost, Russian regions.

The interaction between tolls and capacity investment in serial and parallel transport networks,
Bruno De Borger, Dunkerley Fay and Stef Proost, from KU Leuven, Department of Economics - Research Group Energy, Transport and Environment (2006)
Keywords: congestion pricing, transport investment, transit traffic

Testing a Simple Structural Model of Endogenous Growth,
A. Patrick Minford, David Meenagh and Jiang Wang, from Centre for Dynamic Macroeconomic Analysis (2006)
Keywords: endogenous growth, taxation, business regulation, bootstrap, model validation.

The Relationship between Output and Unemployment with Efficiency Wages,
Jim Malley and Hassan Molana, from Centre for Dynamic Macroeconomic Analysis (2006)
Keywords: Efficiency wages, effort supply, Kalman filter, monopolistic competition, Okun’s law.

Optimal Fiscal Feedback on Debt in an Economy with Nominal Rigidities,
Tatiana Kirsanova and Simon Wren-Lewis, from Centre for Dynamic Macroeconomic Analysis (2006)
Keywords: Fiscal Policy, Feedback Rules, Debt, Macroeconomic Stabilisation

Asymmetric Contributions from Identical Agents in a Local Interaction Model,
Luca Corazzini, from ISLA, Centre for research on Latin American Studies and Transition Economies, Universita' Bocconi, Milano, Italy (2007)
Keywords: Local Interaction, Public Goods, Nash Equilibria.

Fiscal and social impact of a nominal exchange rate devaluation in Djibouti,
Paloma Anos Casero and Ganesh Seshan, from The World Bank (2006)
Keywords: Economic Theory&Research,Economic Stabilization,Rural Poverty Reduction,Fiscal&Monetary Policy,Macroeconomic Management

Centralized and Decentralized Management of Local Common Pool Resources in the Developing World: Experimental Evidence from Fishing Communities in Colombia,
Maria Vélez, James Murphy and John Stranlund, from University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Resource Economics (2006)
Keywords: common pool resources, experiments, institutions, communication, regulation

Within and Between Group Variation of Individual Strategies in Common Pool Resources: Evidence from Field Experiments,
Maria Vélez, James Murphy and John Stranlund, from University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Resource Economics (2006)
Keywords: common pool resources, field experiments, communication, regulation, hierarchical linear models

On the Production of Homeland Security Under True Uncertainty,
John Stranlund and Barry Field, from University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Resource Economics (2006)
Keywords: Homeland Security, Terrorism, True Uncertainty

Enforcing ‘Self-Enforcing’ International Environmental Agreements,
David McEvoy and John Stranlund, from University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Resource Economics (2006)
Keywords: International environmental agreements, self-enforcing agreements, compliance, enforcement

The Evolution of Income Concentration in Japan, 1886-2002: Evidence from Income Tax Statistics,
Chiaki Moriguchi and Emmanuel Saez, from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc (2006) Downloads

On Public Opinion Polls and Voters' Turnout,
Esteban F. Klory and Eyal Winter, from David K. Levine (2006) Downloads

Electoral Rules and Government Spending in Parliamentary Democracies,
Torsten Persson, Gérard Roland and Guido Tabellini, from David K. Levine (2006) Downloads

Taxation, entrepreneurship, and wealth,
Marco Cagetti and Mariacristina De Nardi, from Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (2006)
Keywords: Taxation; Wealth

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