Who is Who in Knowledge Economy in Africa?,
Simplice Asongu, Vanessa Tchamyou and Paul Acha-Anyi,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Knowledge economy; Benchmarks; Policy syndromes; Catch-up; Africa
Knowledge and Unanimous Acceptance of Core Payoffs: An Epistemic Foundation for Cooperative Game Theory,
Shuige Liu,
from arXiv.org
A Regional Innovation Impact Assessment Framework for universities,
Koen Jonkers, Robert Tijssen, Athina Karvounaraki and Xabier Goenaga Beldarrain,
from Joint Research Centre
Keywords: universities, higher education, innovation, performance based funding, knowledge transfer
Higher Education for Smart Specialisation Towards strategic partnerships for innovation,
John Edwards, Elisabetta Marinelli, Eskarne Arregui Pabollet and Louise Kempton,
from Joint Research Centre
Keywords: Higher Education Institutions, Smart Specialisation, Innovation
Intangible assets and value capture in global value chains: the smartphone industry,
Jason Dedrick and Kenneth L. Kraemer,
from World Intellectual Property Organization - Economics and Statistics Division
Ideas production and international knowledge spillovers: digging deeper into emerging countries,
Kul Luintel and Mosahid Khan,
from World Intellectual Property Organization - Economics and Statistics Division