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17 documents matched the search for the 2014-11-07 issue of the NEP report on Health Economics (nep-hea), currently edited by Nicolas R. Ziebarth.
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Addressing the unemployment-mortality conundrum: Non-linearity is the answer,
Giorgio Bonamore, Fabrizio Carmignani and Emilio Colombo, from University of Milano-Bicocca, Department of Economics (2014)
Keywords: unemployment, economic crisis, mortality, Europe

The Reduction of Child Mortality in the Middle East and North Africa: A Success Story,
Farrukh Iqbal and Youssouf Kiendrebeogo, from School of Business Administration, American University of Sharjah Downloads

Universal Maternal Health Coverage? Assessing the Readiness of Public Health Facilities to Provide Maternal Health Care in Indonesia,
World Bank and Indonesia National Institute of Research and Development, from The World Bank Group (2014)
Keywords: Health Monitoring and Evaluation Health, Nutrition and Population - Adolescent Health Health Systems Development and Reform Disease Control and Prevention Health, Nutrition and Population - Population Policies

The Early Impact of the Affordable Care Act State-By-State,
Amanda Kowalski, from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University (2014)
Keywords: Health reform, Adverse selection, Markups, Direct enforcement, Exchange, Community rating, Guaranteed issue

Health Risk Factors among the Older European Populations: Personal and Country Effects,
Shoshana Neuman, Tzahi Neuman and Teresa M. García-Muñoz, from Bar-Ilan University, Department of Economics (2014) Downloads

The Impact of Being Poor During Crisis on Child Health and Cognitive Development in Indonesia,
Rosy Wediawaty, from Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University (2014)
Keywords: Crisis, Child Health, Cognitive Development, Indonesia

Health Spending and Public Pension: Evidence from Panel Data,
Yonghong An, Kai Zhao and Rong Zhou, from University of Connecticut, Department of Economics (2014)
Keywords: Aggregate Health Expenditure, Public Pension, Labor Supply

Sustaining Universal Health Coverage in France: A Perpetual Challenge,
Helene Barroy, Zeynep Or, Ankit Kumar and David Bernstein, from The World Bank (2014)
Keywords: ability to pay, access to health care, access to health services, accessibility of care, acute care, alcohol consumption, alcoholism, allocative efficiency, ambulatory ... See More + care, ambulatory sector, basic health services, breast cancer, burden of disease, Cancer patients, capital income, cardiovascular diseases, care techniques, catastrophic health spending, cervical cancer, choice of provider, chronic diseases, chronically ill patients, clinical guidelines, clinical quality, clinician, clinicians, clinics, competencies, cost control, cost of health care, cost of services, cost sharing, cost-effectiveness, cost-efficiency, deaths, decision making, delivery system, dental care, Dental health, Dental health care, diabetes, diagnosis, Diagnostic services, direct costs, doctors, drug consumption, drugs, emergency care, enrollees, entitlement, expenditure control, Fee for Service, fee-for-service, financial consequences, financial impact, financial incentives, financial protection, financial resources, financing health care, Flat Rate, free choice, gambling, general practice, general practitioners, global budgets, growth of health expenditure, HEALTH CARE, health care costs, Health care delivery, health care facilities, Health Care Financing, health care needs, health care networks, health care policies, health care policy, health care professionals, health care providers, health care provision, health care resources, health care services, Health Care Spending, health care system, health care utilization, health centers, HEALTH COVERAGE, Health Economics, health expenditure, Health Expenditure by Source, health expenditure growth, HEALTH EXPENDITURES, Health Financing, HEALTH INEQUALITIES, Health Insurance, health insurance coverage, health insurance funds, health insurance markets, health insurance system, health management, health needs, Health Organization, health outcomes, health policy, health professionals, health promotion, health sector, health service, health service providers, health services, Health Specialist, HEALTH SPENDING, health status, HEALTH SYSTEM, healthcare, high blood pressure, hospital beds, Hospital care, hospital expenditure, hospital management, hospital section, HOSPITAL SECTOR, hospitalisation, hospitalization, Hospitals, Household Income, Human Development, immigrants, income, income countries, Income Distribution, income groups, Indexes, induced demand, information system, insurance contracts, insurance coverage, insurance premiums, insurers, life expectancies, life expectancy, low income, medical activities, medical care, medical devices, medical fees, medical information, medical personnel, medical staff, medication, mental illness, Ministries of Health, monitoring mechanisms, morbidity, mortality, National Health, National Health Insurance, National Health Insurance Fund, nurses, nursing, nursing homes, Nutrition, Outpatient care, patient, patient outcomes, patients, pharmaceutical companies, pharmaceutical industry, physician, physicians, physiotherapists, physiotherapy, pocket payments, poliomyelitis, pregnant women, prescription drug, prescriptions, preventive care, prices of health care, PRIMARY CARE, private clinics, private hospitals, private insurance, private sector, private sectors, Probability, psychiatrists, Public Health, public hospital, public hospital staff, public hospitals, public insurance, Public Policy, public sector, public spending, quality of care, Refugees, rehabilitation, reimbursement rates, screening, SERVICE DELIVERY, sickness funds, smoking, Social Health Insurance, social insurance, social insurance system, social security, Social Security Financing, surgery, treatments, tuberculosis, unemployment, use of health services, vaccination, visits, Workers, working conditions

A Study on the Implementation of Jampersal Policy in Indonesia,
Endang L. Achadi, Anhari Achadi, Eko Pambudi and Puti Marzoeki, from The World Bank (2014)
Keywords: access to health care, access to health services, ambulance, Anesthesia, Antenatal Care, birth attendant, birth attendants, C-section, cancer, Center for Health, Cesarean ... See More + Section, Cesarean sections, child health, child health care, child mortality, child-bearing, childbearing, childbirth, clinics, communities, community activities, competencies, complications during pregnancy, Contraception, contraceptives, delivery care, delivery complications, DESCRIPTION, Development Planning, diseases, districts, doctor, doctors, drugs, educated women, elderly, emergency care, exposure to information, families, family members, Family Planning, family planning services, Family Welfare, financial management, first pregnancy, focus group discussions, general practitioners, government support, gynecology, health care, health care facilities, health centers, Health Facilities, Health Financing, Health Insurance, Health Organization, health professional, health providers, Health Research, health risks, health sector, Health Service, health service delivery, Health Service Provision, Health Services, health system, Home Affairs, home deliveries, home visits, Hospital, hospital beds, hospital management, hospital patients, hospital services, hospitals, Households, housing, Human Development, Human Resources, illiteracy, illiteracy rate, illness, immunization, income, indexes, insurance schemes, Intrauterine device, IUD, labor market, lack of knowledge, life expectancy, live births, local governments, low birth weight, marketing, mass media, maternal care, Maternal deaths, Maternal Health, Maternal Health Services, Maternal Mortality, Maternal Mortality Ratio, Maternity Care, medical staff, medical treatment, medicine, midwife, midwifery, Midwives, Military hospitals, military personnel, Millennium Development Goals, Ministry of Health, morbidity, Mortality, Mother, mothers, Multiple pregnancies, National Development, National Health Insurance, national level, neonatal care, neonatal conditions, neonatal health, newborn, newborn health, newborns, Nurses, Nutrition, obstetric complications, occupancy, occupancy rates, Occupation, patient, patient care, patients, Pharmacists, PHO, physicians, pills, policy decisions, Policy Formulation, political support, Postnatal Care, postpartum care, PPM, pregnancies, pregnancy, pregnancy complications, pregnant women, Primary Care, primary school, Probability, progress, Provider Payment, Public Health, public hospitals, qualitative approach, quality assurance, quality of care, reducing maternal mortality, referral services, referral system, rural area, rural areas, school years, secondary school, secondary schools, service delivery, service delivery points, service provider, service providers, Service Provision, service quality, service utilization, Skilled birth attendance, skilled birth attendants, Social Health Insurance, Socialization, Socioeconomic Status, Specialist, specialists, Spouse, surgery, Sustainable Development, traditional birth attendants, transportation, UNFPA, United Nations Population Fund, urban area, urban areas, vaginal delivery, villages, woman, women of child-bearing age, women of childbearing age, workers

Turkey on the Way of Universal Health Coverage Through the Health Transformation Program (2003-2013),
Meltem Aran and Claudia Rokx, from The World Bank (2014)
Keywords: access to health care, access to health care services, access to health services, administrative control, allocative efficiency, antenatal care, Capita Health Expenditure ... See More + child mortality, Childbirth, citizen, citizens, communicable diseases, deaths, Debt, delivery system, demand for health, demand for health services, doctors, Economic growth, economic resources, emergency vehicles, Employment, expenditures, financial protection, financing of health care, focus group discussions, fragmented financing system, General practitioners, Health Affairs, health care, Health Care Costs, health care delivery, health care expenditures, health care facilities, health care providers, health care sector, health care services, health care system, health centers, HEALTH COVERAGE, Health Data, health delivery, health delivery system, Health Expenditure, Health expenditure growth, Health Expenditure per capita, health expenditures, Health facilities, health finance, health financing, health financing system, health indicators, health infrastructure, health insurance, health insurance scheme, Health Insurance System, Health Organization, health outcomes, Health Planning, Health Policy, health posts, health professionals, Health Project, health reform, health reforms, health risks, health sector, health sector reform, health sector workers, health services, health spending, Health status, health status indicators, health supply, health system, Health System Efficiency, Health Systems, Health Systems in Transition, health workers, health workforce, Health-Care, Health-Care System, Health-Financing, Healthcare Spending, hospital autonomy, hospital beds, Hospital management, Hospital Sector, hospitals, HR, human development, human resources, illness, Immunization, income, income countries, income households, individual health, induced demand, infant, infant mortality, infant mortality rate, inservice training, insurance, insurance coverage, insurance schemes, integration, labor market, level of health spending, life =expectancy, life expectancy, life expectancy at birth, live births, local authorities, maternal health, maternal health services, medical centers, Medical Policy, medical school, medical specialties, medicines, Midwives, Ministry of Health, morbidity, mortality, National Health, National Health Insurance, National Health Policy, Newborn Health, nurses, Nutrition, old system, outpatient services, paradigm shift, paramedics, parliamentary seats, party platform, patient, patient care, Patient Cost, patient satisfaction, patients, pharmaceutical expenditures, pharmacists, pharmacy, physician, physicians, pocket payments, policy change, policy decisions, policy goals, policy makers, Policy Research, political power, political turmoil, popular support, Pregnancy, pregnant women, prescription drugs, preventive health services, primary care, primary health care, primary health care facilities, private insurance, private pharmacies, private sector, private sectors, professional associations, progress, provision of health care, Public Expenditure, public health, public health care, public health expenditures, public health system, Public Hospital, Public Hospitals, public providers, public sector, public service, public support, purchaser-provider split, purchasing power, purchasing power parity, quality assurance, quality of care, quality of services, rural areas, scientific evidence, series of meetings, service delivery, service provider, service provision, service quality, service utilization, Social Insurance, Social Policy, Social Security, social security schemes, socioeconomic development, socioeconomic status, State Planning, supply of health care, Sustainable Development, Trade Unions, Under-five mortality, urban centers, workers

Vietnam: Learning from Smart Reforms on the Road to Universal Health Coverage,
Helene Barroy, Eva Jarawan and Sarah Bales, from The World Bank (2014)
Keywords: ability to pay, access to health care, access to health services, access to services, Administrative costs, aging, antenatal care, artificial limbs, basic health care ... See More + blood pressure, blood tests, Budget Law, cancer, capitation, capitation payment, capitation system, Catastrophic Health Expenditure, catastrophic health spending, central budget, child health, child health services, citizens, clean water, Clinical laboratory, Clinical practice, communicable diseases, contribution rate, contribution rates, cost control, cost sharing, cost-effectiveness, costs of care, curative health care, debt, delivery system, demand for services, Dental care, developing countries, development plans, diabetes, Dialysis, disabilities, disadvantaged groups, disease control, drug list, drugs, early detection, economic growth, Emergency services, employment, entitlement, epidemics, expenditures, families, Family Planning, Fee for Service, fee schedule, financial incentives, financial protection, financial resources, Financial Risk, food safety, global effort, health care, health care costs, health care coverage, Health Care Financing, Health Care Provider, health care services, health care system, Health Care Systems, health centers, HEALTH COVERAGE, health expenditure, Health Expenditures, health facilities, health financing, health financing system, Health Insurance, health insurance funds, Health Insurance Program, health insurance scheme, Health Organization, health outcomes, Health Policy, health professionals, health promotion, Health Purchaser, health reforms, health risks, Health sector, health service, health service delivery, health services, Health Specialist, health spending share, Health Strategy, health system, health system performance, health system reform, Health Systems, health workers, health workforce, Healthcare, Healthcare System, hearing aids, hepatitis B, HIV/AIDS, hospital autonomy, hospital services, hospitals, household expenditure, human resources, hypertension, Immunization, incidence analysis, income, income countries, income elasticity, income groups, induced demand, infant, infant mortality, infectious disease control, infectious diseases, Informal Payments, informal sector, injuries, inpatient admission, inpatient hospital, inpatient hospital services, insurance package, insurance premiums, insurance schemes, Integration, laws, leprosy, live births, living standards, long-term care, medical care, medical care costs, medical costs, medical doctors, medical education, medical equipment, medical examination, Medical Goods, medical services, medical technologies, medical training, medicines, mental illness, Ministry of Health, morbidity, mortality, national development, national Health, national Health Insurance, national policies, nurses, nursing, Nutrition, Outpatient services, patient, patient demand, patients, pediatrics, pharmacists, physician, physicians, Policy Process, Policy Research, population groups, preventive care, preventive health care, primary care, private sector, private services, Private Spending, progress, Prostitution, Provider Payment, Public Expenditure, Public Health, public health programs, Public Health Spending, Public Hospital, public hospitals, Public Policy, public sector, public spending, purchaser-provider split, quality of care, quality of health, quality of health care, Referrals, rehabilitation, reproductive health, Resource Allocation, risk adjustment, screening, smoking, Social Affairs, Social Health Insurance, social insurance, social mobilization, Social Security, social security benefits, social welfare, Sustainable Development, tuberculosis, under-five mortality, universal health insurance coverage, use of health services, vaccination, visits, workers, World Health Organization

How to reform western care payment systems according to physicians, policy makers, healthcare executives and researchers: A discrete choice experiment,
Roselinde Kessels, Pieter van Herck, Eline Dancet, Lieven Annemans and Walter Sermeus, from University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics (2014)
Keywords: Healthcare payment systems, Healthcare performance objectives, Physician incentive structures, Health policy reform, Discrete choice experiment

Long term care and capital accumulation: the impact of the State, the market and the family,
Chiara Canta, Pierre Pestieau and Emmanuel Thibault, from Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) (2014) Downloads

Illness and Health Satisfaction: The Role of Relative Comparisons,
Lars Thiel, from DIW Berlin, The German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) (2014)
Keywords: Health satisfaction, physical illness, social status, social norms, social comparisons

The Impact of Displacement on Child Health: Evidence from Colombia's DHS 2010,
Nina Wald, from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research (2014)
Keywords: Child Health, Displacement, Armed Conflict, Colombia, Propensity Score Matching

Modelling the Age Dynamics of Chronic Health Conditions: Life-Table-Consistent Transition Probabilities and their Application,
Frank T. Denton and Byron Spencer, from McMaster University (2014)
Keywords: chronic health conditions, transition probabilities, age dynamics

Transition to Modern Growth: the Role of Technological Progress and Adult Mortality,
Davide Fiaschi and Tamara Fioroni, from Dipartimento di Economia e Management (DEM), University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy (2014)
Keywords: Unified Growth Theory, Human Capital, Adult mortality, Nonlinear Dynamics, Endogenous Fertility, Industrial Revolution.

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