21 documents matched the search for the 2014-01-24 issue of the NEP report on Central Banking (nep-cba), currently edited by Sergey E. Pekarski.
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Capital adequacy tests and limited liability of financial institutions, Pablo Koch-Medina, Santiago Moreno-Bromberg and Cosimo Munari,
from arXiv.org
The financial sector and economic growth in a panel of countries, Klaus Gründler and Jan Weitzel,
from Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, Chair of Economic Order and Social Policy
Keywords: Economic Growth, Financial Sector
Basel Norms and Analysis of Banking Risks; Performance and Future Prospects, Poonam Bisht,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Credit risks, Market risks, Operational risks, Basel II, Basel III
A Note on Differential Asymmetric Effects of Money Supply and Policy Rate Shocks in India, Jeevan Khundrakpam,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Monetary Policy, Asymmetry, Inflation, Policy Rate
The Conservativeness of the Central Bank when Institutional Quality is Poor, Montserrat Ferré Carracedo, Judit Garcia Fortuny and Carolina Manzano,
from Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Department of Economics
Keywords: Economia del benestar, Corrupció, Bancs centrals, Política monetària, Política fiscal, 336 - Finances. Banca. Moneda. Borsa,
Comparing U.S. and European Market Volatility Responses to Interest Rate Policy Announcements, Kevin Krieger, Nathan Mauck and Joseph Vasquez,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: FOMC, ECB, VIX, VDAX, Monetary policy, Volatility spillover
Understanding the gains from wage flexibility: The exchange rate connection, Jordi Galí and Tommaso Monacelli,
from Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Keywords: sticky wages, nominal rigidities, New Keynesian model, stabilization policies, exchange rate policy, currency unions, monetary policy rules.
Contextualizing Systemic Risk, Lukas Scheffknecht,
from ROME Network
Keywords: Systemic Risk, Systemic Externalities, Macroprudential Regulation, Basel III
Welfare Reversals in a Monetary Union, Stéphane Auray and Aurélien Eyquem,
from HAL
Keywords: Monetary Union,Financial Markets Incompleteness,Sticky Prices,Fiscal and Monetary Policy
Does it Take Two to Tango? Improving Cooperation between the IMF and the World Bank: Theory and Empirical Evidence, Silvia Marchesi and Laura Sabani,
from Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano, University of Milano
Keywords: IMF and WB conditionality, coordination, communication
Reactions to Shocks and Monetary Policy Regimes: Inflation Targeting Versus Flexible Currency Board in Ghana, South Africa and the WAEMU, Fadia Al Hajj, Gilles Dufrénot, Kimiko Sugimoto and Romain Wolf,
from William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan
Keywords: inflation target, currency board, African countries
Real Output and Prices Adjustments Under Different Exchange Rate Regimes, Rajmund Mirdala,
from William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan
Keywords: exchange rate volatility, economic growth, economic crisis, vector autoregression, variance decomposition, impulse-response function
Financial sector policy in practice: benchmarking financial sector strategies around the world, Samuel Munzele Maimbo and Martin Melecký,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Emerging Markets,Banks&Banking Reform,Economic Theory&Research,Public Sector Corruption&Anticorruption Measures,Debt Markets
Observations on the Centennial of the Federal Reserve System The Philadelphia Fed Policy Forum: \"The History of Central Banking in the United States,\" December 6, 2013, Charles Plosser,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Keywords: Centennial
The perils of nominal targets, Roc Armenter,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Keywords: Nominal targets; Monetary authority; Markov equilibria
Debt Dynamics and Monetary Policy: A Note, Stefan Laséen and Ingvar Strid,
from Sveriges Riksbank (Central Bank of Sweden)
Keywords: House prices; Mortgage Debt; Monetary policy; Bayesian Estimation; Structural VAR
Recovery from Financial Crises: Evidence from 100 Episodes, Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Exchange Rates and Fundamentals:Closing a Two-country Model, Takashi Kano,
from University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Economics
Keywords: Exchange rates; Present-value model; Economic fundamentals; Random walk; Two- country model; Incomplete markets; Cointegrated TFPs; Debt elastic risk premium.
Financial Crisis Resolution and Federal Reserve Governance: Economic Thought and Political Realities, Bernard Shull,
from Levy Economics Institute
Keywords: Central Banks; Federal Reserve; Governance
Inflation, structural change and conflict in post-disinflation Brazil: a structuralist appraisal, André Roncaglia de Carvalho,
from University of São Paulo (FEA-USP)
Keywords: inflation inertia; structural change; conflicting claims; Real plan; Brazil