Promouvoir le développement de clusters de tourisme au Maroc,
from OECD Publishing
The Nexus between Industrial Exports and Economic Growth in Tunisia: Empirical Analysis,
Sayef Bakari, Mohamed Mabrouki and Asma Elmakki,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Industrial Export, Economic Growth, Cointegration, VECM, Causality, Tunisia.
أثر النفقات اللوجستية على نفاذ الصادرات المصرية إلى دول حوض النيل,
Saber Shaker,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Logistics Costs – Nile Basin – Panel Data – Egyptian exports.
The study of valuation variance in new global markets - Dubai, United Arab Emirates,
Michael Waters, Neil Dunse and Colin Jones,
from European Real Estate Society (ERES)
Keywords: Real Estate; Valuation; variance